View Full Version : Independent

10-04-2002, 06:43 PM
Hello everyone, its been a while. I have been very busy with many things. cloey is now 6 1/2 months and is doing greeat. She loves to climb tress now, be petted, and of course eat. I really need your help! My parents are very independent and think they know everything about pets. They have decided that they are not going to buy anymore cat cans for Cloey and Midnight because they think that all cats need is dry cat food. I know cats can survive on dry cat food, but the cans provide special nutrients that cats need. PLease write and post something here to help convince my parents! Thank you!

10-04-2002, 07:24 PM
I hate to dissapoint you, but cats do not NEED canned food. They may like it, but they will live very well without it. As a matter of fact, if they depend too much on canned food, it could be detrimental to their dental health. So don't fight them too much on this matter, maybe you can ask to give them a canned food treat once in a while just like a "dessert".

10-04-2002, 07:32 PM
I agree. Calvin would only eat canned food when he was little. I indulged him because he was so tiny compared to his giant brother Hobbes. I found a good deal on his fave canned food and bought 30 cans. The next day he promptly took to eating Hobbes dry food and never turned back:rolleyes: Aside from the dental health, there is a plus side to fewer kitty farties...peyew! :cool:

10-04-2002, 08:19 PM
Dry food is good for their teeth but male cats shouldn't eat soo many kibbles, they could end up getting crystal. I think cats need hard food and moist food. The canned food has lots of vitamin and mineral. Cats need all of that. I feed my cats hard food and canned food. Cats need both. That is my opinion.

10-05-2002, 06:36 AM
I agree that cats do not need canned food. All four of my cats never have canned food!! My oldest cat did get crystals but now he is on a Hard food to control it and its been 5 years crystal free.
Dry food is great for their teeth. My guys have never had a tooth problem and have never needed dentistry.
Also dry food is less messy and doesn't stink as bad as wet does.

10-05-2002, 06:41 AM
Sorry Lando I agree with everyone else - cats don't need tinned cat food - their much healthier on the dry kind - just remember to make sure they have constant fresh water. You can of course, give them some wet food as the occassional treat - ours get a pouch each of wet food once a week and are quite happy to eat their dry food the rest of the time.


10-06-2002, 10:58 PM
I also agree that cats don't need wet food. I do think that you should feed them a high quality brand of dry food. You should also get one that has low ash and magnesium levels in it. Also be sure that your cat has plenty of water because they will need to drink more when they eat only dry food. I also agree that it's much better for their teeth and it causes less gas problems and promotes harder stools. Good luck. :)

10-07-2002, 12:03 AM
same here. My vet told me he actually uses the wet food as a treat or training aid. It is how he gets his 6 cats indoors for the night. And how he rewards them for being good while being brushed.
He only gives them a tsp at a time.
I too only give Kylie a small amount. I like the Friskies pouches. They just look more like real food to me. ;) And I can make one pouch last for quite awhile by just giving her a small spoonful just every once in awhile.

10-07-2002, 12:25 AM
We only give wet food on Birthdays...and since Noah and Noel just turned one and Basil is only 5 months old....that hasn't happened much.

10-07-2002, 12:36 AM
I agree with the others, dry food is best.

C.C.'s Mom
10-07-2002, 12:54 AM
Yep, dry food is the best.

10-07-2002, 12:35 PM
Hi quality dry food, and wet food ONLY as treats. I only give them a tablespoon or even a little less, maybe once a week. I haven't ever heard that they "need" wet food.

I do give Tex (thin thin vomit man) wet food nearly daily, right after he takes his throwup medicene. He eats it more readily, and he totally needs all the calories he can get. Boy do the others put up a fuss though.

10-07-2002, 05:41 PM
OKay okay I get the point. But my parents also think my dog can survive off cat food. Don't dogs need different nutrients?

10-07-2002, 06:25 PM
Yes. Dogs should not eat cat food and cats should not eat dog food. It is as simple as that.

10-07-2002, 11:28 PM
ditto, :)
dogs need dog food
too much protein in cat food for your dog
when one of my friends said that her parents don't buy dog food any more for the dog I just cringed.
And another friend has a bunch of outside cats and they give them dog food.
I just look the other way. I am not going to change either one!

C.C.'s Mom
10-08-2002, 12:49 AM
I give Cookie dried catfood as a treat. She loves it and can't get enough of it. So, instead of her always emptying the cat bowls (grrr...), I just take a handful in my pocket when we go out for walks or training. It's the best treat for my dog (and low-cal.).

That was a bit of a side track. A dog needs dogfood. He can't survive on cat food. It's so different in containts. Maybe you can ask your parents to go to a vet or petstore with you and have the experts explain?

10-08-2002, 02:43 AM
I have heard of several people using cat food or treats for treats for dogs. B/c it is so small etc. It is a good idea. Keegan usually gets Kylie's treats that she doesn't eat!!! :eek: