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View Full Version : New to Group have to tell my story

09-14-2009, 05:51 PM
Well this weekend was a bad weekend. My little kitty got out she usually stay's inside well she climbed up a tree. OMG it was a big fir tree and there was no way I could get her down. I tried everything under the sun to get her down, Well needless to say she was up there for 2 days. I called so many people the fire dep, animal rescue ect. No one would do a thing, Finally I called a tree climber service a few of them were like noway don't have time while other's said 2 to 4 hundered to get her down. I did not have that much money and was so tired and upset to hear her crying and could not help or do anything for her.
After many phone calls I finally found a young man that came out and only charged me $75 I was so happy I said please come asap. My little one was so happy licked his nose put her in a back pack and we brought her in the house. She was kneeding on the limb when he got up to where she was.
What I found out was if anyone tells you she or he will come down on their own don't believe them. Maybe some might but as there are many who know how to get up but don't know how to get down more so the young ones. The worst thing in the world is to hear your kitty crying at night and you can't do anything about it. She is now in the house and will stay there! Robin

09-14-2009, 08:37 PM
Welcome to the PetTalk! What a story. I hope your baby learned her lesson. You'll have to keep an eye on that little one so she doesn't get out again. Post pictures of her when you can. We love pictures.

09-14-2009, 09:01 PM
My goodness what a "tail"! I'm glad kitty is okay. What is her name? Pics pleez? :) Welcome to PT!

09-14-2009, 09:23 PM
Welcome and thank goodness your baby is safe in your arms...They can't come down on their own I am so glad that someone was able to help you!! Welcome again and we would love to see photos of the little tree climber ;)

09-14-2009, 09:40 PM
Well, first of all: Thank God your little girl is OK and back inside the house, you both must have been so scared!!

Second, WELCOME TO PT Robin!!!!! I'm so glad you're here sharing your story, and it's so good that it has a happy ending!!

Third, post some pictures of her please!!! please!!! ;)

09-15-2009, 05:57 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk, a good place this. I'm glad to read that all is well w/your kitty and that you're keeping indoors. It's a dangerous world out there for little ones, as you well know. We're looking forward to pix. :)

Laura's Babies
09-15-2009, 08:15 AM
I couldn't imagine how heart breaking it was to hear her crying in the night and not be able to help her! That had to be terriable! Thanks God you found someone to go up and get her and I am betting she has learned her lesson well!!

Welcome to PT and like everyone else,...pictures please! We love pictures and stories here. This is the best cat sight on the web. We learn a lot and share a lot here.

09-15-2009, 08:41 AM
Wow...what a story! I would have been horrified. So glad she is okay and safe inside. Welcome to PT. I am a major cat lover!

09-15-2009, 08:48 AM
So glad she is ok and welcome to PT! Around 5 years ago, my Bean climbed a tree and then hopped onto the roof of an adjacent house. When he didn't come home all night, I started calling for him first thing in the morning. I could hear a faint meow. We tracked his meows across a main road, down into a development, to the tree and then looked up. There he was. We had to get a ladder and bring him down. I HATE that he goes outside because anything can happen but at this point in his life, I can't make him stay in. ANY and ALL future cats of mine will be indoor only (like Moon)

09-15-2009, 08:59 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk! :)

What a story. I'm glad she is safe and sound.


09-15-2009, 09:55 AM
We are glad that your little climber is alllright now!
I remember when there was a dead tree in the back and Bo Bo climbed up without claws and started crying.
I had to buy a Deli Chicken to get her back down!!!
Shes a smart Cat , certainly smarter than a Certain Cat Dad!:confused::confused:

09-15-2009, 10:00 AM
What a horrifying story! Glad it had a happy ending.

Welcome to Pet Talk! Great group of people here. You can get wonderful, helpful advice or if you just need to vent, we're here to listen.

Hope you enjoy the site!!

09-15-2009, 12:37 PM
:eek: WoW what a story.. Oh I would have been so horrified.. So glad you got your baby down & she is safe indooors now.. Welcome to PT & enjoy all the talks & pics.. Yes pics please..

You mean that person charged you $75.00 to get this baby down.. How un-nerving on his part.. I will bet the fire dept would have done it for free..

09-15-2009, 01:20 PM
Thank you all for your kind words, She is a inside cat but some way some how she got out. Needless to say she still wants to go to the door but I keep her back, Don't need to go through that again.
What I do and I know it is crazy I rescue cats that people don't want give them a home and care for them. I have about 16 wild cats that I feed every day and when I can I catch them get them fixed and set them free. Money is not always on my side so I can't keep up with the litters that they keep having. These two kitties were brought to me cause the lady did not want them so they have a home here. :D:)

09-15-2009, 03:02 PM
Awww...bless you for helping them. It's hard to keep up on the spaying and neutering but as I'm sure you know...if you don't, you will end up with hundreds of cats in a very short timeframe. Can you get some assistance from local spay/neuter groups? They should be able to bring out some live traps and maybe help with the costs. Keep us updated.

09-15-2009, 03:59 PM
We are sorry too hear about your ordeal. We had that happen a number of years ago, Missie got out and was treed by the dogs next door. She was too high for me to get that evening so I hoped that she would get down by herself. The next morning she was crying at the door.
From that day forward she would stay well away from any door.
We are so glade the little one is safe in the house again and welcome to PT.

09-15-2009, 04:47 PM
:love: Aweee your babies are so Adorable.. God Bless You for Giving these Sweet Ones Homes.. Huggss

09-16-2009, 12:59 PM
I will check to see if some one will help with the cost, I know for a fact there is 2 litters under my house now but they are hard to get and at this time they are already mean. I have 1 live trap but I know the babies will not be able to set it off they are too light. But I will ask around to see if I can get some help.
I remember about 6 months ago I had caught 2 wild cats and brought them down to this one hospital that would do it for free if they were indeed wild. Well I caught them on a Sat since you never know when you will get them I kept food and water in there for them too. First thing Monday morning I brought them down by this time they were so tired of trying to get out they were tired. All she did was poke them with a pen and said they are not wild we cannot help you. I was like "please lady come on really" so I had to let them go again. Some people i don't know. But I will keep trying.. Robin:)

09-16-2009, 01:31 PM

That's crazy but I guess they have to make sure people aren't taking advantage and having their pets spayed there. She should have tried picking them up!! LOL!