View Full Version : I got a raise today

10-10-2009, 07:59 PM
Went to work today, busy day but all ran smoothly. Recieved a phone call from the lady in charge ( I work for two Dr.s') they were giving me a raise. :eek::D
How neat! I didn't even ask for one. She said it was for all my hard work. I am so excited. It's nice to be noticed for working hard and going the extra mile.
I do extra things at the office. I bake cookies for everyone, I make cakes on days when we work extra late, I make sure the boss has fresh coffee and lunch or dinner. Just little things but it makes the day nice for everyone.
I do have to say that I love my boss, he is such a sweetheart, both Drs' are but the main one is just wonderful and one of the most talented Drs any where. He does surgeries that no one else can. I also like everyone I work with, it's a fun, intelligent and hard working bunch.
So what am I going to do with this windfall? I am going to the art show at Crocker Park tomorrow and buying myself something shiny and sparkly. I love jewerly, maybe a new purse as well. :D I could always spend it on bills but I got this raise because of my hard work so I am going to use it on myself.

Edwina's Secretary
10-10-2009, 08:28 PM
The best kind of raise is the one you don't have to ask for!


10-10-2009, 11:14 PM
Congratulations! Well done. Working in a great environment is very important. I grouse sometimes but I always count my blessings. I love my boss and she called the other day to say she pitched a raise for me and got shot down. I understand but really appreciate that she goes to bat for me. :love: Without my asking. :)

10-11-2009, 10:52 AM
Congratulations :) It is great to have your efforts rewarded.

10-11-2009, 10:53 AM
Yay, yay! Congratulations, Marigold!

10-11-2009, 05:34 PM
Congratulations, and well done! That's fantastic.

10-11-2009, 07:16 PM
Thank you everyone. I bought myself a pair of silver earrings. A wolf howling at the moon. They are perfect.