View Full Version : A Toby update

09-21-2009, 08:34 AM
This is an email I recieved from Toby, the former stray that I recently placed with a good friend...I couldn't figure out if I should laugh or cry 'cause I was so happy!

> Sorry I havent wrote recently, but the big guy
> at this house useually turns off the computer.
> AnywAys, it iSNT going too badly hear. I sleep all
> day, sometimes in the windo, but mOStly on the Floor in the
> kitchen. The dry FOOD he FeDs me si goood. I
> dont always like the mOIST stuff. But I usually lick
> up all the juice. But last night he fed me eth most
> delicious type of food. I ates it all up. The
> big guy aint tooo bad. Usually he leaves me alone, but
> he does scratch my ears, and I let him. When he comes
> home i have been coming up to him and letting him scratch me
> on my ears and body. But, I think its funny that I
> have been feeling up my litterbox constantly. But he
> always cleans it. Sometimes even twice a day.
> Last night, when he came back from wherever he goes, I was
> in the bathroom when he tried to take off his boots. I
> chased the laces from teh boot,
> and finally caught both ends! But then he
> cheated! he started taking off his other boot!
> when the lace landed on my back I just FREAKED!! I RAN
> out OF The rooom soooo fast! and he laughed at
> me! jAlso I trained him that when I jumps on the sink
> or in the tub, he comes and turns the water on so that I get
> freshh water. I know its the same in my bowl, but I
> likes it better. I drink lots and lots of water.
> Welll, I hardly misss going outside now, and dont even wait
> and stare at the door anymore. So thank you for
> getting me this nice palce to stay, even if I have to
> share it with that big guy that laughed at me. The
> only real problem is that although my hair is nice and
> shiny, and I am feelin good, my tail hair is kinda clumpy
> and I dont know what to do. So, if yoou can tell the
> big guy how to fix that, I would likes it muchly.
> welll, bye for now.
> Tobias J. Katt

09-21-2009, 09:42 AM
That's a great update, I love it when people type like their cats minds :)

09-21-2009, 09:43 AM
Hello Tobias J Katt, this is the Found Cats!:cool:
You sure sound like you have a great Cat Dad!
We do too, and hes always suprising us by putting pieces of meat and chicken in front of our noses like magic!!!:cool::cool:
And we place with our Dads laces too, and when he gets new boots, he lets us have the old laces, we get them as a toy.
We wish you could drop by 5ish Tobias J Katt thats when the Meals on Wheels shows up , and we would certainly share with you.
You are a Cool Cat:cool::cool:

09-21-2009, 10:26 AM
Awe... that's a great update!!! I love it when my fosters send me updates on their lives!

09-21-2009, 12:58 PM
It only takes one heart to make a big difference in a cat's life. Tobias is lucky, he found two!:love:

09-21-2009, 02:11 PM
Awe... that's a great update!!! I love it when my fosters send me updates on their lives!

And what is even better is that he lives about 5 minutes away so I can go get my Toby-fix whenever I need it!

Laura's Babies
09-21-2009, 02:17 PM
How thoughtful to send you that! He is a great Cat Dad!

09-21-2009, 03:10 PM
How thoughtful to send you that! He is a great Cat Dad!

He is. We have been freinds (and more at one time) since high school. He did a few tours of duty over "in the sandbox" otherwise known as Afghanistan. On one of them he got adopted by a local stray cat that would follow him to his office on base in the morning, hang out all day ahd then leave. The guys all fed him parts of lunch and stuff...so I figured I had a good shot at convincing him he needed a cat now that he is back and has his own apt. I think it took me about 2 seconds to convince him...he's a good guy...