View Full Version : Wednesday and LJ will be at the Vet

10-03-2009, 12:08 PM
See reply below.

Wednesday is the day that Lady Jane becomes an "it". She's the right age and I'm surprise she hasn't gone into heat yet. Hopefully I'm not paying for something that was done early.

Anyway, The vet keeps her overnight and I pick her up Thursday afternoon. I am dropping her off the evening before because she can't eat after midnight. There are those that can do it, but I need my sleep. I'd have three cats on my face all night if I tried that. Lady Jane already gets me up early by licking my toes between 5 and 6 in the morning.

The receptionist tried to argue me out of it by saying that the boarding is $12 and the bordatella shot is $18 or vice-versa. My comment was, "I've already spent several hundered this month so what's $30 more?"

I'm hoping for a successful spay and maybe stay away from the vet for at least 6 months.

10-03-2009, 12:15 PM
Best wishes for beautiful Lady Jane! She may become an "it" but will still be a Lady. :love::D

And prayers that you won't have to see a vet for a LOOOONG time afterwards!:)

10-03-2009, 03:28 PM
And I think that Lady Jane :cool::cool:will calm down and be a more LovingLady Cat once the urges to have Kittens and find a date are taken away!:love:
Its much healthier for Our Lady Cats , and there are no Little Ones who have to be rehomed!!
Kudos to Lady Jane and Her Loving Caring Meeowie!!!:):)

Laura's Babies
10-03-2009, 09:16 PM
Wishing you a fast recover Lady Jane. I'll leave Wednesday morning so I want to wish you well now. I'll be thinking about you Wednesday and praying this is as easy for you as it was for Samanth.. She came home and played!

10-04-2009, 06:02 AM
Congratulations, Lady Jane, on your upcoming Bat Mitzvah (Cat Mitzvah?). You are becoming a Woman on Wednesday!

10-04-2009, 07:36 AM
Good job!! Glad to hear she's going to be spayed. Let us know how she does. I'm sure she'll be fine.

10-06-2009, 08:16 PM
I dropped her off tonight. She wasn't happy. I had to hold her while waiting at the vets because she didn't like the cage. I'm sure she thought I was abandoning her. I've never heard her make those sounds before. Mostly she hisses or 'eep's and it's mostly eeps.

I just hope she isn't pregnant. She has a round belly. My vet charges a lot for a spay while pregnant. She's barely 5 months, so I hope she isn't. She's way too young anyway.

I think most of my worry is that I miss her silly self. She and Spunky are already playing and chasing. Both are cut of the same cloth. Silly as ever.

Anyway, these are my silly thoughts while she is away. I hope to hear tomorrow how it went. I pick her up on Thursday, where I exchange an arm and a leg gladly for my little LJ.

10-07-2009, 08:19 AM
Prays that everyone goes well with LJ today.


10-07-2009, 08:52 AM
She will do fine mom. It is all routine for the experienced vets. Good thoughts for a speedy recovery.

10-07-2009, 09:38 AM
:love: Yes for sure Lady Jane your becoming a woman.. You will do just fine.. Do let us know how you do ok..
Congratulations, Lady Jane, on your upcoming Bat Mitzvah (Cat Mitzvah?). You are becoming a Woman on Wednesday!

10-07-2009, 07:18 PM
This has been a real fix-it week. Angel on Tuesday, Mystic and Lady Jane today. I just know she will be as happy to be home, as you will be to have her back :)

10-07-2009, 10:24 PM
It's late, so this is quick.

I called today since I didn't hear from the vet. She came through just fine and wasn't pregnant. She just has a fat belly. Phew and Whew!

I can't wait to see her tomorrow. Spunky and Sam are eating up the special loving and are not even missing her. I'll have to plan time for them to reassure the fellas that they are just as special.

I'll post pix this weekend.

Thanks for your kind thoughts.

10-07-2009, 11:04 PM
Great news! She "just" has a fat belly...which she will love to have rubbed once she is all healed up.

Yes, your precious boys will need to know that they are special...and there is room in your heart for all three! :love:

Looking forward to pics, and to the big furbrothers adopting their little sis!:)

10-08-2009, 10:22 AM
I'm so glad that she came through well.

I hope she heals up well.


10-08-2009, 06:57 PM
Good to hear that all went well. We'll keep the prayers going that they continue that way. :)

10-10-2009, 04:52 PM
Sorry that it took forever to psot this.

I got her Thursday on the way home from work. ('scuse the typinh. Spunky is annoying me for his special me righty now.)

The vet-techs said she was 'ready' to go home. She can be vocal.

So she was in good spirits once we got home. The fellas had another opinion. "you brought the interloper back?" Some TLc and and all si right with the world.

I was so tired from a long week that I left my other stuff in the car after getting her in the house.

And today was an interesting day. I'll post more about that later after I feed this bottomless pit.

It is hard to type thru kitty legs

10-11-2009, 05:14 PM
LJ is doing fine and the fellas have recovered from her re-appearance. She is sleeping more but that isn't unusual after a surgery. I might have to get another tree since she has commandeered Spunky's normal position.

I have some more pictures, and I'll try to get them up this week. I actually got one of Sam in a different pose.