View Full Version : He knew exactly what I was doing.

09-27-2009, 10:54 PM
Smudge does NOT want his nails cut. I can clip maybe ONE if he's totally asleep, then he bolts. He doesn't even like having his feet touched.

Tonight he was licking and licking his left thumb. I looked at it, and it looked like the nail had curled all the way around and was poking him in the pad! I couldn't even get the nail clipper around it - there was no room on the other side for them to meet on (foot too swollen).

So a little later, when he was showing me his belly and generally being cute - this is AFTER I've already made one attempt at cutting it - I took a pair of jewelry-wire clippers and started rubbing his chin with them. He rubbed his face on them while I lay my sweatshirt on top of him (which is about as much "restraint" as he'll put up with without bolting) and didn't even tense up or try to swat me as I picked up his paw AGAIN and cut the nail. Twice, when it looked like I could get a bit more. There was blood, and an awful smell. That must have HURT. But he knew I was trying to help with his problem, so he let me, with only one tiny squeak of protest.

The vet's getting a call in the morning, and I'm taking him in for his fall 100,000 meow check as well as whatever help he needs for his toe. I am prouder than ever of my brave little genius Smudge! :love:

Love, Columbine

09-27-2009, 11:11 PM
Well done, Smudge and Columbine!

09-28-2009, 12:08 AM
They know when we are trying to help them, they always know. Good boy, Smudge!

09-28-2009, 08:14 AM
Some of my guys struggle like crazy. But it's good to know he settled down and left you do what you had to do.


Laura's Babies
09-28-2009, 10:03 AM
He was in pain and knew you were trying to help him.... They are a lot smarter than people realize.

Mine will allow me to clip their nails if I catch them in the right mood, but their mood has to be exactly right. Usually that is when I first get back from work, they want attention so are willing to let me do just about anything with them...LOL!

It has taken this long for Samantha to realize I will NOT cut her nails back to her paw like her former Mom did and she is far more accepting of having them clipped now.

Boo allows it now but only when I first get home. Once and awhile I can snip them when she is in a especially loving mood.

09-28-2009, 10:20 AM
Well done Columbine!!!
Oh Smudge, you're so smart!!!

I hope the little thumb gets better soon:love::love:

09-28-2009, 12:56 PM
Great job, Columbine! Good kitty, Smudge!

Yipes, that did hurt from the sounds of it. Vita had that, the dew claw grew in. My vet said sometimes that happens as they age, and if it happens once it may be a recurring thing. Ask your vet on that as well.

Hooray, a feel good paw!

09-28-2009, 01:17 PM
Things look very good. After his little ordeal, Smudge went right to sleep, and this morning was jumping on and off the bed requesting breakfast per usual - no licking, no pain, no smell, and his left thumb looks exactly like his right. The doc says just keep an eye on it, and unless he has any further problems she'll look at it when he goes in for his Senior Wellness check next Monday. :)

Love, Columbine

09-28-2009, 05:17 PM
I have to keep an eye on Michael as his claws will curl around like that and dig into his paws!
I pray nothing like that happens to Miquelito or Pounciergeas I could never catch them or get them to the Vets.
Maybe John Hancock would be withstill be us if I could have had My Vet look at him.:(