View Full Version : Cat sniffles?

09-25-2009, 03:19 AM
Little vinnie recovered well from getting the snip, but ever since he's come back he's been sneezing :-S We are a bit worried about this as I've never had a kitten or cat that sneezed a lot before. Got him an appointment at the vets after work today but was just wondering if anyone else has had a sniffly kitten?? is it common and if it's a cold are they harmless in cats?? :confused:

09-25-2009, 05:36 AM
Little vinnie recovered well from getting the snip, but ever since he's come back he's been sneezing :-S We are a bit worried about this as I've never had a kitten or cat that sneezed a lot before. Got him an appointment at the vets after work today but was just wondering if anyone else has had a sniffly kitten?? is it common and if it's a cold are they harmless in cats?? :confused:

upper respiratory infections are common in cats. They are also really contagious. Sounds like your little one caught something while at the vet. Antibiotics usually clear them up, but your vet should have taken better precautions to prevent this. Hopefuly they will do the right thing and you can contain this before the other kitties catch it.

09-25-2009, 09:14 AM
:love: Awee poor wittle one.. Yes sniffles is commen in cats.. Its ok the Vet will prob. give you some liquid Clovamax for the baby to get 1/2 dropper twice daily for about 2 weeks.. Then the wittle one will be ok..