View Full Version : Toilet Training

09-15-2009, 09:14 AM
As some of you know I'm toilet training Cam to potty in the toilet as I HATE kitty litter!!

For the past few weeks her litter box has been a small cardboard box with a plastic liner & litter.

Over the weeks/days I have been adding less & less litter to the box so she would get use to min. litter.

Last weekend I did the BIG change. I removed the litter box & put a sturdy flat box (with a white trash bag covering it) under the toiled seat. Then I put clean litter on top, & the seat acted like a barrier to help keep the litter in the center.

I buggered up as I used clean litter & didn't add some dirty to it so Cam pottied on the floor. So I picked up the poo & put it in the clean litter & sented the litter a little with it.

I also added more litter & Cam hopped up right away & peed!!! :D

Cam has been activally using the new litter box for 2 full days. I have to disinfect the toilet every time I need to use it, but the end result will be worth it!!

I'll try to take pics of Cam testing out her litter box & NOT show details hehehe

I'm soooo happy it's working out so well, I can't wait until my house it litter free :D

oh & I have to clean the litter daily as there really isn't that much litter being used, but I have been leaving small amounts of soiled litter to keep the area sented so she knows thats her potty place.

In about 3 weeks I'm hoping to have a hole (long & thin) cut into the rear with very little to no litter on the box (just sented).. Then as the weeks go by I'll add 2 more slits going up the sides so the box will slowly start to fall into the toilet bowl & Cam will start to move closer & closer to the toilet seat as it's sturdy & her pee/poo with easily go into the toilet bowl.

09-15-2009, 09:46 AM
I will have to try this on My Princess!
Although her eye sight may not be up to it, as she misses the litter box I put on the bed!
My Poor Old Lady Cat.:(

09-15-2009, 01:03 PM
I will have to try this on My Princess!
Although her eye sight may not be up to it, as she misses the litter box I put on the bed!
My Poor Old Lady Cat.:(

I wouldn't try to toilet train an older cat, I think it might be a little too much for her, but! If the cat is having sight issues, maybe put the litter box in teh bath tub with news paper under it. This will make it easier to clean up when she misses the litter box.

09-15-2009, 01:14 PM
My RB Meezer Ming taught himself to use the toilet. I was in total shock to see him do it the first few times. He would only pee in it tho, since I think he liked the tinkling sound, and that's the only reason he did it. I have a pic of him in action. If I can find it, I'll scan it and post. Soooo cute. ;)

He never learned to flush tho. Dummy!!! :(

09-15-2009, 01:36 PM
My RB Meezer Ming taught himself to use the toilet. I was in total shock to see him do it the first few times. He would only pee in it tho, since I think he liked the tinkling sound, and that's the only reason he did it. I have a pic of him in action. If I can find it, I'll scan it and post. Soooo cute. ;)

He never learned to flush tho. Dummy!!! :(

heehhe I don't want to teach Cam to flush as I don't want her playing with the toilet lol