View Full Version : Cam likes veggies

10-10-2009, 03:45 PM
Cam seems to really enjoy veggies!
I know cats are suppose to have more meat in their diet then a dog, so why does she eat so many veggies?

I give her a spoon full of the veggies I make for her & Digi & she goggles it up + her meat. But she'll go to Digi's dish & will start to eat Digi's veggies (which Digi doesn't approve of lol)..

Her stools look fine to me, & she seems to be in good health. She has a large bowl full of dry kibble she munches on.

Is there a reason shes eating a lot of veggies?

10-10-2009, 05:39 PM
Not really as some Cats do like Veggies!
I know Several Found Cats and Awesome Angels like potatoes , corn , and will lap at vegetable soup!!!
In the wild I believe that Cats will eat vegetation if game is not readily avaialble.

10-10-2009, 05:46 PM
Not really as some Cats do like Veggies!
I know Several Found Cats and Awesome Angels like potatoes , corn , and will lap at vegetable soup!!!
In the wild I believe that Cats will eat vegetation if game is not readily avaialble.

I gave Digi some raw veggies as a treat as she was being good while I was cooking the duck. Digi can be a messy eater but she's good at cleaning up after herself. This time Cam was cleaning up after her hehehe :D :D :D

I'm glad to know that Cam liking veggies isn't anything to worry about. Digi loves the veggies I make them too. TO me it smells really good, but I wont eat it cause I have it in my mind that it's dog/cat food LOL

10-10-2009, 06:19 PM
Maybe she's craving some greens in her diet. Have you ever tried buying her some wheat grass to nibble on? You can buy it at most health food stores, some grocery stores, and of course pet stores.

I still remember how shocked I was when I was eating a vegetarian pizza and I walked away from it to get a drink. I came back to see my RB Starr running off with a piece of broccoli. My Storm also ate some acorn squash once by mistake. He made the funniest face while he was swallowing it so I don't think that he really enjoyed it.

10-10-2009, 08:33 PM
My Mac shares my bunny's greens with her. Hay, brocolli, parsley, they both eat together. They are closer than Mac is with my other cat, Ming. That cat and that bunny are BFFs!

10-11-2009, 11:50 AM
Thanks everyone

I'll start giving her 2 spoonfuls of veggies/day. There are lots of greens in the veggies I make for Digi & Cam.

I think I'll stay away from the cat grass because I'm trying to teach Cam NOT to play with my plants, & I think the cat grass will undo my training.

10-14-2009, 03:32 PM
Some do like thier veg's. Our Patches went nuts for string beans, her sister at the time Missy loved corn and watermellon. Right now I have 2 ( Lucky, Egypt) like BBQ potato chips, but only Lays they don't like Wise. Roscoe only likes Cheetos.