View Full Version : October is ADOPT A PET MONTH

10-01-2009, 10:52 AM

If you can't adopt a pet this month, please go visit your local shelter and bring the animals some treats, take one or two dogs for a walk; whatever you can do to make the lives of these animals a little better.

They would do it for you :)

10-01-2009, 10:58 AM
Oops...it's not "adopt a pet month"...it's "adopt a dog" month. EVEN BETTER! GO GET THAT DOG :)

10-01-2009, 09:15 PM
Well we got our newest in August.. No more till we move.

I will be going by two local shelters and dropping of some boxes of treats though. We have a stock pile from all the Double Coupon events at Kmart. About 35-40 boxes of Milkbones and Hartz Crunch N Clean treats to donate. =) They were all FREE! (Kmart doubles up to $4... all treats were 3.99 or 2.99 before coupon) Gotta love double coupons. All it cost us was paper/ink and the time to cut them out. =)

10-02-2009, 02:52 PM
That's great! Thanks for helping the shelter dogs :)

10-03-2009, 03:57 PM
Holding steady at three.;) Jake will just be two this month and he's a handful!:D He was a shelter dog, as was Lacey and RB Mandy. :)

10-11-2009, 02:00 PM
Thanks for reminding me to treat my dog kids this month. I planned a family vacation where my dogs will enjoy the site. It's going to be a lake and we will go fishing like we used to. I'm going to try homemade dog treats recipe I've learned from a dog bakery site who happen to sell quality homemade dog treats for our dear dogs. I was so inspired by those dog-related articles on their site which made me refer their site to my neighbors and office mates who are also dog lovers and owners. Here's their website http://woofgangbakerylakewoodranch.com/category/health-and-wellness. Very inspiring articles, and I must say the owner of the the store is a certified dog lover and with high regard to quality dog food and homemade dog treats (http://woofgangbakerylakewoodranch.com/homemade-dog-treats).

10-12-2009, 12:31 PM
Cool. Thanks! :)

10-15-2009, 08:23 PM
When I was in the shelters a few years ago to pick out one of our dogs, there were at least 3 dogs in there from owners who had passed away. It really broke my heart, and I ended up adopting one. I realized it was so unnecessary for this to happen to these poor dogs had the owners made plans for what should happen to their pets if something were to happen to them, the owner. I have actually created very inexpensive legal software to help pet owners do just that. Please visit my website http://www.legendarywillsandtrusts.com and take a look at the pet trust section. Even if you don't buy my software, please do consider what will happen to your pet when you pass away. Don't risk letting your baby be put in a shelter!