View Full Version : LOTS of Mikey pics!

10-05-2009, 07:42 PM
I haven't updated you guys very much on my handsome man! As of yesterday, he's been here a week. He's improved so much already, aside from the occasional stealing things he has been such a good dog. No more accidents in the house since I last posted about it :D and we're taking him to obedience training starting later in the month. He has his first groomer's appointment on Wednesday, we still have yet to try the doggy seatbelt we got. :p But anyway, things are going pretty well for us. Meanwhile, I am in love with this dog, he's a nutcase, but I just love my wittle wubby face :love: Now onto the pics!!

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v708/bobbernut/mikey049.jpgI can has toy? I told you he was a goof.
My handsome sleepy boy =)
He fell asleep like this.:rolleyes:
Sitting by the door to go potty..or just wanting to play?
He doesn't really look like a pug, but in some pics you can see it alot. He has huge pug eyes lol.

10-05-2009, 07:47 PM
In my room, probably scheming something.
uhhhhhhhhhhhh?? I know I'm handsome, so why are you still staring?

I_luv_rusty got a new camera(DSLR) and wanted Mikey to be a subject, I liked the pics she got, but he was moving around alot. :o
Sister. I love this pic. :D

10-05-2009, 07:50 PM
These three are from today. We got a tie-out for him since our fence is so old and there's alot of places int he yard a doggy shouldn't go.
My flippy!
Close up
Looking at an airplane, he loves them. :rolleyes:

[the end]


Here's an additional video of him barking! haha he has the funniest bark.

10-05-2009, 07:55 PM
Yay! Mikey pics! :D He is such a cutie! I'm glad things are going well. I'm so happy for you Alyssa!:)

10-05-2009, 08:10 PM
He is so cute! It's so funny how in the different pictures you can see the different breeds. In one picture he has the jowel of a Boxer (I know he's not Boxer). LOL

I am so glad he is doing so much better. Woo hoo!! Way to go Mikey!! :D :D

10-05-2009, 08:31 PM
Oh he is such a sweetheart and I absolutely LOVE the video!!!

10-05-2009, 08:35 PM
What a doll! :love: He looks so happy. :D

10-05-2009, 10:58 PM
He's adorable!! So what kind is he? I know you said he has some pug in him...

10-05-2009, 11:18 PM
The close up photo is a keeper! You should make a poster out of it and hang it up! Mikey is SO handsome and adorable! I'm so happy he's adjusting and that you've fallen in love with him. If my old memory serves me correctly..doesn't Mikey have a birthday coming up? Or did I miss it? :rolleyes:

10-06-2009, 12:19 AM
Lol his face is so expressive, you can make him "say" so many things. Lol My fave pic is the first one. :) He's so funny (not looking lol ) But you can almost tell what he's thinking. hah

Daisy and Delilah
10-06-2009, 07:49 PM
That is one cute doggie!! I can see the Pug in him and it's adorable. He has the cutest face. I'm happy for you too, Alyssa. He is a lucky boy to have such a loving Mom.:D

10-06-2009, 08:53 PM
So... is he a Puggle? He sure looks like a Beagle/Pug. I've seen a lot of them and they are usually more of the overall Pug tan color, but I have seen some that have the black & tan of Beagles. And his floppy ears and eyes remind me of a Beagle.

10-06-2009, 09:13 PM
Thanks guys! I feel guilty calling him a "puggle" because it's really not a breed, but I can't help it. The word is adorable, and I feel better knowing I didn't buy him from a breeder. Yes, he is a Pug/Beagle mix. He has an odd look to him, alot of pug beagle crosses are tan with a black muzzle and a flatter muzzle. He seems to have gotten most of the beagle genes. Personally I don't care, he's the best dog in the world. :D His birthday was last tuesday actually, I know I didn't make a thread :o I'm a bad mommy. I have more pics, we had another photoshoot today it was a little better with more pics haha:
Love this one SO much!
haha peek-a-boo
Underbite :love:
I sniff your poop bags.

10-07-2009, 02:28 PM
Alyssa he is SO HANDSOME! Mikey sure is in the best possible home.:)

"The word is adorable, and I feel better knowing I didn't buy him from a breeder."
You should feel sooo good that you didn't get him from a breeder- way to go!!!;)

10-07-2009, 08:23 PM
He peed on the couch today, I do blame myself for not taking him out, but I really jinxed it! He was doing so well! PLEASE pray this stops :(

10-07-2009, 08:39 PM
A... i just have to say this.... I swear..you look a lot like me when I was in your age. I hope I can find a pic to prove it. Needless to say.. cute and adorable!! :D:D

Mikey's underbite is exactly like my niece's neighbor's puggle! I didn't mention it earlier necause I didn't know if was a normal thing, but it is so adorable. Mikey's beagle is more prevalent than her neighbor's dog...Rats!..name escapes me..oldtimers...:(

I'm so happy you're happy! I worship and love Logan but I often call her Cody. :o Yay that you let Mikey into your heart. i always say the heart is bigger than we think 'cause it lets us absorb so much love. :love::love::love::love::love: