View Full Version : Bambi

09-19-2009, 10:42 AM
Last night, well actually this morning (midnight), I found Bambi dead at the bottom of the cage. She had been getting old lately and was slowing down a bit but I was hoping that she would ago another year or so. For the first time I saw what cannibalism is. The had begun to eat her. I didn't get a good look thankfully and my Dad was nice enough to....clean up for me as well. For those that don't know rodents (including hamsters) will often in their dead in the wild so that the smell doesn't attract predators. It is uncommon in domestic rats but it does sometimes happen.

I got Bambi all the way from New Brunswick (a few provinces away from me, a 20hr drive). A rescue out there had become over run with over 11 rats and there weren't enough people out there so they brought over 100 rats closer to others. They went to Ontario, Quebec and even to the US. I was told that she was maybe a year old but probably younger. The way she aged I think she was at least 1.5 yrs when I got her. Bambi was always a bossy little thing and she liked having things her way. She was one of the bigger rats so she usually got her way. Bambi was a sweetie though. She gave kisses and liked to snuggle, especially if it meant that she would get some food. She was good with other rats though. She accepted Milly and her craziness and no matter what was going through another rats mind she was ready to handle and if needed hold them down for a good groom until they calmed down. When Jazz passed away she was there for Milly and even helped Milly through her panic attacks when I couldn't get to her in time.

I will miss Bambi greatly as she was a special character to my life, one that I shall soon not forget. Rest In Peace Bambi, gone but never forgotten. <3

09-19-2009, 04:21 PM
So Sorry to hear about Bambi.(((HUGS)))
Rest in Peace Beautiful Bambi:(

09-19-2009, 09:01 PM
I'm sorry about Bambi.:(

09-19-2009, 10:11 PM
Rest in peace, pretty girl.

09-21-2009, 05:57 PM
Such a pretty girl. :( I'm so sorry. RIP Bambi.