View Full Version : This video made me laugh so hard!

09-21-2009, 08:41 AM
This is BOO...a Bullmastiff in Sunny's agility class. His grandpa sent me this video "to impress Sunny" :)

Boo is such a sweetie and is sooo funny in class but his mom is even funnier. She gives him a pep talk before every obstacle.

I can't open videos on my computer here at work so someone let me know if this link worked...


09-21-2009, 09:46 AM
LOL, that was great! I was so excited when he finally went through the first tunnel! :D

09-21-2009, 10:06 AM
Your Zoee and Taggart would probably be naturals! Have you ever tried agility? It is so much fun!

09-21-2009, 11:23 AM
No, I haven't. Zoee wouldn't do so good only because when she sees other dogs she freaks out. Taggart is such an air head I'm not sure he'd be able to pay attention. LOL I should try it. The supervisor where I volunteer does it with her Corgi's. Honestly, I'm lazy and need to get in gear. I wanted to get Taggart Hug Pack approved. That is where they can go visit places like retirement homes and schools. Also, with our financials situation right now, training classes are not an option. :(
But I might be able to get my way to the agility field just to see what Taggart would do. :)

09-21-2009, 12:12 PM
Oh my, thanks for a good laugh, Deb! Looks like mom needs to find herself a pup that will ENJOY Agility, lol. Boo is so comical, walking over the jumps, balking at the tunnel. She is so energetic, she coaches him, jumps twice in place, runs up to the obstacle and . . . Boo lumbers over to see what she is excited about. :D

I noticed the end credit reads, Boo, Bullmastiff and Service Dog. No pretending he is an Agility dog, ha ha haaa.

09-21-2009, 01:00 PM
Boo enjoys Sunny very much at agility class ;) :love: