View Full Version : Tessa went to the Rainbow Bridge yesterday...

09-16-2009, 05:35 PM
Some of you will remember me posting about my mothers kitty Tessa, i have posted pics of her before,well she was diagnosed only two months ago with CRF, yesterday my mother was so stressed and very worried as Tessa just started acting very weird, she was yelling loudly all around the place, trying to leave the house and just not at all well, her eyes had clouded over slightly and she had mucous coming out of her nose.

It did not sound at all good, however i went with my parents to the vets to make sure they were not making a wrong decision, having a CRF kitty myself i knew they were not really familiar with the ups and downs of having a kitty with it and was concerned she might be PTS when not really needed.

However in seeing Tessa i knew within myself it was her time, she was incredibly sick, had lost heaps of weight in the short time since i saw her, like about three weeks, and she was not even scared at the vets or the journey, she just had not spunk left in her ,she was very dis-orientated and miserable.

The vet said it was cruel to keep her alive anymore, and i have to say i agreed 100 per cent, i went in there going to fight for Tessa, but i knew it was a blessing to let her go too, he back legs were crippled with arthritis as well.

I made sure i questioned the vet first and he showed me her mouth, it was in a terrible state,and she had stopped drinking and eating that day.

I cannot believe how quickly and suddenly she crashed, the vet apparently had only given Tessa about a week to live after her diagnosis, so she was obviously in the late stages, and she lived a further two months.

Tessa was 16 years old and had been with my parents since she was nine months old, having come from a breeder, she was a show cat, a chocolate burmese,and had given birth to pedigree babies, she was well taken care of during that time and my parents gave her the best of care possible.

I gave Tessa huge hug and bawled my eyes out, right in front of everyone,i could not hold my emotions back, i was thinking of her and my Ash too.

So rest in peace little girl, and have fun frolicking at the Bridge.

I have to tell you something strange, i was sitting upstairs on the phone to my mother afterwards and i looked up at the sky, and in the formation of the clouds, i could see an outline of a cat, i swear to god, it was so like the outline , the ears body everything, i told mum, she said must be Tessa looking down on us, we both felt comfort just thinking that, of course it isn't really, but it made us feel happier.

Here is a pic of Tessa when she was younger and healthy, she was half the size she is here , and her coat was looking so awful ,poor wee girl.No more suffering Tessy.

09-16-2009, 06:06 PM
Hugs to you and your mom at this difficult time. It is never easy. What a lovely photo of her!

09-16-2009, 06:06 PM
I am so sorry.:( She was a beautiful girl. Rest In Peace Tessa.

09-16-2009, 06:16 PM
How heartbreaking. She was a beautiful girl. Hugs to your mom and you in this difficult time.

09-16-2009, 07:07 PM
Tessa was a beautiful girl kitty. RIP, dear Tessa and peace to your humans. (((HUGS))) to your mom, Carole.

09-16-2009, 08:33 PM
I am so very sorry. Tessa, such a beautiful girl. So much loved by Carole and her mother.

Rest in peace, dearest kitty. My very deepest sympathy to you, Carole, and your mother and all who love Tessa.


09-16-2009, 09:26 PM
Thank you all for your kind words of sympathy, yes Tessa was indeed a beauty and a very sweet natured girl with it, she just adored having her tummy rubbed.

I am going to get that picture printed off and buy my mother a nice kitty frame and put it in there for her, i think she would like that.

My mother has decided against getting another cat, so she wants to give me all Tessa's belongings, her teepee house,cat cage etc etc, my kitties will indeed be appreciative of it as i will be, it is kind of nice,as it will be like a part of her is with me in my house still.:)

You know something there is a lot of peace knowing you did the right thing at the right time and made sure she did not suffer ,it really does comfort one, but it still hurts doesn't it?

Felicia's Mom
09-16-2009, 09:31 PM
I'm sorry to hear about Tessa. She is now painfree and playing at Rainbow Bridge!:love:

Pinot's Mom
09-17-2009, 08:20 AM
You know something there is a lot of peace knowing you did the right thing at the right time and made sure she did not suffer ,it really does comfort one, but it still hurts doesn't it?

Yes, it still hurts, but you did the right thing. I'm sorry for the loss of dear, pretty, Tessa. Godspeed, Tessa, and Peace to you and your mom, Carole.