View Full Version : problem with the pups

09-17-2009, 11:03 AM
my mom is giving the pups away! and they arn't even 5 weeks old yet! her reasoning is that they are eating on thier own and she doesn't want them making messes anymore so she is finding them homes already. She said someone already cam to get one of them. I habn;t had the best relationship with her lately because of alot of issues with her , one being that she thinks I am wasting my time by going to college and supporting my family but yet she keeps my dead beat jobless brothers for 2 years. This is by far one of the stupidest things she has ever done.. and there has been some doosies. She wants me to come and get Reno too, but I wanted to wait untill he was 7 or 8 weeks. I tried to explain to her that she needs to wait but she, as usual, thinks I don't know what I'm talking about and is just going to do what she wants.

09-17-2009, 11:09 AM
is there a way you can take them all for the remaining weeks.. if they are eating on their own.. then they can socialize with Harley instead of mom...

when I got Queeq she was 4 weeks.. way to early.. but I knew I could proper care and socialize her.. unlike many people that sell/buy younger pups and never socialize properly and then claim their dog is a "bad" one..:rolleyes:

if you can take them thatīll be great..

09-17-2009, 11:16 AM
is there a way you can take them all for the remaining weeks.. if they are eating on their own.. then they can socialize with Harley instead of mom...

when I got Queeq she was 4 weeks.. way to early.. but I knew I could proper care and socialize her.. unlike many people that sell/buy younger pups and never socialize properly and then claim their dog is a "bad" one..:rolleyes:

if you can take them thatīll be great..

I've talked to dave nad he just doesn't want that many dogs in the house. I WOULD be really hard to handle although harley would absolutely love that. Plus dave children come to visit often and both are allergic to animals so we try to keep the number in the house to a minimum. JUst Halrey and Reno will be more then enouph. I'm just worried about them not being socialized enouph and I also worry about their immune systems not being strong enpouph yet to go out into the world, plus if I don't go get reno soon, she is going to give him away too!

09-17-2009, 11:23 AM
Try again, and explain it is the socialization and learning about being a dog that they need - and to mature emotionally - before they leave their mom. You can point out to her that she didn't throw you kids out when you were five and able to feed yourselves ...

09-17-2009, 12:06 PM
Refresh my memory as to why your mom let the dog have puppies if she did not want that many dogs in the house?

09-17-2009, 01:09 PM
In some states it is illegal to sell pups under 8 weeks. Find out and see if you can give her a scare by telling her its illegal.

09-17-2009, 02:12 PM
Yeah, why did she let her have puppies, if she doesn't even want to take care of them? :(
I know that here in my city it's illegal to give them away before they are 8 weeks old.

Daisy and Delilah
09-17-2009, 05:06 PM
It sounds like your Mom's mind is made up. I hope all of the pups and adults will be fixed as soon as they can get to a vet. That will eliminate the chances of this happening ever again. It has to be very frustrating for you.:(
I hope they all go to good homes.

I have to ask: Are you saying that your Mom is upset with you because you're going to school and supporting your family? I can't imagine what would be wrong with that. I say ::::Congratulations!! Keep up the good work!!

09-17-2009, 06:14 PM
another way to insure proper socialization is to reeeeally screen the takers.. and about immune system... well... I NEVER ever take a pup to a park until after all shot have been applied... but you canīt control that with strangers... I donīt remember how far your mom lives.. but is it a possibility to you offer and help to clean...

or... convince Dave... and when kids drop by just put the pups in a separate room/bathroom.. so they donīt have contact with each other...

09-17-2009, 07:35 PM
it was an accidental breeding and yes, it was just as much my fault as my brothers. When he moved back in with my mom, I didn't know taylor (the mother dog) was there. When I pulled up I let harley out and taylor came out of the building. they went around the corner and when it dawned on me what could be happening behind my back, it was too late. Apparently harley wasn't the only one to breed with her though. My mom doesn't even want taylor there let alone the pups. I live too far away to clean up after them all the time. I am going to get a coller for reno this weekend so hopefully she wont give him away. I'm really worried:(

PS And about the school thing, she just thinks it a waste of time and gas money to drive all the way to the school I go to. I have to drive an hour to get there. I'm going for my associates in equine studies (horse program) and it is the only thing i want to do with my life. I want to be a horse trainer/ riding instructor and run my own theraputic riding program. but everytime I try to tell her anything about it she just says all these negitive things about it and says I'm just wasting my time.

09-17-2009, 07:52 PM
Wow this makes me sad and sick. :mad:

Info on the Age a Puppy Can Legally Be Sold

Not every state has laws on this issue but many do.


I see you are in west Virginia, if your mom gets caught she will be in a world of trouble!!!

Under 7 weeks old without its dam or queen is illegal where you are. :(

09-17-2009, 10:41 PM
i had to take my RB Cody at 4 weeks. It wasn't planned, but his mom's owners had a severe family emergency and had to leave in a hurry, to another state.

In the beginning, I socialized him like crazy. Of course, being so tiny and fuzzy and adorable, if I was just standing with him on the front lawn, people stopped cars to see him.

I have no idea, seriously, what happened. I walked him every day (when he was older), took him everywhere. He wound up only liking a few people, specifically those he met early on. To us, he was an angel.

I hope the new owners socialize, continuously. Make sure you have a piece of smelly blanket or toy, because thankfully, that helped Cody to stop whining within a day.

I'm so sorry you're not getting parental support. Stories like this, make me miss my mom and dad even more. You sound so compassionate and hardworking. I know you'll be awesome when you get your degree.

Daisy and Delilah
09-18-2009, 09:30 PM
I'm also very sad that you aren't getting support for going to school. Keep plowing forward and it will pay off for you some day. Come to Pet Talk and we'll give you some great support!!:)