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View Full Version : Do You TRUST Animals??

10-05-2002, 05:54 PM
Hi, a couple of days ago my friends dog bit somebody, and now they have ten days to give the dog away. I wanted to sleep over her house, and my mom said "why do you want to go over there when that dog just bit someone, you can't trust all animals!". Well, I really do trust all animals, if we can trust most humans, then why can't we trust most animals? I did sleep over her house, no problem at all, he is the sweetest thing!! I was just wondering if anybody does/does not trust animals.

10-05-2002, 06:38 PM
You can't trust all humans girl. In fact, I don't trust any human I don't know, no matter how nice they may seem. The same way, you can't trust all animals. I have full trust in my birds but I don't trust anyone else's pets until I get to know them. I don't trust most dogs because I've had many bad experiences with them. I trust most cats but not all; some scratch hard. I trust most birds but not all; some bit hard. I don't trust ANY snake, lion, tiger, wolf, or any of those hunting animals. I trust most deers, lambs, goats. I trust some horses. I trust most rabbits. But I always love animals.

10-05-2002, 06:44 PM
I agree that you cannot trust all animals. I work for a vet and let me tell you there are a lot of animals you don't want to be sticking your fingers near. I've been bitten by a pug, lunged at by a rottie (luckily the owner had her leash on-or I'd be in the hospital), scratched I don't know how many times by cats, etc....
I trust my own cats, I trust my friends cats but you always have to be wary of strangers animals or you could wind up getting hurt. Now that doesn't mean that you have to scared of everyone's animals, you just have to be careful.

10-05-2002, 07:21 PM
I agree with everyone else. I trust my animals and my friends animals. But I don't think you should trust every animal. I love dogs and I'm not afraid of them, but some dogs do bite. And some cats to scratch and bite. As much as I love animals and I know they are all great in the inside, some animals are scared or they didn't have proper handling so they can be aggressive.

10-05-2002, 07:39 PM
I absolutely agree with Popcorn bird! You CAN'T trust all people--all you have to do is read 1 newspaper. And many animals can be unpredictable. for example, I used to babysit for some people who had a cockatiel. He was really sweet & tame to everybody...except me. I never did anything to that bird, and the first time he saw me he attacked me viciously. I don't know if it was something I was wearing, or what. Anyway, after a few years, he has kind of turned that way to everybody, except for the girl (primary owner). So, I take time in getting to know any animal, and make sure that they can smell/sniff me, before reaching a hand out.

10-06-2002, 08:55 AM
I'm not sure how to vote on this one. I trust my dogs completly...they would never bite someone unless they were pushed beyond belief and even then I'mnot sure they would. They have been taught since we got them human skin does not go in the mouth. I can out my arm in their mouth and they will actually move away from it. My 4 year old newphew spent an evening here and a lot of that time he was right in Cincy's face yelling and waving his arms...finally she gave hima single warning bark. Did not snap, growl anything. He left her alone for awhile, but then was right back in her face, starring at her. She just lcosed her eyes and went to sleep. He then went and laid on the floor with Sadie...crawing on top of her, pulling her tail, playing with her feet. She raised her head, licked his face and laid back down. I trust my dogs COMPLETELY.
I can't say I have this same trust for other animals. I trust them to be somewhat predicatable...I know my other dog, Oreo, does not like her feet touched. I know if I grab for them I am prob. going to get bit. I know Dazzi does not like to be startled. If I come up behind her and grab her, she is prob. going to growl at me. And I trist that other dogs may have certain things they do not like and unless I know that dog very well, I'm not going to do much more then pet it.

10-06-2002, 03:54 PM
Well, this is a complicated answer...
With the exception of sick or injured animals, i trust them all...to act the way i expect them to. I guess it's not a matter of trust so much as a matter of understanding.

10-06-2002, 04:07 PM
I have been told many times that I trust animals too readily. If you ever meet me in person, I can show you the scar on my face that I got when I, at the age of four, hugged a neighbor's dog. Reggie was not normally let loose. He, of course, bit me (probably in self-defense) and I was STUNNED! My parents then had to explain, through my shocked tears, that "All dogs are not 'hugging' dogs, Karen." and while I remember that admonition quite clearly, I still wanna at least pet every single one!

I know, I know, and I AM more cautious, but the impulse is always there!

10-06-2002, 08:35 PM
I've worked with animals for 15 years or so, had 4 years of schooling in animal science and have owned may types of pets and you CANNOT trust them ALL the time. Certain animals you can learn to "read" but not all. Dogs may warn you but cats won't. You are better off always NOT trusting. Now I do not mean be afraid all of the time, but always remember that they COULD possibly turn on you at a moments notice.
And for heavens' sake, DON'T trust all humans!!!!
Sorry to be so harsh, but experience talks.

10-06-2002, 09:53 PM
If you trust all humans your in for big trouble! LOL It would be nice if we could but it's just not that way. I have respect for all animals but no I sure don't trust them all. I like all animals - but some don't like me!

10-07-2002, 06:52 AM
Originally posted by sammi
I like all animals - but some don't like me!

YEAH! That's the way to say it !!

10-07-2002, 06:57 AM
Jen - I was just noticing all of your gorgeous furbabies in your signature. It looks like the orange guy and the white guy on the end could be related to my two! :D What a handsome group! ;) What are all of their names?

10-07-2002, 07:42 AM
Only some can be trusted like said above I also work in a vets office and have been bitten & scratched by a LOT of cats, some dogs, birds etc.. I do trust my animals but not others unless I get to know them. Humans on the other hand you will never get to know a human that well.

10-07-2002, 08:01 AM
I trust my dogs. This does not mean I trust them to be around everyone, but around us. I know unless pushed to defend themselves they would not bite. They love everyone!

I do not trust all dogs.

My mom has a rottie too, named Cujo. I used to treat him the way I treat Angus. Well, he's not the same. He is an outside dog. He protects their property (he's not shown love the way Angus is). One day I kneeled down beside him & gave him a big ol' hug. Oh, he liked it enough, but didn't want me to leave & pushed me down & stood over me, looked down & growled...like don't even think about getting up. Sorry, I'm not afraid of MY rottie, but I was afraid of Cujo. My mom had to come over & get him off me. I learned my lesson, I never get down to his level. And still sometimes when he looks at me, it kinda creeps me out, but I try not to show it, so we get along fine.

10-07-2002, 08:39 AM
I used to trust all dogs !!!
In 1984 , I was riding with my bike in a calm neighbourhood . I passed a driveway where a man was washing his car ; his dog was sitting next to him .
As I passed , the dog jumped up , ran after me , barking , and then with no reason , he bite me in my behind and threw me of my bike !! Luckily his owner had seen this and called his dog back . I may not think what the dog might have done next !!!
It took 2 months before the nasty wound was healed !!! Now , 18 years later , it still hurts !!
So now , when I see a German Shepherd , I freak out ....!

Dakota's Mommy
10-09-2002, 09:04 AM
I agree with what most people are saying! You can fully trust the dogs that you know, but if you don't really know them well, how can you trust them. You can't trust humans that you don't know, and even some that you do. Some people are out to hurt others, and some dogs have no problems hurting others too. So, as I said before, it's like everything else in life, trust what you know, question what you don't so that you will know one day!

10-16-2002, 02:50 PM
I trust animals to a point. I can read their body language quite well. But not when I was younger. I was bitten by my aunts sheep dog, cause I huged him & scared him while doing so, he bit my ear & I had to get 7 stitches, I was 5 yrs old. I was bitten by my old babysitters dog. I knew the dog for several months & went top play ball with her, like Idid every day & when I was about to toss the ball, she jumped on my and bit my face for no reasons. This happened twice untill I told my parents I'm not going back. When Max was a very young puppy, he wanted to be the boss & I refused to let him be. He would try to steal my food & I would jump on him & fight for my food back, I always got bit, but not hard, just left little red marks. There was one time Max was super super super sick & we didn't know, I walked by him & he lunged at me & droped me like a rock & scratched me & snarled at me, he didn't bite nor try, We took him to the vet to see what was flying up his butt (joke), & the vet told us he should have been dead months ago. Talk about a shock. My friends 14 yr old dog tried to attack his grandma for no reason, it was the first time the dog did anything like that, the dog never barked, snarled, snaped before, they were in shock to see their dog go mad out of the blue. What we found out was that the dog memory, eyes & nose was failing & the grandma cooking scared the hell out of him (for reasons unknown).

U can never ever ever truse an animal 100%, becuase they are animals. their minds don't work like ours & when their minds start to fail them they change quickly. Not saying all animals will attack, but there is the risk, thets why u never leave kids alone with dogs.

10-18-2002, 08:38 AM
animals are unpredictable.i know this horse and one minute she was being nice and licking my face and stuff,and sometimes,she won't even let me touch her cause she knows im gonna tighten her girth or something.but,many good,docile animals can be trusted,if they're used to humans.

10-23-2002, 07:20 PM
I don't trust all animals. I trust all of my animals, and I know their limits. My dog Star, for example, is bad with strangers so she usually wears a soft Nylon muzzle when I walk her. The problem with many people is, they DO trust all animals. Several times, someone (usually a child with a parent nearby) have run up to my dog. Why would a parent not stop this? It just seems like idiocy. My mother taught me at a very young age to ASK ASK ASK before petting someone else's dog, and even then to stay away from its face.

I work with a lot af reptiles and 'bugs'. Many of these are very unpredictable, mostly because it can be hard to read the signals they are giving you. I have had a few unpleasant snakebites resulting from my overly trusting nature, and I have learned to be more cautious.

On the other hand, when soneone sees my 20" Hognose (Who has the CUTEST face) sitting calmly in my arms and screams.... I don't get it.

One more random note: I do NOT trust Dalmations. I have met five in my life, and have been bitten/attacked by four of them. In my opinion they are stupid, inbred, and can't be trusted. Just my $0.02 ^_^

10-23-2002, 07:57 PM
WolfChan: "One more random note: I do NOT trust Dalmations. I have met five in my life, and have been bitten/attacked by four of them. In my opinion they are stupid, inbred, and can't be trusted. Just my $0.02 ^_^"

YES!!!! someone else who dislikes them!!!!! Thank god. I agree 100% I have never ever ever met a nice one. & for some peoples information they were the #1 most agressive dog in the world for many years, & not the pitt bull, so what does that tell people??

Heather Wallace
10-24-2002, 03:02 PM
I voted most of the time. I am weary of some dogs as I was bitten by one.

10-24-2002, 03:27 PM
I also dislike dalamations. Of all the dogs I have been attacked by, the most visious were dalamations! Totally untrustable creatures especially when they are roaming the street without their owners! (Like they were when they almost jumped on me and would have if I didn't throw a stick at them.)

10-24-2002, 09:54 PM
don't know if anyone already said this since I do not have time to read the whole thread, but my answer is: I trust animals more than I do humans.

10-25-2002, 12:31 AM
Oh, here's another note: I work in a pet store. I pride myself on working in one of the finest pet stores, where the animals are all well cared for and there is no hesitation to rush any sick/injured animal across the street to the excellent vet.

We specialize in reptiles and fish, but we have other critters as well. Of these, my least favorite by far are hamsters. I have been bitten by hamsters for no apparent reason dozens of times. I understand that if your hand goes over them they will associate it with a big predator, that's fine. However, when the animal is already out and sitting in my hands, not being restrained in any fashion (me sitting on the floor so that if they jump they don't get hurt) and BITES me anyways, this is silly. Russian dwarves in particular.

Hamsters in my experience are another generally nasty animal. We do occasionally get friendly ones in, but on the whole they are bitey and unpredictable.

10-25-2002, 01:44 AM
Originally posted by WolfChan
One more random note: I do NOT trust Dalmations. I have met five in my life, and have been bitten/attacked by four of them. In my opinion they are stupid, inbred, and can't be trusted. Just my $0.02 ^_^

You are welcome to your opinion, but I don't agree with you at all. I don't believe in generalizing an entire breed....just like many do with pit bulls, etc. I've met a few dalmatians, and not a single one was how you guys described. Another example of the owner of the dog.......not the breed.....I wish people would understand this...

And another thing, from working at a groomers I've met a few vicious/stubborn dogs. Some of the worst was a purebred yellow lab, a golden retriever mix, and many small dogs such as poodles and yorkies. Two that were some of the best behaved was a huge german shepard and a rottweiler.

As far as the "trusting" animals things. I don't trust all animals, and I certainly don't trust all people!! I've seen many dogs that seemed calm and friendly suddenly flip out and try to bite! My friends cat did that once and bit me hard enough to give me a scar! I do not trust Smokey AT ALL not to bite anybody. He will even bite at his favorite person..my mom...if she tries to make him do something he doesn't want to. I trust my Reggie baby more then any other dog. I know he would never bite me, he has never even bared his teeth. I'm not sure how he would be around strangers, and I don't trust him around other dogs at all. Nebo's still a young pup, so I'm not sure how much trust I can place in him either.

10-25-2002, 07:00 AM
i do agree you kinda are generlizing the breed im you may have met alot of them but not all ive seen dalmations do alot of things, to help people and what not. but to not get of the original topic, i trust my dogs, and very few others ive done some icredibily dumb things like jumpin in the middle of dog fights ive had to jump on a few of mine to get them off the dog that two secounds before started a fight. my parents have yelled at me countless times saying even one of my own dogs could bite me, and ya they could but not on porpose i know them all to well i was one of their real turning up point of their poor but happily reacued puppyhood and ave been thier for them ever since. At the bottom attachment i have a pic of oide who was a gun point when i saved him.

10-28-2002, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
You are welcome to your opinion, but I don't agree with you at all. I don't believe in generalizing an entire breed....just like many do with pit bulls, etc. I've met a few dalmatians, and not a single one was how you guys described. Another example of the owner of the dog.......not the breed.....I wish people would understand this...

I do understand, believe me. My old boss has a pair of pit bulls, Bolo and Diamond. These two are very mellow, well behaved, and FRIENDLY! Diamond especially loves toddlers. She lets them ride her all over the store I used to work. They both are so gentle and friendly I find it hard to believe that anyone could run from them just based on their breed.

I have also been badly bitten by a golden retriever, and recieved not so bad (but still not fun) bites from a black lab, a bassett hound, and a border collie.

From what I understand, establishing the spotted pattern of dalmatians took a lot of inbreeding. This is never a good idea for preserving the temperement of a breed. (Just look at a lot of the 'toy' breeds) Also, many irresponsible people got dalmations after a certain movie came out a few years ago. MANY of these people got the dogs because they thought they were cute, and just assumed that the dog would fit perfectly in with their lifestyle. They didn't take into accound that Dals are extremely high energy dogs, and that they are intelligent enough that they really need a job to do.

Here are the situations in which I have met dalmatians:

1: I was walking my neighbor's HUGE Chow mix, Boo. Boo was on her leash. A woman was out in the field throwing a tennis ball for her Dal. Since Boo was only really good around male dogs, I stayed clear of them. As I was walking Boo ON HER LEASH, the Dal charged us out of nowhere, flung itself on Boo and started attacking. Boo needed fifteen stitches.

2: A friend of mine had a Dal and a Welsh springer spaniel. One day while I was over, the Dal jumed a 4' fence to get to where we were giving her housemate of four years a bath and mauled the spaniel almost to death.

3: At a farmer's market: I'm bagging up some fruit and out of nowhere I am yanked off of my feet. Next thing I know there's a Dal standing over me. I can feel it breathing into my face. I hear it growling. I threw it off me and climbed a nearby ladder. I then proceeded to SCREAM at the owner. I admit that some of the thing I said may have been a bit overboard even for the situation.

4: My little siblings and I took one of our rabbits out on a leash. Someone's Dal runs up. I picked up my rabbit, and the dog leapt up, grabbed my shoulder in its mouth and yanked me down. My sibs grabbed the rabbit and ran. The dog was still on top of me when the Humane Society showed up to take it away.

5: Some friends of my mother got one of the puppies that was in a certain movie.... They gave him lots of training early on, and socialized him well. I had a really great game of frisbee with him, and I was not worried that he would attack me.

I don't blame the dogs, I blame the bad breeding and the people who get the dogs. In my opinion these dogs are not for most people. Unfortunately, many people like the looks of them and get them anyways. They are intelligent, energetic animals that require a LOT of hard work and patience. I also believe that since they have been so popular recently there are a lot of really poorly bred Dals out there.

I apologize for not wording my original post correctly. However: I do trust some breeds more than others initially, simply because the quality of the breeding does make a difference in temperament.

01-05-2003, 12:03 PM
I have 3 dalmatians, and have fostered at least 10, and have only come in contact with one that I had a problem with. He was previously badly abused, and was a fear biter when he felt threatened. Other than that he was fine.

Sorry that some of you have had such bad experiences with dals, because you are sadly mistaken about the breed!! It's not fair at all to generalize one breed as being all bad.

By the way, it's DALMATIANS, with an A! There is no O in dalmatiAn.

If you all know so much about the breed, why don't you know how to spell it?

01-05-2003, 01:31 PM
Just my .02 worth...YOU'RE stupid, inbred, and can't be trusted.

01-05-2003, 02:16 PM
What a nice way to start off here. Such a lovely first post, don't you think?

If you read my post through, I admitted that they aren't all bad, but four out of five being nasty has kinda thrown me for a loop. A month or so ago when my boyfriend and I were walking his long haired Chi (Keychain puppy! ^_^) I saw two Dalmatians and I left the park, mostly because I was worried for Stella's safety. (Her being a five pound fuzz.)

This was probably not necessary, but I couldn't help but worry the whole time we were there after I saw them. Sorry if I'm STUPID, but they scare me now! This in itself wierds me out, because I've never been anything resembling phobic before, and now I am.....

01-06-2003, 12:48 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by WolfChan

From what I understand, establishing the spotted pattern of dalmatians took a lot of inbreeding. This is never a good idea for preserving the temperement of a breed.

I think this is very true. I've fostered several dalmatians and met many more than that. I've had several dals that were absolute dream dogs-sweet, friendly with other dogs, all around great dogs. I also know of at least 5 that have been put down for viscious attacks on other animals and, in one case, attacking his own foster mom and causing serious medical damage. I think that bad breeding has added a lot of unpredictability to the temperament of dalmatians. I don't blame the dogs-I blame greedy breeders and ignorant owners.

Do I think dalmatians are stupid? Most definitely not! They may be hard-headed and, in many cases, smarter than their owners. I haven't ever met a stupid dal (though I'm sure they exist as with any living creature). They are, IMO, very emotionally complex animals. They get abandoned by their owners at 5 years old, their lives turned upside down, sometimes they snap. They are definitely more prone to aggression and less predictable than my "true love" breeds which are all herders (catahoulas, shelties, ACDs).

There's my two cents. Ok, five cents.

01-08-2003, 09:50 PM
Originally posted by Angelina
[QUOTE]Originally posted by WolfChan

I think this is very true. I've fostered several dalmatians and met many more than that. I've had several dals that were absolute dream dogs-sweet, friendly with other dogs, all around great dogs. I also know of at least 5 that have been put down for viscious attacks on other animals and, in one case, attacking his own foster mom and causing serious medical damage. I think that bad breeding has added a lot of unpredictability to the temperament of dalmatians. I don't blame the dogs-I blame greedy breeders and ignorant owners.

Do I think dalmatians are stupid? Most definitely not! They may be hard-headed and, in many cases, smarter than their owners. I haven't ever met a stupid dal (though I'm sure they exist as with any living creature). They are, IMO, very emotionally complex animals. They get abandoned by their owners at 5 years old, their lives turned upside down, sometimes they snap. They are definitely more prone to aggression and less predictable than my "true love" breeds which are all herders (catahoulas, shelties, ACDs).

There's my two cents. Ok, five cents.

WELL PUT!!! :) :cool:

01-10-2003, 07:09 PM
My feelings are.. that animals like people only trust those who trust them for the most part... so I believe by showing anything but complete trust in an animal can indeed cause attacks/bits....

I also understand that trust and caution are two differant things all together.. I trust animals but I am also cautious around them... Caution and my eyes does not equal distrust.