View Full Version : Pocky... and now Akio.

09-29-2009, 12:41 PM
This morning Pocky (aka Alien Eyes) passed away.
She was 3 1/2 years old and ridden with cancer.


She has always been the shy one, but one couldn't help but grow very fond of her. She was on the smaller size and was notorious for escaping from just about any cage. She was sweet, though, and always took care of the other girls.

I did cry a little when she died ... I will miss her. I knew this was coming, though, and I am happy she is out of pain. She had started going downhill just two nights ago. She wouldn't eat no matter what I tried. Yesterday she just slept all day, and this morning I found her very fatigued. I told her that it was okay for her to cross over and that if she couldn't I would have the vet help her. I guess she heard me, as when I came home early from classes she had passed. She looked like she was at peace.

This picture is from when she first came home, just a wee little rat. :-)

Now she is reunited with her siblings, Ophelia and Sid, and all my other rats that have gone before her.

I love you Pocky and will miss you so much! :love: :(

09-29-2009, 02:55 PM
:( Oh no so saddened to hear of your loss of Pocky.. RIP wittle Adorable Sweet Baby.. Play Hard at the Bridge..

09-29-2009, 04:04 PM
I am so sorry to hear about Pocky:(
Rest in Peace Sweet Pocky

09-29-2009, 05:35 PM
I'm sorry about Pocky.:( She's healthy now at the Bridge.

09-29-2009, 07:04 PM
Rest in peace, wee Pocky girl
Your pain is over in this old world
Mischief and whiskers in equal measure
You may have been shy, but you were a treasure.

Sweet, soft and silly
With dark eyes that warmed hearts
We know you'll be missed
But it was your time to depart

Rest in Peace, wee Pocky girl
You'll be missed down here on this big old world.

09-30-2009, 11:30 AM
Thanks everyone. :)
That was a very nice poem, Karen. Thank you.

Unfortunately Akio, my other female rat, might be headed to the bridge soon, too. :( This morning she wouldn't take breakfast and when I went to go check on her just now she was sleeping in the same spot. She is displaying a lot of the signs Pocky did before she died, so I am keeping a close eye on her, but I think it is nearing her time. I had assumed she would have gone before Pocky did, so it isn't a surprise. Still saddening, nonetheless..

09-30-2009, 09:01 PM
Akio has made the trip to the bridge. :(
Like Pocky, she was over 3 1/2 years old and had cancer.

Like Pocky, Akio was a bit on the shy side. I never bonded with her like I did some of my other rats, but I still hold a very special place for her in my heart. Out of all of my rats she was the nippiest... she had quite an attitude! But anyone who knows me knows that I love difficult animals. She was a litter-mate to Garber, one of my squishy boy-rats that some of you may remember.

Rest Easy, Akio! :love: I know the other girls were there to greet you at the bridge.
I will miss you like crazy, my little "fatty".

I now only have one rat left... Mason. He is over 3 years old and has lost the use of his back legs. The vet believes it to be spinal compression. He is doing phenomenal, though. In the years I have owned rats I have found them to be such fighters.

10-02-2009, 11:03 AM
Oh No!I'm so sorry.:(
Rest in Peace Sweet Akio

10-09-2009, 01:38 PM
I just saw this post while I was catching up on PT. I'm so sorry you lost your little ones. You're the best rattie-mama ever. All your babies are so lucky to be with someone like you who loves them with all your heart.

Sending lots of love,
Cathy and the FLock :love:

10-09-2009, 05:22 PM
I'm sorry about Akio.:( Losing both Pocky and Akio so close must be even more heartbreaking. {hugs}

10-12-2009, 02:46 AM
Oh no i am so sorry :(. Rest easy Pocky and Akio :love:.