View Full Version : what kind of cat toys?

09-21-2009, 04:44 PM
what kind of cat toys do your cats like, which are their favorites?
mine have so many but really only like about 3-4, toy mice, "da bird", feather wands and a catnip canvas 'pillow' .the rest I bought and they just sit there:rolleyes:

I can't believe the things in the pet store, so many clothes and toys that are clearly for the owner- the cat would never want them:o

09-21-2009, 04:48 PM
:) Well the best ones my cats like are rolled up paper thrown on the floor.. Then there is always the box that your cokes come out of.. I can always buy a $20.00 toy & get it home take it out of the box & then turn around & my cats will be in the box everytime.. An empty 12 pk coke box works great.. Take one or both ends out & there ya go..

Laura's Babies
09-21-2009, 04:59 PM
I agree, BOXES! Wrapping paper also is a great one. Anything in Giz's purse, toys, straws, wads of paper... EVERY cat should have their own purse stuffed with things they like. Giz's purse is the best idea I ever had!

K & L
09-21-2009, 05:19 PM
Would you believe fresh green beans? :eek:It's like they smell them before I even get them out of the bag. They surround me waiting for me to throw them some. It's really funny!!

09-21-2009, 05:28 PM
Dear Allmycats,

I like to play with Kitty Tease, which is a long black string on a pole. My meowmom holds the pole and makes a denim belt loop (on the other end of the string) fly back and forth for me to catch. It was a gift to my meowmom and me from the shelter when she adopted me, because it was my favorite there. My meowmom wonders why I need toys at all, because the things I like to play with best are pencils and pens. I like to swat them off meowmom's desk or table. Pencils are better because they bounce if they land on the eraser. I sit on the table and say "murp" till meowmom picks them up, and then I swat them down again! I also like to help wrap presents by thoroughly chewing on the ribbon while meowmom is trying to tie it. I love to play with ribbon or yarn, meowmom has to put those away after we play with them. I also like furry mousies. Meowmom props them up on the cabinet knobs or drawer pulls and I knock them down. In the kitchen I sometimes swat them under the fridge by accident, meowmom hates that but she gets them for me cos she loves me. In the bedroom I knock them onto the rug and under the dresser. Meowmom fetches those for me too. She is my play time helper!


P.S., my fur-cousin Milo has some mousies that were sewn for him out of muslin. They're filled with muslin too. He likes to have his people toss them, then he will either swat it around (they have wood floors so his toys slide reeeeeally well) or pick it up in his mouth, put it down somewhere else, and then swat it. He also likes to knock pens or pencils from the desk down onto the floor. He likes golf balls too. We tried to teach him to play with Ping Pong balls but they are too light.

09-21-2009, 05:42 PM
Our kitties ignore any toy we buy them but will play for hours with the boxes they came in. :rolleyes:

Halo likes to play with some shoestrings that we tried onto the end of a stick.
Pepper likes the laser pointer.

09-21-2009, 05:47 PM
Havoc likes things he can carry in his mouth and bat around on the floor. His favorites are the little fur-covered mice and a stuffed mouse I brought home from work. He'll grab one of those and chase and fling it all over the house. His favorite game is hide and seek where he'll "chase" one of the mice under something (a rug, blanket or newspaper) and then stalk it and snatch it out. He often "kills" the stuffed mouse by rolling it over and biting it on the throat. here's a pic of the kill:

Toby on the other hand is a lazy butt. He'll play and jump around like a wild-man but only if you're playing with him. Otherwise he may bat at something once or twice and he's over it. The best way to play with Toby is with a bat-around toy tied to a fishing pole. That way I can move it around wildly or fling it down the hall but not be close enough to distract him from palying. He likes boxes and such but he'll just squeeze himself in and lay down.

and of course they both absolutely LOVE chasing whatever insect unfortunate enough to get in the house.

09-21-2009, 06:19 PM
Dear Cassie

It sounds like you have good toys and have alot of fun. good for you!:D

09-21-2009, 06:21 PM
when Leo was a kitten he liked to put the kitchen sponge in his mouth and walk around with it!:eek::rolleyes::confused:

Archie likes...Q-tips :confused::rolleyes::eek:

09-21-2009, 09:06 PM
the critters will play with stuff from the store, but their favorite toys are free: Pieces from a rag rug, bottle caps, paper, the printer, my shoelaces, running water, etc.

09-21-2009, 09:32 PM
A paper bag with holes cut in it. That was Morgan's first toy, and he still loves bags today. Now he is so big he barely fits in them though. He likes small mice. He loves this little red puff ball. I have no idea where he found it. It looks like one of those pom poms from the back of socks from the 80's. He loses it under things for weeks at a time. Then somehow it reappears. I should try to hunt it down and see if he is interested in playing with it. He also likes this kitty tunnel I used Fresh Step Pawpoints to redeem for him. Sometimes he will play with one of those plastic tracks that has the ball in it and the cardboard in the middle to use as a scratching area.

09-22-2009, 09:36 AM
They like the Toys from Lee Truslow :love:of Virginia, the Animal Welfare Mice and Balls, the Kitty Tease and the Cat Dancers!:D
And bits of paper and each others tails too!!!:eek::eek:

09-22-2009, 01:02 PM
Ming loves plastice bags, so I have to be careful and watch him while he enjoys his favorite toys. He's very careful, never puts his head in them, just attacks them with his paws. I think he likes the crackling sound! Mac, an old sash from a robe is something he will play with, but you have to be on the other end! Anything on a pole is big with him. They both adore catnip mice and will toss them around for hours!

09-22-2009, 01:46 PM
Paizly loves these little plastic spiral toys. We toss them down the hall and she fetches them. Just this morning I got a new one out for her (we tend to lose them or Taggart eats them) and played with her while I got ready. I'd throw it and she'd bring it back and set it at my feet and meow at me to throw it again.

09-22-2009, 02:34 PM
All 4 of mine like the laser light.

Tink likes the furry mice. She will carry them around and cry and cry. Then she will hide them under something, watch them for a bit and pounce on them.

They all like boxes and any type of string or toy with string or yarn.

Also anything small that might fall on the floor like a q-tip or a hair clip Tink will play with.

And...boxes. They love boxes!

09-23-2009, 08:26 AM
We have toys all over the house, but the main list is:
1. "under cover mouse" It's fun whatching 8-12 cats playing with 1 toy.
2. track ball - Demetri, Roz, Egypt, Dobe
3. Toys from Lee Truslow - Mits, Peak, Roz, Demetri, Lucky, Boots
4. Small fuzz balls(same size as ping pong) - Roz, Dobe, princess, Peak,
5. Plastic packing cable (3 tied together) - Eygpt, Lucky, Princess, Roz,
Demetri, Dobe, Peak
6. Plastic soda straws - Demetri, Roz, Lucky
7. Rolled up paper - Lenny, Bailey, Chessie, Roz, Lucky, Egypt, Penny, Boots
At any one time there are 30-50 "toys". This includes the items that the kids find and we have know idea where it came from.

09-24-2009, 10:30 PM
and a straw cut in half, they love it, batting it around:)

09-26-2009, 12:19 AM
they used to like boxes when they were kittens, not too much now, unless it is a big box, like one used for moving, one of the medium sizes makes a good cat "house". I used to cut holes in them, get 2 or 3 boxes and put them together even make a 2 story "house", haven't done that for a while, I might do that again this weekend. I tie or staple toys with a string to the "ceiling" so they have something to play with:cool:

09-26-2009, 07:01 AM
My guys don't care about cat toys in the least - except the laser light. Then its pure chaos as 8 cats rally to get it :D

Here are their favorite toys:
Mikey -- OBSESSED With rolled socks. I need to get a video of him with a pair of socks.

Trixie -- Callie's Christmas Collar. She growls at it and everything. Such a big huntress :p She also ADORES pipecleaners. Just curl them around a pencil and she'll spend ages straightening them out.

Abby -- milk jug rings

Flutter -- anything on shelves that she can kock down. Oh the joy of that game! Cell phone? plop. I pick it up and put it on the desk, and a second later, plop.

Mystic -- my toes. Mikey and Trixie. Anything moving.

Pouncer -- growling at everyone seems to be his favorite sport. :rolleyes:

Harry and Allen -- too busy sleeping to be bothered with toys.