View Full Version : Auction for an Angel...the good in people...

10-05-2009, 03:42 PM
On August 1st in Calgary, Michelle and her brother, mom, dad and uncle were walking in downtown Calgary. A huge gust of wind blew sheet metal from the top of a building under construction. Literally before the uncle finished shouting "Look out!", it was over. Michelle was killed instantly - her father and brother injured. Michelle would have been 4 years old on August 7. An artist from our business network (Cochrane Business Network on Facebook) was so struck that he created a painting of the little girl and gave it to her family.... He had another painting of Chief Sitting Eagle that he was ready to donate to the fundraiser that was sure to follow - but none did. The CBN got one going - and the generous people of Cochrane and Calgary poured out their hearts and donations. About $25,000 was raised for them.



I was a small part of this - got a couple of donations and played piano before dinner.

Pics are attached.

10-05-2009, 04:24 PM
Oh, my God, what a horrible, awful thing to happen. I can't even begin to imagine how dreadful that all must be for Michelle's family to be going through.

My very deepest sympathy and prayers and comforting wishes to that poor bereaved family and all the others who know and love Michelle.

That's very heartwarming and reassuring to read about your fundraiser, Candace. Thank you, and God bless you and your Business Network.

Laura's Babies
10-05-2009, 05:28 PM
WOW! That is a awful story. My heart goes out to the family.

10-05-2009, 06:08 PM
I meant to mention that the dad got a day pass from the hospital and he, his wife, the uncle and several in-laws were there.

The dad has been largely immobilized in hospital due to a severe knee injury (very severe), and has had nothing to do but have this tragedy running through his mind. Being a Dad, he blames himself - even more because it was HIS idea to walk downtown instead of staying home and watching a movie.

Now I hope he has good things to think about - the evening where he and his family didn't have to talk to the press, nothing...just relax (as much as they could), eat and enjoy.

Latest report - we have just over $20,000 for the family. We are very much hoping an anonymous expected donation will come in to cover the room and the catering...the venue wants an 18% commission on the food, even though it wasn't prepared on the site!

If we don't get it, watch that number drop by 1/3. :(

Prayers please that the donation arrives! $20,000 is great, but not even a year's salary for some people.

However - even with 1/3 off, it has exceeded our highest expectations!