View Full Version : Jon's newest move....from Jon and Kate

09-18-2009, 10:06 PM
He now claims that Kate doesn't take care of their two young German Shepherds. So, I guess when he was at the house, he called the breeder to come and get them. The picture's caption said he was saying goodbye....no, he was talking on the phone, as they were being loaded into a crate in the back of a pickup.....You know....first those kids lose the life they had known when their parents split, but now they lose the only stable part of it....their pups! I don't know if Kate was neglecting them.....Maybe she was, and if she was, then I guess it is best they go back, but they always looked healthy and happy when the cameras were on. I can't help but think it is one more spiteful thing.

09-18-2009, 11:00 PM
My boyfriend told me he saw something on TV that said Kate is always gone working so they aren't being cared for. Which I think is bull. It appears to me she is there more than Jon is. But I do know she is not very fond of those dogs anyway. At least they went back to the breeder and I'm sure he'll find good homes for them. Heck, if people know they were Jon and Kates they'd probably be gone in seconds. But hopefully the breeder checks potential owners.

I'm so tired of hearing about Jon and Kate. I love the show and continue to watch it.......for the kids. They are so innocent and adorable in all of this.

09-18-2009, 11:40 PM
Yes, that is pretty much how I feel....I know the dogs will get homes very quickly, and hopefully, they will be good ones....I just feel sorry for the kids, losing their pets....not a good lesson about pet care and loyality.

09-19-2009, 08:23 AM
I heard about this too and honestly I am glad the dogs are leaving. Kate made it clear from Day One that she was not happy about having them. She even offered (in a supposedly joking way :rolleyes: ) to give them away on one of the episodes. So here we have two terrific dogs living in Pennsylvania with a woman that doesn't like them and the man is in New York City living the single life. I also doubt that the kids have much interaction with them. Most of the shots of the dogs have been with them in the background being ignored. I think they were purchased just to make a "cutesey episode" for the show. I am glad the breeder is getting them back and they can find forever homes with people who really want them.

Queen of Poop
09-19-2009, 08:30 AM
As it went, didn't Jon want the dogs? But crap, Kate's got 8 kids to look after and they all appear to be really busy. She's there alot more than Jon. I can see where she wouldn't have the time to spend with the doggers. Noticed Jon didn't offer to take them with him. Best for the doggers that they go back and get somewhere that they can get the love and attention they deserve. I think they were there purely for show.

09-19-2009, 09:41 AM
My question is...why would they get two dogs in the first place?!? They have 8 kids to take care of. Maybe when the kids get older and can help take care of them more. These are huge dogs and way too big for the little ones to help care for at this time in their lives. It is best for the dogs that they went back to the breeder.

09-19-2009, 10:44 AM
My question is...why would they get two dogs in the first place?!? They have 8 kids to take care of. Maybe when the kids get older and can help take care of them more. These are huge dogs and way too big for the little ones to help care for at this time in their lives. It is best for the dogs that they went back to the breeder.

I thought the EXACT same thing when I watched the episode when they got them. But as others have said, it was for the show. :rolleyes: This show has ruined so many things for this family. I hope it hasn't ruined the children.

Daisy and Delilah
09-19-2009, 04:54 PM
I saw this report on tv this past week. The dogs were being taken away as the kids all watched the truck leave. The kids were supposedly yelling goodbye to the dogs and saying that Mommy didn't want them, or something like that. It was one of the most ridiculous and saddest things I've ever seen.

The reporter said Jon couldn't take the dogs where he was living so the breeder took them back. They made it sound like Jon really cared. If he cared so much, why didn't he make arrangements to live in a place where he could have the dogs?

When will the day come when neither of them have the time to take care of the kids and somebody comes to take them away?

I'm amazed at the exploitation that is going on with these kids. Now, their pets are being sent back. Enough is enough!! I can't take another minute of Jon and Kate!!!!! :( :( :( :mad:

09-19-2009, 06:10 PM
So many of the episodes were planned to generate viewers. Who wouldn't want to watch an episode where they visited a breeder and came home with two puppies? These puppies weren't bought for Jon or Kate or the kids IMHO but it was a TLC idea for ratings.

Yes the kids will bear the brunt of all of this mess even though Kate is always saying things like "this house is for the kids" or "we are doing this for the kids." The other day I was watching the evening news and there was a film clip of Kate on *The View.* I hate The View so I would have never seen this if it wasn't for the news clip. Someone asked her the question "why do you still wear your wedding ring?" Her answer: "For the kids." AWWW c'mon! :rolleyes: Does she really think that six 5 year olds really notice, or care about, rings? It just seemed to me to be really a stretch and I thought it was another lame attempt to make her appear to be "the perfect mother" which she isn't. I realize this sounds like I am judging her and that is probably wrong, and I also realize that none of us who are mothers are perfect, but her answer just sort of struck me as so phony. *sigh*

09-19-2009, 06:26 PM
Keep the dogs, crate up the kids and send them to Angelina Jolie.

I saw a clip on some where the kids were chasing the dogs and smacking them on the rump. I was waiting for the dog to turn on them, but, no dice....:rolleyes:

Sorry, but those kids are going to be the next 'bad apples' of reality TV.


Another clip showed on of the twins ragging on K about dad.

The 'ring' story is funny.

IF she thinks that the 'tooth fairy/monster dust/Santa and the chimney" stories still work with this set of kids?

I wish I had a time masheen to go into the future and see what these kids are going to be in about 7 years.

09-19-2009, 11:28 PM
I don't watch the show enough anymore to even see the dogs much..I've seen them running around in the couple of episodes I've seen lately...kate is too much of a control neat freak to want to have dogs around....and yes, if Jon really cared about them or the kids for that matter, he wouldn't have an apartment in the big city...he would get a house with a backyard nearby.....Yes, they were put there strictly for ratings...but I just hope whoever gets them gets them to love, and not because they were once Jon and Kate's dogs.....and so the exploitation continues.

09-20-2009, 11:31 AM
I feel that getting rid of the dogs taught only one lesson to those kids - that it's okay for there to be such a thing as "disposable pets". :mad:

Kind of like a disposable Dad and a part time Mom. I sure hope that J & K have lots of bucks put away for counseling for those kids, because they're sure going to need it.

I never watch the show, but you don't even need to, to be aware of what's happening, and what a dysfunctional family that they are.

What a shame that it's the kids that are getting so screwed up by this exploitation for the sake of $$$$$$$. :mad:

09-20-2009, 12:37 PM
Yes, they are teaching the kids that pets are disposable......just like marriages.....

Daisy and Delilah
09-20-2009, 01:09 PM
Maybe we should all write to the network and plead with them to remove the show from it's schedule. The ratings they're getting can never equal what they're doing to those kids.
Ellie, you are so right. Jon and Kate need to be banking alot of money because they're going to need it. Those are 8 living, breathing, human beings in the house. They're little sponges and the garbage they are absorbing is toxic.:(

As a mother of two, I barely had time away from the house. I was taking care of my kids and juggling a million other things, just like so many others. Jon doesn't seem to worry about anything but himself and Kate can find time to do everything but taking care of the kids on the side. Grrrrrrrrrrr........:mad:

11-04-2009, 02:24 PM
So last night I was switching through the channels looking for something to watch and stumbled upon Kate's recent interview where the person doing the interview seemed to be asking all sorts of personal and detailed questions. I know I am lame for even keeping the channel there for 1 minute but the interviewer asked her if she still loved Jon. (insert Gagging smiley)

She says, well, there will always be a part of her that will continue to love Jon. I give her a couple years. I have been divorced for about 7 and there is no part of me that still loves my cheating/lying ex-husband. Ha!

11-04-2009, 03:08 PM
I do watch this show and I'm not ashamed to say it. I've been watching it from the beginning, before all the crap hit the fan.

Just recently Kate did an interview episode where she answered viewers questions. The subject of the dogs came up. She said (and I'm not saying this 100% true) that she couldn't give the dogs the attention they deserved with 8 kids and "work". So the breeder took them back. She also said that she'd like to eventually get them back someday (that part I DON'T believe). Jon was never mentioned in her answer to this question.

The show will be over soon and I hope their publicity dies with it. Kate likes being on TV and hopes to further her television career. LOL She'll probably have a talk show soon enough.

11-05-2009, 12:43 PM
I thought the EXACT same thing when I watched the episode when they got them. But as others have said, it was for the show. :rolleyes: This show has ruined so many things for this family. I hope it hasn't ruined the children.

I agree completely!

11-05-2009, 12:52 PM
I agree completely!

Yes that was a huge mistake on their part. How they thought they would have time to care for 2 puppies in addition to 8 small children is beyond me. I wonder if the dogs were given to them as opposed to them paying for the dogs?