View Full Version : Test Your Dog's IQ!!

10-06-2002, 12:39 PM
Hi I got this test from Petcenter.com, and it tests the intellegence of a dog. Lady got a 12, so that was pretty good!! How will your dog do??

Your dog should be at least a year old before testing him. Treat the exam as a game, so he wants to do it. Each test scores up to three points – but there are bonus points.

1. On a day you normally don’t walk the dog, quietly pick up your keys, and his leash (and whatever else you usually take with you) while he’s watching. If he gets excited, score 3. If you have to walk to the door before he knows it is time to go out, score 2. If he sits there with a confused look on his face, give him 1 point.

Bonus points: If your dog typically lets YOU know when he has to go to the bathroom – by bringing you his leash, for instance – score 2 extra points for a total of 5 points. If he’s mastered the toilet, stop the test. Your dog is a canine version of a brain surgeon.

2. With your dog out of the room, rearrange the furniture. If he goes directly to his favorite spot on the couch – the one with his impression in the cushion – give him 3 points. If he investigates the room and finds his favorite spot within 30 seconds, give him 2 points. If he settles for a less comfortable place because he’s just too lazy to make the effort, score 1 point.

3. Take a large towel and gently throw it over your dog’s head. If he manages to extricate himself within 1 to 15 seconds, score 3 points. If it takes 15 to 30 seconds, score 2. If he walks around with it all day, bumping into things, score 1.

Bonus points: If your dog walks around all day with his head covered by the towel and NEVER bumps into anything, give him an extra point. Subtract points from yourself for being so mean as to let your dog go around with a towel on his head.

4. Now we’re going to test problem-solving ability. With your dog watching, put a treat under a table or chair low enough so your dog can only fit a paw, not his head. If your dog reaches under with a paw and gets the treat within 1 minute, score 3 points. If he uses his muzzle and his paws, score 2 points, whether he gets the treat or not (at least he’s trying). If he gives up after using just his muzzle, score 1 point.

Bonus points: If your dog looks at the treat, then at you, then at the treat again, then at you again, score 5 total points. He knows if he looks at you mournfully long enough, you’re going to reach under that nasty furniture and get it for him.

5. Another problem-solving test. Construct a barrier from cardboard. The barrier should be higher than your dog when he’s on two legs. Attach two boxes to either side as support structures. The entire barrier should be about 5 feet wide. Cut a 3-inch-wide rectangular aperture in the center of the barrier. The aperture should run from about 4-inches from the top to about 4-inches from the bottom.

Give yourself 10 points – those were pretty complicated directions! As for the dog, show him a treat from the other side of the barrier. If he walks around the barrier within 30 seconds, give him 3 points. If he goes around the barrier between 30 seconds and a minute, give him 2 points. If he gets his head stuck in the aperture, give him 1 point for trying.

Bonus points: If he goes to someone else in the house and gets a treat, give him 3 points – he knows how to get the goodies.

Rating His Intelligence

16 points or higher: Your dog puts Lassie to shame. You should hope to be so smart!

13 to 16 points: Well above average. He isn’t going to be designing missiles, but he knows how to get what he wants.

9 to 12 points: Okay, Fido isn’t exactly setting the world on fire with brilliance, but he’s no slouch. Your dog is comfortably in the middle.

5 to 8 points: Below average is no big deal. A lot of U.S. presidents scored below average too.

1 to 4 points: Definitely not the brightest bulb, but so what? With a dog as cute as yours, who needs smarts?

Less than 1 point: Check for breathing.

10-06-2002, 01:04 PM
Josie got 13. I won't bother with Zeke for now, lol he hasn't been living with us long enough yet ;D

10-06-2002, 02:18 PM
Simba got 16.

10-06-2002, 03:11 PM
I'm gonna send this to my brothers, see how their respective dogs do! Miss Hoppy, of course, will have nothing to do with a dog intelligence test. No one does an intelligence test for bunnies because we ALL know they're just naturally smart, right? ;)

10-07-2002, 02:26 PM
Ginger gets a 12 and Ruff got a 10.