View Full Version : Sam and his gagging or reverse sneezing

09-21-2009, 09:17 PM
This afternoon when I got home from work, he sounded congested. I couldn't find him to administer the CTM. I had already made an appt with the vet so off we went.

No temperature but maybe some congestion. He does have mouth problems which I tried to get help for at a different vet a few weeks back. But what I was told next is what is weird.

If I understand this correctly, Sam didn't have your normal immune reaction to the bacteria. He had an allergic reaction to the infection which was causing him discomfort and some small swelling. The vet could see the vocal cords but the mouth was red and irritated. It was causing a gagging reflex even when he breathed sometimes. He was definitely snuffling. Of course, some of that could have been his trying to clear his throat.

So he was given a shot of antibiotics and some dep (?) (steroids) for the reaction. The one-time shots are expensive but I would have to crate Sam for two weeks just to medicate him. He hid from me this morning when I got up.

I got some fish flavored hairball remedy which makes the throat feel better also. As a result, he did eat some when we got home. I know he is hungry.

Have you ever heard of an allergic reaction to an infection?

09-23-2009, 07:53 PM
hmmmmph. No responses. The only post without one. I wonder why?

Sam is much better BTW. The meds finally kicked in. A little TLC to take care of the slight jealousy caused by a typical young kitty and he is much better.

09-23-2009, 08:56 PM
I read your first post and found it interesting. I had never heard of anything like what you related, so I didn't respond. I am very glad to hear that dear Sam is doing better though! TLC goes a long way too. :love:

09-23-2009, 09:18 PM
What a beautiful kitty! I didn't know anything about the condition either, or quite understand it, but I'm glad Sam is feeling better. It sounds like the 2nd Vet was on the mark with diagnosing it and getting Sam better.

09-23-2009, 09:58 PM
You had us all stumped with Sam's condition. I am glad he is better. We need some good news around here for a change. Good for you Sam!