View Full Version : HD TV question

09-24-2009, 05:34 PM
I'm kinda toying with the idea of getting a flat panel TV for my bedroom. Something in the 32 inch range to replace the 7 year old 27 inch set I have in there now. My question is on resolution: Shopping around I see that most 32-ish HD flat panels are 720p and only a few are 1080p. Can you really tell the difference on a TV that small? I would be adding the HD channels to my cable lineup since it's only a dollar more than the basic digital package I have now. Just wondering if it's worth the extra cost for the 1080p TV too. Supposedly my local WalMart has one of the 1080p 32's but I don't recall seeing it, so it's probably not with the 720p's so I can't compare side-by-side.

My big TV has 1080p but it's a 52 inch so the resolution is more noticable. Man the HD channels look awesome on that thing!

09-24-2009, 06:00 PM
I have heard that you won't really notice a difference until you get around the 40" range. I have not done any comparisons myself, so take my post with that in mind.

09-24-2009, 06:06 PM
If you plan to watch only TV programming on the Set you will not be able to perceive a difference between the two. Television broadcast in either 720p or 1080i. Since 1080i only updates every other scan you will not see a difference between 720p and 1080i, Your big set that is 1080P can only use the 1080p if you are watching Blueray DVD. DirectTV and other providers saw they are broadcasting in 1080p, on some shows, but with the current bandwiidth that they utilize you will never see it. On a 32" set 1080p is really over kill because you can only squeeze so many pixals on that small screen. I say go with 720p. I have a 100" screen and can't justify a 1080p projector because most of what I watch is Directv or regular HDTV.

09-24-2009, 07:42 PM
first of... koko: you have a 100".. wow!!.. those things are massive!!..:D

second.. I just got a 37" 1080p... and as said if you watch regular TV they all look the same as my other regular TV.. but.. I rented some dvd series.. plain dvd not blueray..and man! they almost look blueray... so vivid and they just pop out...

not sure about the 720p as I donīt have one... but if thereīs not thta much $ difference... itīs your call.. i bought mine on a 13 months without interest payments and it inlcluded a home theater so it was practically a steal...

09-24-2009, 08:06 PM
I would suggest you run in to the library, and check Consumer Reports, before such a purchase, and see their suggestions.

09-24-2009, 10:15 PM
Check out this link if you are still in doubt


If you want to avoid a lot of technical jargon just got to #10 for a summation.


My 100" is by way of a HD Projector.

09-25-2009, 05:45 AM
probably stick with 720 since the TV will be in the bedroom and not get watched constantly. I don't have a dvd or blu-ray in there either. WalMart had the 37 inch 1080p on display last night and I couldn't see a ton of difference, but then again you don't know the resolution of what they were showing on all the TVs either. That's the cool thing about my HD cable box, it has a readout on what resolution the signal is being broadcast in.

Right now I'm not dead set on getting another TV I'm just researching what's out there and current pricing. Best way to find something out is to ask, ya know?