View Full Version : I'm fostering 2 one day old babies...

09-21-2009, 09:08 PM
Okay, call me crazy. Two babies need someone to bottle feed them. Their mama, a very young cat, gave birth to them but couldn't pass the placenta. She didn't chew the umbilical cords, so she walked around dragging them. A wonderful woman took mama and babies to the vet. He cut the cords and gave mama a relaxant to help her pass the placenta, which she did. Unfortunately, because of the trauma, she has absolutely no milk, and shows absolutely no interest in these babies. The woman, Lydia, doesn't have much experience in bottle feeding such young kittens and sent an email around.

I've volunteered. It means waking up every 2 hours to feed them and make them pee and poo. Maybe this will help me with my grief over Mollie Rose.

I'm also going to call around to my vet and the Humane Society to see if they have any lactating mothers that can help.

I'm looking forward to getting these two babies strong so they can be adopted. Lydia is going to provide all the supplies I need. I'm going to put them in a large carrier with a blanket and heating pad, right next to my bed. I'll cover the carrier so my cats will leave them alone.

Am I nuts??? I'd appreciate any advice.

09-21-2009, 09:16 PM
You sound perfectly sane to me. Something tells me Mollie Rose had something to do with this. Remember, your connection to her will never die.:love:

09-21-2009, 09:19 PM
Prayers, purrs and good luck to you:love::eek::love:
http://www.petplace.com/ has some wonderfully informative articles dealing with caring for orphans. I used a lot of the info there to help with caring for Pretty Mama and her babies. Bless you for taking care of the babies:love::):love:

PS. Give them some good strong names to give them something to live up to;)

09-21-2009, 09:51 PM
that is awesome, way to go!!! That is a brave thing to do. I would be scared of them being that young. :love:
Thank you for taking care of them

09-21-2009, 10:02 PM
You are a very special lady. Mollie Rose sure helped instill love of kitties deep in your heart. :love: Keep us posted on their progress please.

09-21-2009, 10:14 PM
You are NOT crazy! You have a heart as big as they come. Thank you for your courage and strength to help these wee ones along. Good luck! :love:

smokey the elder
09-22-2009, 07:14 AM
I think Mollie Rose had her paws in this up to the shoulders. It'll make a good distraction for you to love on the tiny babies.

09-22-2009, 07:26 AM
Way to go. But what are you going to do when you have to go to work??? :confused:

Laura's Babies
09-22-2009, 07:27 AM
You are not crazy at all! I would do it in a heartbeat myself. They are so sweet and innocent, there is no way you could say "no!". Just be warned, you WILL fall deeply in love with them... how can you not?

No advice since it sounds like you have it all under control already. Good luck to you and those babies.

09-22-2009, 08:30 AM

I haven't quite figured that work thing out yet. I thought of bringing them into work with me and putting them in my manager's office (he's a cat lover). If that's not feasible, I don't know. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

The mama was tested and is negative, so that's one thing I don't have to worry about.

As far as becoming attached to them, I probably will. It's hard not to. Keeping them is not an option. I've already got an offer for a 6 week old tortie. No other cat can replace my Rosie girl.

My camera is broken so there's no way I can post pictures once they get here.:(

Queen of Poop
09-22-2009, 09:20 AM
Like the others as soon as I read this I knew that Mollie Rose had her little paws in this situation. She's sent you these ever so needy babies to help you get over your grief. This is just wonderful, you're not crazy, you're blessed.

09-22-2009, 09:27 AM
:love: No Donna your not crazy.. Your just a loving meowmom.. You will do fine with these babies.. Good Luck..

09-22-2009, 09:33 AM
One thing that i have read is good is to put them on something warm, and have something like a clock that ticks, so they think its thier Mommas heartbeat!
Good Luck with those Babies on this critical phase of thier life, and Molly Rose will be there in spririt helping you all the way!!

09-22-2009, 12:08 PM
Way to go, Donna!

But um . . . you are going to need back up. You have to sleep so you can work. Getting up every 2 hours around the clock will wear on you quickly, and that won't help the babies at all. (not to mention it won't do much for you or your furkids.)

Finding a lactating mom sounds good!

Maybe post on craigslist in your area, the feral cat rescue groups may have a female who can help out.

Oh and check with ALL the vets, not just yours, for a female as well.

09-22-2009, 12:17 PM
YA!!!!!!! Donna, well come to my world. Everyone is right Mollie Rose sent these babies just for you. Lucky was 1 day when we got him, but I was lucky to have LB (Little Bear) filling in during the day. Roz was able to eat some can food so after 2 weeks she went on a mix of can & dry. Our Chessie was a bottle baby as was Patches.
Good luck and god bless, please get a new camera soon, we need pic's.

09-22-2009, 12:31 PM
The babies are in transit as we speak. As far as my camera is concerned, it's not broken. It's those damn rechargeable batteries that aren't worth crap. As soon as I get paid on Friday, I'll get regular duracel batteries and post lots of pictures.

My boss is changing my schedule from Sunday 10-2 to Saturday, 10-2. I have someone who's willing to take them while I'm at work. That's a huge load off my mind. My boss is a real cat person and said he would LOVE to have me bring them in. Unfortunately, corporate would have his hyde if they found out, and he'd lose his job.

09-22-2009, 12:49 PM
:) Oh I can remember those days of bottle feeding wittle ones.. I have had them as young as 3 days to 1 wk old.. Yes the every two hours at night is what gets to ya.. Hey I got used to getting up & had a good schedule going && then the babies was old enough for food.. Take extra vitamins & go for it.. Hey great you have someone in the day time while at work to watch them.. Now will you be needing milk & if so what kind are you using.. I have several big cartons of milk I could send to you.. Just PM me your address..

09-22-2009, 01:28 PM
Awww....sounds like you have wonderful people stepping up!

I also hated using rechargeable batteries for my digital camera. I switched from regular ones to lithium. They are a bit more, but they last forever in my camera!

When they are too low to operate the camera, something else gets a lot of use out of them - my alarm clock, etc!

I hope you get the sleep thing worked out. How long do they have to be fed every 2 hours?

09-22-2009, 05:34 PM
They're here!!!! They are SOOOOOO tiny. I fed them with a syringe, which worked better than the nipples because they got more in their bellies. They both peed and pooed and are now sound asleep in the carrier. I'm keeping track of the times I feed them so I know the next time they're due.

Once I get REAL batteries, I'll take lots of pictures.

09-22-2009, 05:38 PM
2-3 hour feeding is the norm. Right now, because they're so tiny, that everyday they grow, is in their favor. If I can get them to 3-4 weeks, we've got it made. Babies this tiny are very fragile. I'm a little worried about the little girl because she doesn't seem to move around as much as her brother. But we'll see.

09-22-2009, 06:31 PM
Those two little ones are sooooooooo lucky to have you in their lives. I am sure they will prosper.

09-22-2009, 06:52 PM
2-3 hour feeding is the norm. Right now, because they're so tiny, that everyday they grow, is in their favor. If I can get them to 3-4 weeks, we've got it made. Babies this tiny are very fragile. I'm a little worried about the little girl because she doesn't seem to move around as much as her brother. But we'll see.

Prayers and a candle for these little ones.

09-22-2009, 11:42 PM
Little Miss Tia, the tiny little girl of the two died tonight. I woke up for the midnight feeding and she was cold and stiff.:( I had a bad feeling when I realized she wasn't as active as her brother, and wasn't taking in as much formula as he was. I know this happens alot, especially with orphan kittens. It still doesn't make it any easier. Her brother is active and wolfing down a whole syringe every 3 hours.

RIP sweet little Tia. I tried dear little one, honest I did.:(

09-22-2009, 11:54 PM
The Lord himself could not have done better. You are an angel in human form. Just keep on feeding the little boy, he may just make it and you will most certainly be thought of as his meowmie!:love:

09-23-2009, 08:03 AM
I'm so sorry. We all know this happens but still does not make it any easyer. Our prayers are with you.

09-23-2009, 09:08 AM
:( So sorry Donna about Wittle Miss Tia.. RIP wittle Tia.. Now whats the wittle Boy's name?? You might want to name him Melite it is greek for Honey as Honey Sweet..
I'm so sorry. We all know this happens but still does not make it any easyer. Our prayers are with you.

09-23-2009, 09:45 AM
Donna, I am so sorry you lost Tia. It brings back memories of a kitten my mom and I tried to save and lost. :(

I'm glad the little boy (what's his name?) is doing well. :)

Oh, and get Lithium batteries for your camera. They are a little more expensive but last WAY longer than regular Duracells.

09-23-2009, 10:51 AM
{{{{hugs}}}} I know this is said so often - but that wee one was fed and loved for the short time she was with you. It is so sad.

Her brother has a guardian angel now, and a real human angel. Love you!:love:

09-23-2009, 11:00 AM
Donna, if you are nuts then all angels are nuts....bless you for taking on this challenge....Godspeed little Tia.....

09-23-2009, 11:30 AM
A friend of mine has a feral mama with kittens. What we're going to do is put her babies in a crate right next to her cage and put the little boy in with her to see if he'll suckle. He needs mother's milk right now, in order to give him a fighting chance.

Even if he nurses for a while, it's better than nothing. He's taking in 3 ml of KMR at each feeding which is great. I need a name for him though. I'll wait till he's a little older to see what kind of personality he has.

Tia will be buried on my friend's property, since I live in an apartment complex.

I'm angry that I spent a whole day on the phone calling all over to different rescue organizations for help. It seems that they are never there for the causes (such as the Jay Baldwin case) yet there always there with their hands out looking for donations. UGH!!!:mad: Half the places I called never even had the decency to call me back.

09-23-2009, 12:21 PM
:) Donna in my other post I suggested the name of Melite.. This is Greek & means Honey & or Honey Sweet..

09-23-2009, 12:57 PM
Melite it is!!!

09-23-2009, 05:47 PM
A friend of mine has a feral mama with kittens. What we're going to do is put her babies in a crate right next to her cage and put the little boy in with her to see if he'll suckle. He needs mother's milk right now, in order to give him a fighting chance.

Even if he nurses for a while, it's better than nothing. He's taking in 3 ml of KMR at each feeding which is great. I need a name for him though. I'll wait till he's a little older to see what kind of personality he has.

Tia will be buried on my friend's property, since I live in an apartment complex.

I hope the little guy can do it! Paws and fingers crossed!

09-23-2009, 05:54 PM
We've decided against putting him in with the feral mama. The reason being it takes a nano second for her to kill or hurt him. We're not sure how she'll react and I just don't want to take the chance. I'd rather bottle feed him myself and know he's safe. Sleep deprivation?? I'll sleep when I'm dead.

Oh, and because this little guy is such a fighter, I've decided to name him Ali after Mohammed Ali. Sorry Lvpets2002. Don't be mad.

Little Tia is going to be buried in my friend's back yard next week.:(

09-23-2009, 07:15 PM
I've bottle fed many kittens in the past. Sadly, there were a few that didn't make it over the years, but I knew none of them would have had a chance at all if I didn't try.

Continues prayers and well wishes for the little boy to thrive into a big boy:love:

09-24-2009, 07:53 AM
Okay, I've changed his name for the last time. Ali sounds like a girls name so I think Rocky is more appropriate. He's a fighter, I tell ya. And guess what??? Last night while I was getting him to pee/poo, he PURRED!!!!!! I think I'm in love.:love::love::love: I'm going to get batteries this morning and will post pictures.

09-24-2009, 08:18 AM
I'm sorry to hear about Tia. She knows you tried hard to help her and that you did everything you could. I'm glad her brother is doing good and purring!! You go girl!!!

09-24-2009, 08:48 AM
Introducing Rocky!!!


I'll post more later. It's kind of hard to take a picture of a squiggling 5 day old.

09-24-2009, 09:25 AM
I'm so sorry I haven't posted till now, I'm so sorry to hear about Tia but I'm so glad that ROCKY is doing well.

What a little cutie pie! Thank you for taking such great care of him.


09-24-2009, 09:43 AM
He's doing great!! Me on the other hand, I'm tired. But it is SOOOOO worth it!!

His eyes should be opening sometime this weekend.

09-24-2009, 10:18 AM
:) Oh yes you will for sure looss sleep bottle feeding.. My last bottle baby = I was like a walking zombee at work.. Hey in a week or so you will be used to the night feedings..

Hey the baby can have two names = Rocky Melite.. That sounds ok together.. He is a cutie pie.. What always gets to me for cutness is the first time they try to wash their faces.. Its so cute..

09-24-2009, 10:44 AM
AWWWW! A tiny tuxie!

Thanks for the pics - he is adorable!:love:

09-24-2009, 10:46 AM

Great idea!!! Okay then, his official name is Rocky Melite.

09-24-2009, 10:56 AM
:love: See you always have to have some sweetness with the mouchoness..

Rocky Melite the Mr. Honey Sweet..

hey that sounds catchy dont you think??

Great idea!!! Okay then, his official name is Rocky Melite.

09-24-2009, 12:54 PM
Rocky Melite, the Sweetest of the Sweet!:love:

09-24-2009, 03:51 PM
SOOOOOOOOO cute. Your right tired but wotrh every minute, he looks like a tiny Demetri (butter ball)

09-24-2009, 04:28 PM
ohh so cute! sweet baby Rocky, will be a big strong fella soon enough:)