View Full Version : What is your favorite names ever??

M&M's Mommy
10-07-2009, 07:47 PM
Ever since I announced my pregnancy, the two questions I've been asked most frequently are "Is it a boy or a girl?" and "Do you have any name picked out yet?"

The answer to the first question is easy. We'll find that out soon enough. But for the second question, I don't really have any inkling toward any English/American names yet. The Vietnamese names will be Thien-An (if it's a boy) which means "Blessing from Heaven" & Bao-An (for a girl), meaning "Most precious blessing" - for that is exactly what this baby means to us!

All I know is that I want to give him/her a normal, meaningful is a plus, but not too common name, so that there won't be 4 or 5 kids with the same name on his/her class, but it's not too unique/strange that can cause him/her being picked on by his/her peers.

Since their Vietnamese name starts with the letter A, it'll be great if their English names can also start with A. This way, he/she would have the same initial AHN

Any suggestions? Do you mind sharing a few of your all-time favorite names with us? It can be anything, doesn't necessarily have to start with A One for boy & one for girl, please?

10-07-2009, 07:50 PM
My two favorite names are the ones I picked for my children Nina Adriana for a girl and Nicholas Alexander for a boy.

10-07-2009, 07:59 PM
for girls I like Makenzie, Peyton and Jade

for boys I like Gabe, Alan and Christopher...

10-07-2009, 08:59 PM
My fave names are Layla, Beth for a girl. Daniel for a boy. it doesn't match your desired letters, but since I'm too ancient for kids, those are the names I would have used. I love the Vietnamese names you chose. One of my BFF's is Asian and chose an Anglo first name and Chinese middle name for her daughter. I think it's beautiful.

10-07-2009, 10:03 PM
Avery is a pretty name for a girl. My cousin is Ahren and it, also, is a pretty name for a boy.

Best of luck to you and enjoy your pregnancy :) Can't wait to meet the little one!

10-07-2009, 10:26 PM
Girl "A" names - Analiese or Annaleis (Anna-lees is how it's pronounced) - means grace and favor, Adrienne (rich, wealthy, dark one - our Aunt Adrienne was petite, dark French Canadian lady, a teacher and a good, honest and true-hearted person though never wealthy), Adelle (noble kind, adorned)

Boy "A" names, there's always Andrew, Anton or Anthony, Alexander - lots of "An" boy names!

10-07-2009, 10:38 PM
I vote Andrew for a boy.

For a girl, I also like Avery - also Annabelle, Anne, Abigail, Alison (Allison, Allyson), Alice.

10-07-2009, 10:50 PM
GRILS Morgan, Libby, Avery, Laura, Cassidy, Aimee, Ainsley, Alexa, Allison, Jaqueline, Haley, Camryn, Madison, Madilyn, Peyton, Paige, Kaylee, Leah, Kayla, Kayln, Krysten, Crystal

BOYS Jayden, Jaxon, Logan, Ryan, Kyle, Aiden, Camryn, Nathan, Stephen, Nicholas, Alex, Peter, Daniel, Benjamin, Seth

I obviously have more for girls... haha

10-08-2009, 10:29 AM
I like Olivia, Sydney and Emily for girls.

I just met someone named Carter; I liked it. Can be a boy or girl name.

My next boy dog will be Peyton but that's all because I'm a colts fan :)

10-08-2009, 12:38 PM
My next boy dog will be Peyton but that's all because I'm a colts fan :)

I have a friend that named her son Peyton. She was upset with me for naming my dog Zoee because she wants to name a girl that. I told her she still can. LOL

"A" names I like are:
Girl: Avery, Ainsley, Aubrey

Boy: Andrew, Aaron (my grandfathers name:)), Alex(ander)

I can't wait to find out what you are having and to see the little person. :)