View Full Version : Brandon/Layton update

Laura's Babies
10-06-2009, 07:48 AM
First, Thanks Catty for reminding me about this..

Brandon and Jessica recently took a trip to California to visit her Grandmother. He took all his medical records with him (or a copy) that his Mom keeps just in case anything happened while they were gone. Layton went ahead of them a week earlier with Jessica's sister. Somewhere on their trip, the law stopped them I forget for what or how it all came about but the policeman asked if they had any drugs in the car and Jessica told them they did.. (Remember, he is on wacky weed pills for the nausea from the chemo) They searched the car and wanted to know WHY he had those pills and Jessica had to explain the situation and she got terribly upset and was bawling as she told them... (Reckon that policeman got a lot more than he bargained for and didn't realize what a can of worms he had opened) I think she even showed his medical records for proof as she told the man that THIS was the first trip and possible the last trip that Brandon had made since this all began and the whole trip had been riddled with nothing but problems.. (the car broke down).. Anyway, in the end, they got to make a the trip and are back home safely.

Sis said he is now getting disability but that has caused a major problem. His income is now to high for him to have the state medical insurance! They are trying to work on that and see what can be done.

Oh, and they also put a shunt in.. Don't remember if I told you or not (think I did) that the tumor on his brain stem now has a cyst on it.. If it ruptured he would end up having to have emergency surgery so the shunt was put in so it could drain should it rupture.

Now, anyone want to guess who THIS little guy is? Get ready to be blown away!

Yes! That is little (?) Layton!

10-06-2009, 09:13 AM
OH my gosh! I gasped when I saw Layton's picture. He's so big!!! And just as cute as ever.

I'm sorry they had so many difficulties on their trip to California. But I'm glad they got to go visit family.

Its strange, but I feel like I know them personally even though I've never met them, or you. :)

10-06-2009, 10:56 AM
:eek: OMG is this wittle Layton?? Boy Howdy such a Bigg Handsome Boy.. Just look at those eye lashess..

I sure hope that cop felt bad & backed off from the kids.. I do hope their trip ended up a very nice one..

Laura's Babies
10-06-2009, 12:18 PM
Jessica posted on her My Sapce page that he is still in California and she is going nuts missing him. I didn't know he stayed in California...

I am leaving shortly to go back to work but have the notification thing set to notify me when anyone responds and I will see it when I get back.. BYE FOLKS.... BYE, I am fixing to shut the computer down..

10-06-2009, 04:17 PM
:) Dang Laura is it already that time again.. I thought you just got home a couple of weeks ago.. Ok bye for now & Have a Safe Working Trip & see ya back home soon..
Jessica posted on her My Sapce page that he is still in California and she is going nuts missing him. I didn't know he stayed in California...

I am leaving shortly to go back to work but have the notification thing set to notify me when anyone responds and I will see it when I get back.. BYE FOLKS.... BYE, I am fixing to shut the computer down..

10-06-2009, 07:15 PM
Oh, my, Layton! What a big, handsome boy is RIGHT!

11-21-2009, 08:24 PM
Laura, how are Brandon, Layton and Jessica doing?

Lilith Cherry
11-21-2009, 08:37 PM
Oh so many prayers and good thoughts for all of them. We remember them every day in our prayers!

Laura's Babies
11-21-2009, 11:33 PM
SO glad you asked cassiesmom, I been saving this picture to post before I leave for work. Layton's Christmas picture!


Right now he has a cold and today, they are moving today into a new place. Things are going right along for them, no emergencies or anything, everyone is doing good right now. Next month will be a year that Brandon's crisis happened and he got that awful diagnoses.. So far, so good, so far! Keep remembering him in your prayers please...

11-22-2009, 12:29 AM
What a handsome young man he's becoming! Great picture, and a happy boy. Thanks for sharing with us, let's hope this is just the first of many happy Christmastimes for the little family!

11-22-2009, 06:00 AM
I always remember them in my prayers. Not a day goes by that I don't think of all of them. This should be a wonderful Thanksgiving for you all. Layton looks so big and healthy!

Safe journey for you, Laura. :love:

Laura's Babies
11-22-2009, 08:55 AM
Thanks Medusa. I go back to work December 2nd and this time, I will be gone for 5 weeks. When I get off in January, I will be off 5 weeks.. We are having to move crew change away from the Christmas-New Years holidays again since the office only handles emergencies over the holidays and no normal crew changes are done during that time.

Yes, I work Christmas this year. (I don't mind at all though)

11-22-2009, 11:15 AM
You have my prayers that all good things will continue for this wonderful little family. What a beautiful child!

We will miss you - five weeks away is a long time and I always look forward to your posts.

Be safe and well - and an early Merry Christmas to you.:love: