View Full Version : Have been diagnosed with borreliosis (lyme disease)

09-23-2009, 04:16 PM
A couple of months ago, must have been June or July, I was bitten by a tick, found it between my toes. The toe was itching and swollen, but I did not see any red circles around that area, so I didn't pay much attention to it. However, every couple of weeks, the toe started itching and swelling again, so I showed it to my doctor last week. She said from what I've described, she wouldn't believe it was anything serious, but checked my blood to be on the safe side... well, and as it turned out, I'm positive for lyme disease now.

Since I've been tested negative for it in the past, I think I got infected by that particular tick bite earlier this summer, so I'm still an early state. My doctor is positive that the disease can be treated with antibiotics. So far, so good.

But now I'm feeling ill, without being able to tell what's really wrong, I have some stomach problems, and I'm feeling absolutely tired and exhausted. Went home from work earlier yesterday because I couldn't keep my eyes open, and called in sick today; will be on sick leave for the rest of the week... First I thought it was Hashimoto-related (the autoimmune disease of the thyroid gland I'm dealing with), but now I read that during the first weeks after a borrelia infection, you'll develop flu-like symptoms every couple of weeks, and gastro-intestinal problems... Thinking back, I dealt with these things all summer, more or less. I thought it was stress, or Hashimoto, but now I wonder if these were the first symptoms of the lyme disease.

Now that I know what's going on, I can feel some pain in my joints, arms and legs, and tonight I notice a weird feeling, some kind of numbness in one of my toes (not the one that has been bitten, but on the other foot). And it's not the kind of numbness that you have from a herniated disc (dealt with that in the past, and it felt different), it's more like an odd feeling that something is wrapped around my toe. So I figure it's the virus making its way through my body, it's kind of eerie. I really hope the antibiotics will kick in, and prevent this disease from becoming chronical.


09-23-2009, 05:25 PM
Kirsten - I'm so sorry to hear this, but it appears that it has been detected rather early and hopefully you'll make a full recovery on antibiotics. And yes - all the symptoms you have are definitely Lyme's.

I always thought Lyme's was only found in parts of the U.S., but I see now that it is also a problem in parts of Europe. Not all of the U.S. is at risk. I live in a very high risk area, so we have to be super vigilant about ticks. Pet's are vaccinated against it even if they are indoor pets, and even then, the vaccine is only 80% effective. One of my dogs was showing symptoms of it and was tested, but thankfully it came back negative.

A friend of mine was diagnosed with Lyme's many years ago, but had it for a long time before it was ever detected. Unfortunately, the delay caused many neurological problems that had to be dealt with for many years, and he was no longer able to work and had to retire on disability. If it had been detected early, this would have been avoided.

You'll be in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy and complete recovery.

09-23-2009, 05:28 PM
You are in my thoughts and prayers. I never even thought about lyme disease until I moved up north. In the desert where I used to live, ticks only survived in the mountains and even then not too many months out of the year.
*Gentle hugs* get well soon! I'm glad it got caught early.

09-23-2009, 05:32 PM
I am glad they caught it early, and hope the antibiotics can clear it up for good. It is such a strange disease that some people go years before a diagnosis, so I am glad you got it caught quickly.

You'll be in our prayers.

09-23-2009, 06:00 PM
You are in my thoughts and prayers. *Gentle hugs* get well soon!

And mine, too! More *gentle hugs*!

09-23-2009, 06:33 PM
I hope the drugs kick in soon and you feel better! You have wonderful fur nurses, and I hope they cheer you up. :love:

Pinot's Mom
09-23-2009, 07:32 PM
Kirsten, report ALL YOUR SYMPTOMS to your doctor - every one! A good friend of mine was finally diagnosed with Lyme's after she'd had it for 15 years (without a diagnosis); she had a lot of the symptoms you're describing when first starting medications. They have to adjust and/or change your meds with so many of the symptoms. The only way they can get that balance is if you describe all your symptoms and your prior illnesses so they can figure out how to medicate you properly.

Good luck with this; early diagnosis is key. I've had MANY friends with the diagnosis that was an early one, and they're now basically symptom free. It takes a while, but you get there.

Laura's Babies
09-23-2009, 09:11 PM
WOW! Now that's something! I hate to hear that but hope you have a speedy recovery and the meds do the trick and get rid of it..

09-24-2009, 01:01 AM
I'm sorry to hear this:( but I'm glad that it was caught early. Hopefully you'll start feeling better soon.

My bosses wife has Lyme disease and she's had it for years. I think that she's on some kind of pain medication because she has a lot of joint pain. My bosses daughter would also have it but luckily she was diagnosed within the amount of time needed to prevent it from spreading. I think she had flu like symptoms and my boss told their doctor to have her tested for Lyme disease and she tested positive. They gave her some kind of medication which stops/kills the disease. I think that it has to be caught within the first 48 hours though.

09-24-2009, 02:56 AM
Oh Kirsten, I am so sorry to hear this. This was a ticky year and I suppose I was lucky because they like me too and I had many ticks in my life.
The vaccination unfortunately doesn't help against Lyme's.
What you describe sounds classic with Lyme and I hope they get it treated. I also have a US colleague who suffers from Lyme and they seem to have it rather under control now.

09-24-2009, 05:07 AM
So sorry to hear this Kirsten. I hope you can get it under control. Get better! :)

09-24-2009, 06:54 AM
Oh dear, Kirsten, that is too bad. You're fortunate to have gotten a diagnosis, though. From what I've read and seen on TV, Lyme disease is difficult to diagnose and people can go for years being told that they've tested negative for it. You'll probably have some ups and downs for a while but, hopefully, you're already on the road to recovery. :)

09-24-2009, 07:01 AM
Can you feel all the beakie kisses and feathers gently brushing your face? :) The flock and I are sending much love and healing to you, Kirsten. :love:

Cathy and the FLock

09-24-2009, 07:16 AM
Get well soon Kirsten. It is very good it was diagnosed early. My dad had it for about 3 years before he had it diagnosed. Its the reason I check myself over 3 times when I come back from the woods.

I hope it goes well for you.

09-24-2009, 08:33 AM
That must be scary but it sounds like you have caught it in time. I know it is not easy, but try not to dwell on it. Keep your spirits up and think happy thoughts. You are tough and you will beat this! Prayers!!!!!

09-24-2009, 09:24 AM
I'm so glad it was caught so early! A man I know had it for over 20 years before it was properly diagnosed and by then it had done a real number on him. I hope you feel better soon.

09-24-2009, 10:40 AM
Add me to the list of well-wishers! I would imagine you are on a strong course of antibiotics, and that, alone, can give you digestive tract "issues".

Get well, get lots of rest, and snuggle with the girls.

09-24-2009, 11:35 AM
I am so sorry to learn this, Kirsten, but I am glad it has been diagnosed so early. Prayers for you that the treatment goes well and you are done with this before long. Meanwhile, do let your furry nurses spoil you with their expert care!

Hugs and purrs,
Pat and cats

09-24-2009, 11:48 AM
Ask your doctor about eating some yogurt halfway between antibiotic doses. It will help replace the 'good' bacteria that the antibiotics kill.

I once had to be on an antibiotic for three months (regularly supervised) and I took acidophilus and bifidus capsules for all that time. My tummy etc was fine. Those items are in good yogurt too.


09-24-2009, 12:08 PM
I'll be saying prays that you will be feeling better soon.


09-25-2009, 08:54 AM
Thank you everyone for your support and advice! Seems like so many people are dealing with this, and yes, there are a lot with severe problems! Maybe I'm lucky that my infection was detected early! Looks like I still have to learn a lot about this disease. Ordered a little info book for starters today.

I'm still not doing well, actually this is not a good day at all. I'm feeling so ill!! But it's hard to tell whether this comes from lyme disease, Hashimoto's, stress, or anything else.

Looks like this is not a good time for my family: My stepfather, Reinhold, fell down some stone steps and obviously hurt his ribs (don't know if they are broken because he refused to go to the doctor! :mad: ) and is in severe pain, my brother-in-law is in hospital with an intestinal obstruction and will probably have surgery (it's for the second time this year that this happened, and it happened before; he has the Crohn disease), and my mother will have her knee joint replaced in November, she can hardly walk. Rough times!


09-25-2009, 09:45 AM
Sorry about the rotten luck Kirsten. The good news is that you caught it early before it could affect too many organs and have you dragging for years. At least you know where you stand and knowing the cause always makes it easier to cope rather than keep wondering what is causing the symptoms. Had no idea you had ticks out that way, this came as a surprise.

09-25-2009, 01:07 PM
Sorry to hear about your family- the only thing I know from own experience is that broken ribs hurt- but they seem to heal on their own.

M&M's Mommy
09-25-2009, 01:26 PM

You're in my thoughts & prayers.

09-27-2009, 12:57 PM
Thanks! :)

Had no idea you had ticks out that way, this came as a surprise.

Oh yes, we have, and there's an increasing number of people with borreliosis over here. There's also another severe illness caused by ticks, it's called FSME. I think in English it's called TBE, tick-borne encephalitis. It's life-threatening, but there's a vaccine against it.

I'm still feeling very ill btw, with flu-like symptoms. Have to go back to work tomorrow, and I hope I'll manage somehow. :(
