View Full Version : I need info on animal abuse!

Aspen and Misty
10-05-2002, 05:36 PM
Does anyone know where I can find out the laws concerning animal abuse in PA????? Any information is welcome.

Thank you so much!

10-05-2002, 05:57 PM
If there are animal laws in PA, then why are there so many puppy mills?? Sorry, just making a point, I'll be back, gotta do some research..got a job to do!

10-05-2002, 06:00 PM
Alright, here ya go! I gave you all of the links so if you didn't like one specific one you could go to the next...and you get my point.


Aspen and Misty
10-05-2002, 09:30 PM
Thank you, I found my law and if any one would liek to see it here it is.

18 PA. CONS. STAT. ¡± 5511 -- last amended 1995
Definition of Animal: Domestic Animal: Any dog, cat, equine animal, bovine animal, sheep, goat or porcine animal.
Statute Summary: A person commits the crime of cruelty to animals if the person:
Willfully and maliciously kills, maims or disfigures any domestic animal or domestic fowl, administers poison, harasses, annoys, injures, attempts to injure, molests or interferes with a dog guide; willfully and maliciously kills, maims or disfigures, or administers any poisonous substance to any zoo animal in captivity; willfully and maliciously kills, maims, mutilates, tortures or disfigures any dog or cat, or administers any poisonous substance to any dog or cat.
„h Cruelty to animals
„h Summary Offense.
„h $50 to $750 fine.
„h Imprisonment up to 90 days
„h Killing, maiming or poisoning domestic animal or domestic fowl of another.
„h Second Degree Misdemeanor.
„h Fine up to $500.
„h Killing, maiming or poisoning zoo animals.
„h Third Degree Felony.
„h Fine up to $15,000.
„h Imprisonment up to 7 years.
„h Killing, maiming or poisoning dog or cat.
„h Second Degree Misdemeanor.
„h At least $1000 fine.
„h Imprisonment up to 2 years.
„h A subsequent offense of Killing, maiming or poisoning dog or cat.
„h Third Degree Felony.
„h Fine up to $15,000.
„h Imprisonment up to 7 years.
Forfeiture of Animal/Seizure: Both
Other Sentencing Provisions: Cost of care.
Unique Provisions: Cropping dogs' ears by licensed veterinarian only.
Exemptions: To protect other domestic animals or fowl, game laws, pest control, farming.


The site I used is... http://www.api4animals.org/doc.asp?ID=47#Pennsylvania

10-05-2002, 09:55 PM
No problem, I hadn't had a research job in weeks!! I was bored stiff, and then I got a job to do!! Yay!

10-06-2002, 09:24 AM
If you want a good site about puppy mill abuses and abuse laws, you can try www.hua.org . Their page on Prisoners of Greed has some good stuff. Good luck. Just being nosy, have you run into a problem?

Aspen and Misty
10-06-2002, 12:45 PM
Thanx Mugsy! I'm not doing anything about puppy mills. And I know PA is a horrible Puppy mill state. On my way to school I see like 50 signs saying Puppies for sale. It makes me so angry!!! :mad:

Yea, I've run into a problem between my brother and Chewy.


10-07-2002, 09:16 AM
Originally posted by Aspen and Misty
Yea, I've run into a problem between my brother and Chewy.


OH NO ASHLEY! I hope Chewy is okay. Cruel siblings make me so very ill.

I consider myself lucky to have grown up with sisters that love and care for animals as much as I do.

Aspen and Misty
10-07-2002, 02:51 PM
OH NO ASHLEY! I hope Chewy is okay. Cruel siblings make me so very ill.

Chewy is doign great. He just runs in fear everytime my brother or any man he doesn't know steps in the room.

Ok If I tell ya'll what happned you must not be mad at me. I mean I have to bruises to prove that I fought him over this!

Well. My brother came home mad because he lost his soccer (football) game. So Chewy being a dog of course sniffed him. Well He got mad and kicked Chewy in the face with cleats. So I punched him and we got into this huge fist fight but the thing is this is not the first thing he has done to Chewy. He constanly gives him dirty looks which makes Chewy pee on the floor.

Well, My brother has a probation officer and I am going to ask him what he does to the kids he has if they kick a dog in the face for sniffing them and sets bugs, yes I said bugs, hey they have feelings to! Well anyway what he will do if he sets bugs, a preying mantis (indangered species, against the law to kill them) on fire. I won't tell him my brother did all that but it will be enough to get him scared and leaving me and chewy alone.

Well there is a happy side to all this. My mother told my father last night she wants a divorce so i am going with which ever parent does not have thie brother. So most likly I will be the one who has to move out cause he is porbly staying with the house, but I would sacrafice anything to keep my Chew baby.
