View Full Version : Pictures of the "new dogs"

09-29-2009, 09:45 AM
I finally got to see my brothers puppies and the dog my mom found. It was difficult to get pictures because they were all so excited and jumping all over the place. But here are some.

This picture is to show how teeny Sprite actually is. I didn't realize she was so small. Taggart weighs just under 50lbs, to help give you an idea.

I ask my mom everyday when I talk to her if she's made an appointment for the vet. I've even threatened to call and make the appointment myself. Which I just might end up doing.

In this one you can see her tail. She appears to have been groomed. But her fur is not growing that quickly. My mom found her on Sept 5th and her coat is still very short.

Puppies in the next post.............

09-29-2009, 09:53 AM
Now for the puppy pix. I realize I only got a couple of Jake. He was so busy playing with Taggart. :p

Abbie has the shortest little legs and looong body. I'd swear her father is a doxie!!

They like big dogs, but I think they have a little girl here.

She is such a people puppy. She loves to be held and cuddled.

Playing with the big Bobo.

Here she looks like she's going to tear anyone apart that attempts to touch her Bobo.

Jake just wanted to play and play. Zoee's not so sure.

Go get 'em Jake!!

That's all! I'm going there again this weekend, so I'll probably get more pictures. :D

09-29-2009, 10:18 AM
so cute!!..I love Jake´s coloring...

all 3 are as cute as can be

09-29-2009, 11:49 AM
How cute! I bet it was fun being around so many adorable dogs.

Gosh, I can't imagine having two puppies at once. Your brother must be one brave soul! ;)

09-29-2009, 12:26 PM
I love Jake's coloring too. His eyes actually match his fur color.

Yes, they are brave taking on two puppies. But they are managing. Even with the puppies not being able to go outside at all yet. They still need one set of shots before they can venture outside safely.
My brother works from home, so if anyone else is home and he is busy on the phone they are responsible for keeping them quiet. Abbie is a whiner and Jake is a barker. They aren't excessive with it, but when they see the other dogs they want out to play. They are confined to the kitchen when they can't be supervised on the carpet for now.

I can't wait to go see them again this weekend. :D

09-29-2009, 05:30 PM
Aww, what cuties! Double the fun! Sprite is a pretty girl!:D

10-01-2009, 10:54 PM
Sprite is a cutie. But boy is she a handful. She barks at everything that moves. She doesn't like my dad, but then again most people and animals don't.

I am beginning to think she was dumped or it was an unfortunate accident that she got lost. The other day my mom went out into the garage and Sprite ran out the door without my mom noticing. She didn't notice until about an hour later when she got up to do something and Sprite wasn't right at her heels like she normally is. She went to look for her and she was out in the garage right at the door whining to get back in.
I'm thinking she had a whole hour to run away again and she didn't. Mom said when she let her back in the house she was just so darn happy and was bouncing and jumping so high.

Also, my sister saw these photos and thinks she is a pure bred poodle. Obviously a toy poodle. Anyway, I am still pressuring my mom to take her to the vet each day. I might just have to do it myself eventually. I was always the one to take Kodi to the vet for his nail trim when he was alive. :rolleyes:

10-01-2009, 11:52 PM
What cuties! :love:

10-06-2009, 07:40 PM
beautiful dogs. is that a husky?

10-07-2009, 11:26 AM
beautiful dogs. is that a husky?

I'm not sure which dog you are asking about, but none of them are Huskies.
The one with one blue eye and one brown eye is an Australian Shepherd. Different colored eyes are common in Aussies and Huskies.
Thank you. :D