View Full Version : Not really made for self-employment...good thoughts please...

09-24-2009, 03:56 PM
I'll spare you the long story - just that I got a good assessment recently, and I do have an actual gap in what's called the 'working memory'.

I know I am not making that up, as I have had a really erratic employment record. I said to Mom recently, "Why can't I just get a job and work like everyone else?" (assuming getting the job is the easy part!)

I have my answer...part of my makeup is just getting overwhelmed and freezing up. To promote my computer business and network like I am 'supposed' to do, I just seize up and don't really know what to do. Sure, I can have a presence on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc...but what do I really do with those?

Anyway...work is lean right now. I have taken a deep breath and applied for a receptionist position at the local Humane Society. It seems to involve no mornings, and a couple of days off a week. The list of duties is huge. I can do them all, no problem - but I will need to write a list of the priorities for each day, and find out when they are needed. I do not multitask...I do things one at a time.

A couple of times in the last several years, I have seriously thought about applying for disability, where I could still work and earn up to $400 per month. This would be medical disability. But I hope I don't have to.

Anyway, I am just scared, uncertain, nonconfident and broke right now (Mom paid for the trip - but I was able to help her a lot in return).

Good thoughts, prayers, and shared experiences or advice would be really appreciated!


09-24-2009, 04:26 PM
I highly suggest the book "Strengths Finder". You have to buy it because it has a code you use online to take a test and it tells you your five greatest strengths and suggests ways to build on them including possible careers. The premise is that we spend too much time on "self help" and improving on things that are not our fortes. It suggests that if we concentrate on what we naturally do well, and partner with others with different strengths, we can lead more productive lives. I did this as did both my sisters while we were on vacation over Labor Day and it was spot on. Very insightful.
Good luck with your job search!:love: At least you know you have plenty of company :( Things will get better. This too shall pass. :love:

Queen of Poop
09-24-2009, 04:52 PM
Good luck with that application. I saw it posted on their website yesterday. Sounds like it would be fun. The one thing that scares me is that it said you had to be able to lift 40 lbs. So if you do get it be careful.

09-24-2009, 04:58 PM
Sending positive thoughts your way!

09-24-2009, 05:18 PM
I would like to understand your "problem".

I read your post a couple of times but I don't know what it is really saying. You are not cut out for self-employment (many, many people are not, I dare say. Much easier to have someone managing your time for you than yourself.)???

You don't know how to market yourself? Again, I am not so sure this is a skill that comes to us easily, as most of us don't need to do it. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, those are mostly social networking sites (well, Linkedin, I am not familiar with, is that the business networking site?). So, is it that you need help marketing yourself and building up your book of business?

Freezing up on the job, not multi-tasking. Hmmm... most people I know that say they can't multi-task usually seem to have a objection to it. I see it as they won't multi-task, not that they can't. So, maybe that is something you can overcome? I can't imagine not multi-tasking. But, that is just me. Maybe you are really just more singlemindly focused, and that isn't an issue as long as you can stop and start, pick up where you left off, etc. Otherwise, I can see it slowing you down. But, that is a skill set you can learn.

Writing a list of daily to-dos is a great idea. I think it is Steven Covey that broke things down in the 4 quadrants, and maybe you can look into some of his liturature. I worked with a guy that was wedded to his list to the point of missing out on some major events just cause it wasn't on his list. Maybe the opposite end of the spectrum, I dunno.

As for applying for disability, are you disabled? If so, apply for it. Nothing wrong with that.

09-24-2009, 08:29 PM
Johanna - my recent assessment comfirmed a reason behind my erratic job history. Yes, I am accountable, and now it means acknowledging the facts of my strengths and workarounds and techniques for areas not so strong.

It wasn't until Feb 2007 that I was dx'd with ADD Inattentive Type. My recent testing - very thorough and not covered by our health plan here - gave a bit more detail. My capacity is greater than average, but tempered by 'weakness in the memory system' which creates a steady pinhole leak in that capacity tank. Also, had the test results been available when I was in the earlier grades of school, I would have been called Gifted and received support for the areas that got in the way of my potential.

I didn't want to mention this specifically in my first post, since a lot of people don't "believe" in illnesses like this.

Office work that involves multi-tasking and high pressure deadlines is not for me. However, this Humane Society job has a lot of duties that can be broken down into 'chunks'. I also remembered today that I do well at a job that has a 'cause', that has meaning. And being a part of humane treatment and care of animals certainly fits that.

I just get scared because I have failed in so many jobs - about 10 in the last 9 years.

I have learned, however, to make more informed choices and not just go after the almighty buck.

Thanks for posting, folks.

ETA: Gayle, I have no worries about 40 lbs. It's likely dog food/litter, and I'll use the drag-heave technique! ;)