View Full Version : Read this before... but don't remember!

09-30-2009, 09:26 AM
I'm an avid reader, but rarely buy books because I get them from family, coworkers, freecycle, etc. Mom gave me a book the other day that I know I read before. I know whats going to happen pages before it happens.... yet I can't remember the whole book.

Its driving me NUTS! Whats driving me nuttier is the fact that it was written in 2002. So I can't blame my memory loss on the fact that I read it in college or something too long ago to remember.

Anybody else do that?

I think I'll continue reading the book just to see how far I get into it before my widdle brain catches up to my memory. :p

PS: I did this a few weeks ago too. Only it took me til the VERY END to realize that I'd read it before. :rolleyes: That time, it WAS an old book, so I can appease my ego by saying I did read it in college :D

09-30-2009, 09:40 AM
Oh yes, you are not alone on this one. I just chalk it up to my memory banks being filled with other things like the massive amount of information I need to store in my head for my job.

My kids always told me when they were younger..."mom you can't remember anything!" They will find out some day. :D

09-30-2009, 09:51 AM
LOL, I go to the library every other Tuesday, have done for YEARS, and 3 states. I pick up mysteries.

Lately, I bring home 6 and find I've already read 4 of them. But I don't always realize that until I am 35 to 50 pages in! :rolleyes:

Laura's Babies
09-30-2009, 10:01 AM
I never get rid of books that I have read because I do go back and re-read them... sometimes I remember the plot, sometimes I don't.

09-30-2009, 12:10 PM
Kim ~ I feel your pain. Yes, this has happened to me too.

But, you know what's even worse? You spend your hard-earned money on the new book by your favorite author. It was printed in 2009. You know you've never read it before. But, the plot is so predictable you feel like you've read it before. :(

09-30-2009, 12:17 PM

I'm lucky if I can FINISH a book, let alone start one. If I did do that, I'll be damned if I remember.:p