View Full Version : Don't stop going to school!

09-22-2009, 12:47 PM
Don't stop learning, either.

I am a perennial student.:eek::o

I have signed up for classes in all kinds of things that have interested me.
Some work related, sports and just because I wanted to.

A while back the mailman brought a booklet from the adult school in the next 'town' over.

As I flipped thru it and saw a bunch of classes and thought, "Meh, I'd like to learn how to.....". And, I signed up for one class.

In the weeks leading up to the beginning of the course I was really asking myself if I really wanted to do it, I wanted to cancel or hoped the class would cancel itself.

I felt bad because the first class was a blast, it was a long tiring day, but I had more fun in a group than I had had in a long while.


The neat part about taking this class is that it will help me out in a bunch of different ways.

I can make money on it after I am done.

I most likely will get paid for taking the class.

And it's something that I have wanted to do for a while.

I was looking at the rest of the pamphlet and saw there are a few other classes that are offered. There is a landscaping course and a notary course that also look interesting.

Don't sit on your hands, Don't hesitate! I know that money is tight and time is precious, but, get off your butt and look into taking a class or two. If you put your mind to it, it really pays off in a bunch of different ways. It's a social event, a learning experience and a way to stay active.


The best part of going to school as an adult?

You get to pack your own lunch with what YOU WANT TO EAT!:eek:;)

09-22-2009, 01:09 PM
That's great Richard. Now are going to tell us what this class is??? :confused:

09-22-2009, 01:18 PM
I totally agree. Last year I signed up for Archeology of the Bay Area classes - we even had field trips. It was SO much fun! I learned a lot about the area I live in and want to learn more. I also met a lot of really nice people to share interests with. IMHO you're never too old to learn new things and if you think you are, then you truly are too old. :p

P.S. Richard, I'm also a Notary. Boring class, but it's part of my job and a little extra something I can add to my resume.

09-22-2009, 01:34 PM
It took me several years to get back on the school bus. But I have been taking a class each semester in accounting. I have worked in accounting for the past 5 years and finally decided I should take some classes. It is fun! I have met lots of nice people. It's nice because the school is right down the street from where I live so I don't have to go far after class at 8pm.
In fact, I go tonight. And I'm looking forward to figuring out a problem I couldn't understand in our homework.

09-22-2009, 03:23 PM
That's great Richard. Now are going to tell us what this class is??? :confused:


My dad made bricks for 30 years and I always wanted to learn how to lay brick-insert joke there!

He did a few projects around the house that need repair or have to be torn down and rebuilt.

I am excited because I like to work outdoors and I can get little side jobs to earn extra money.

It's way too cool and I can hardly wait to go back.



I loved my anthro classes, I bet archeo was way more fun!


The 'meeting people' part is very cool.:D

09-22-2009, 04:52 PM
Hey, all part of the Law of Abundance the way I see it! :)

09-26-2009, 11:46 PM
Hey, all part of the Law of Abundance the way I see it! :)

I hope!


Hey Redd....

Did you see this?


There are some awesome piece in that collection....

11-14-2009, 05:55 PM
I have to post a few pics from my class!

I am so stoked about being able to build the projects we are given.

The first two pics are of a column that I am building. We have a blueprint that gives us the specs and we build it from there......they are small and we are graded on how we build it according to the specs.

I struggled for a bit, but now I have the basic steps down.

I still have a way to go....

The last two pics are of projects that the advanced groups are building.

They are doing cinder block walls and veneer work.

It's a great class and I really love it. I am mad I never tried it before!:eek::)

11-14-2009, 10:52 PM
Wow Richard! That's fantastic. Never stop learning! Notary is boring but can bring you the bucks! I'm fascinated by architecture so masonry is so cool. I almost majored in archeology but thought it would be hard to make a living at it. I'd love to do it as a hobby now. Where did you take the class Reddhead?
I've been signing up for every cooking class I can. I get to take them free so I consider it a job perk. I just love learning new things too!

11-14-2009, 11:01 PM
great job :D

I love taking classes... but most of my interests revolve around dance and art and creativity stuff. I've been doing it with my mom since I was young. we always took some sort of line dancing class or craft class together.

Now that we live far away... this is something I still like to do and makes me feel closer to her in a way and soemthing I would LOVE for hannah to want to do with me in the future.

Right now I would like to take a belly dancing class. sounds liek fun and will be good fitness for me as well.

also I'd like to take some sort of crochet or knitting class as well as sewing.

Im just a creative person at heart and love to expand those types of things.

11-15-2009, 01:41 AM
Thanks for this thread Richard!

I have a list of things I would love to learn that has been the same for years now!

I really would like to take a photographic course, pottery and painting again, since it's been ages that I painted something. Now if I stand before a blank paper I freeze, not knowing where to start! Also when I was about 9 yrs old I used to play the guitar, but not anymore, I forgot everything and would like to start again.

We had family visiting from Australia this summer and one particular couple have this really cool job! They work from anywhere in the globe that there is an internet connection, so they travel and work at the same time without being restricted! What exactly is that they do, I've yet to descover!! But their payment comes, I bellieve from Google and depends on how many people visit certain sites(by clicks)! Now tell me...isn't that cool?! If I had that job I believe it would be hard for me to seperate from my pyjamas!!!! Lol!