View Full Version : Something old is new again

Laura's Babies
10-04-2009, 04:07 PM
Some of you will remember when Mike and I made this in 2004 (I think)

The babies have really used and enjoyed it over the years but time had taken it toll on it as seen here. They had schredded the carpet in several places. I was constantly cleaning up the carpet pieces from the floors..

I have been wanting and needing to redo it but didn't have the tools to do it with. Once Mike moved back, he was quick to help redo it and we did, finished it yesterday... For the posts, I just cleaned up the schredded sisal rope and replace the tore up carpet with new sisal rope, we put new carpet on the carpeted areas and walla!~
Here is the new.... OLD perch, redone..

Giz spends the most time on it and she has already tried it out as you can see.

Other pictures in next post

Laura's Babies
10-04-2009, 04:16 PM
Mike said Sandra has been hounding him of pictures of him and me with our cats. Sandra is the founder and brains behind Spay Baton Rouge. She holds fund raisers and one is coming up http://www.spaybatonrouge.org/
. She wanted pictures of us for this so before he left we took pictures for her in our SBR T shirts... Thought you might like to see them..
Me and Amy

Me and Giz

Mike with Samantha (standing in for his big black boy Klinger)

And proudly showing off the perch we just finished.

He is still turned into mush with his "brats" he calls them, Klinger and Yetta and my babies remembered him when he came back and was so happy to see him.. His were happy to see me again too!

10-04-2009, 04:39 PM
You have done a wonderful job with that Cat Stand!
Its like having a brand new place for Your Cats to play!!!
And its so nice meeting you, and Mike!!
Especially for me, as I am glad to meet a Fellow Cat Man whos not afraid to show that hes a Cat Man Too!!!
And dont Your Cats appreciate thier early PetMas present!!!

10-04-2009, 05:22 PM
What an excellent job, Laura! When I was in PetSmart the other day, I saw one similar to yours but there's no way I could fit it into my car. Plus it was $250.00 and that definitely put the kaibosh on it. You could probably make some extra money selling those, girl. And btw, if you get any skinnier, you're going to fly away. ;) Seriously, though, you look great!

Laura's Babies
10-04-2009, 05:59 PM
It cost me $100 to make it the first time and I didn't think that was bad for the money and what "we" got out of it. They all have used it and enjoyed it, even my great grandson likes to lean on the shelf at window level and look out the window. People are always stopping to look at the "cats in the window" from outside and it is Giz's favorite place to sleep day and night.

Yea I know how thin I look. People are so use to seeing me with the weight that they can't get over how skinny I look now. I am the weight now that I was most of my adult life, until I went to work out on the river and discovered cream cheese..LOL!

Mike had gained weight and says he knows he looks fat now but he isn't motivated enough to give up the things he likes to eat yet, I warned him he better do it now or loosing it later is going to make him look old like it has me!

10-04-2009, 06:28 PM
I think Giz looks extra spoiled on the new pink cushions, you did choose the color to show her off, right? ;)

Looks great, and good for another 5 years at least!

10-04-2009, 06:30 PM
Hello, Laura! Hello, beautiful Babies! Giz, you are a gorgeous model showing us the kitty tower, refurbished for many more hours of enjoyment! Mmmmwah, kisses for you from one of your many many fans!

Laura's Babies
10-04-2009, 11:26 PM
I got the sides up this morning around the top perches. Here Giz is enjoying them.. and I did think the colors would show her off but when I get back from works next time, I want to make covers to go on there that I can take off and wash.


She had to try BOTH of them out today... They love those sides to rest their heads on.

10-05-2009, 01:12 AM
She is absoltely gorgeous!:love:

10-05-2009, 12:18 PM
:love: Aweee there is our Precious Amy.. Hello Amy & your still my Hero & your so Stunning with Beauty.. Yes Giz your so Adorable too.. Furniture looks Great.. Hey Laura your boyfriend Mike is very handsome too..

Yes I bought me a staple gunn mid summer & redid some of my babies furniture with some ole carpet too..

Laura's Babies
10-05-2009, 02:57 PM
Hey Laura your boyfriend Mike is very handsome too..


He is a friend... that is all. A buddy, a pal.. No romance going on, we just have the common love of cats and he is into them as much as I am, maybe more. He enjoys building the things we have built over the years.. he is the one that helped me with the idea of Amy's feeding station as seen here The first one we made her..

When we couldn't keep the others out of Amy's, he designed this one and we made it.. These have been well use too and need repainting but we have had nothing but rain since I have been off.

To me, THAT is TONS better than having a boyfriend. I have a Cat Friend!

10-05-2009, 03:07 PM
:p Ok then if he is just a friend == do you think he wants to visit TX.. Send him my way..:D

10-05-2009, 04:00 PM
What a wonderful, fine job you and Mike have done repairing the cat furniture pieces... and building them in the first place!

And what a wonderful, fine person Mike is, just as you are too, Laura (and you both look great)!

Laura's Babies
10-05-2009, 04:49 PM
Ok then if he is just a friend == do you think he wants to visit TX.. Send him my way

If you are young and single! Hay, he is from El Paso himself and his sister still lives there so he gets over that way from time to time...

10-05-2009, 05:04 PM
How COOL!!!! I wish I had that kind of talent. My cats are working on their second floor-to-ceiling el-cheapo cat tree from Wal-Mart.

Killearn Kitties
10-06-2009, 04:04 AM
That's a wonderful cat tree! You can certainly tell how much Giz loves it, lying there with her little head and paw resting on the sides. :D *kisskisskiss*

Do you and Mike accept commissions? Scotland can be lovely this time of year you know. ;) :D

Laura's Babies
10-06-2009, 05:34 AM
Scotland can be lovely this time of year you know.

Hummm... Isn't Scotland where Susan Boyle lives? We could come over and make Pebbles one too! LOL!

Hay, but who would be left here to take care of our babies? Drats! :confused:

Killearn Kitties
10-06-2009, 07:17 AM
We could come over and make Pebbles one too!
What a lovely idea! :D Seems only reasonable after the disruption to Pebbles' routine.

10-06-2009, 07:21 AM
...and if you go to Scotland, Germany will be very near;)
No kidding- this is a wonderful cat tree landscape. I love the pink. And I love the pictures of you, Mike and the catkids :)

10-06-2009, 08:07 AM
And Copenhagen is very close to Germany. ;) :D

You have done a great job with the cat tree, and that edge to lean their heads on is brilliant! Giz certainly is enjoying it! :)

Great pictures of you all - and you don't look old at all!

10-06-2009, 10:26 AM
:p Hey I am 50 yrs young & for sure single.. Is that young enough??:D
If you are young and single! Hay, he is from El Paso himself and his sister still lives there so he gets over that way from time to time...

Laura's Babies
10-06-2009, 12:10 PM
Hey I am 50 yrs young & for sure single.. Is that young enough??

Right about his age too!

10-06-2009, 12:54 PM
Oh!!:love::love::love: I love the "new" cat tree and Laura, I m not sure if I have ever seen a picture of you. You look great!http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v288/Grammy707/Catzzzzz/IMG_0832-1.jpg