View Full Version : My daughter got her full drivers licence today...

09-13-2009, 09:51 PM
Well from today Melissa is now on a full licence, which means she can carry passengers, drive at any time night or day, no restrictions, oh dear more worry for her parents, she is only 17 after all.

Still i am happy for her, she said the test was real hard, and she is glad it is all over with, we start off here in NZ with a learners, which you get in a theory test, and you can drive around with a person on a full licence (They have to have held it for over two years though),then a restricted, which means when you pass the practical test you can drive by yourself and in certain hours only, not after ten pm at night, then 18 mths later you can sit your practical full, which is what Melissa did today, but because she did a defensive drivers course she was able to sit it in 12mths.

Get this though the instructor asked where she did her defensive course, and was it by a guy called Gary, and then proceeded to tell her that he does not teach people what they the instructors want, great eh?

She also complained about Melissa's car being hot and smelling oily, i mean it is an older car for goodness sake,nice lady NOT., Melissa did put the air con on for her though.

Anyhow I am pleased she got it first time as with all her other tests and feel confident she is a good driver,she is going to be traveling up to the big smoke Auckland city in October taking her friends to Armageddon, something she is really looking forward to, of course it is nerve racking for her parents though,lots of traffic on a busy holiday weekend,she had driven a few times in Auckland , but her dad was always with her.Will i be worried YES.

09-13-2009, 11:24 PM
She also complained about Melissa's car being hot and smelling oily, i mean it is an older car for goodness sake,nice lady NOT., Melissa did put the air con on for her though.

Do you have these down under?


If you do, buy one for the examiner to use as a necklace.

Do not feel nervous about your daughter driving.

I had a motorcycle as a first vehicle and that drove ma crazy!:rolleyes::eek::D


Whoa, shouldn't you be more concerned about your daughter going to Armageddon instead? ;)

09-14-2009, 07:31 AM
As my best friend told me, ya gotta let them take steps. Let them fall and pick themselves up again is what life is all about.

Unfortunately, my daughter Amy never got the chance, having been diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor at the age of 16. It caused her to have double vision, preventing her from ever getting behind the wheel.

09-14-2009, 07:59 AM
Congrats to your daughter! I taught my daughter to drive 3 years ago and she is an excellent driver! :D

Now, you say she is permitted to drive anytime, etc. However, you are the parent so you can still give her restrictions. ;)

It is a great feeling though when they grow up and you see you have done a good job with them. :)

09-14-2009, 03:13 PM
Yes Richard she had an air freshener in the car, it does not smell oily, a bit musty would be the smell i would say it has, it has obviously had wet carpet or something previous to her owning it, you can only do so much, now if it had smelled of cats pee, then she would have something to complain about, lol, i mean for goodness sake she must have to sit in all kinds of cars, Melissa's keeps her car neat and tidy, and clean, she should count her blessings.

Yes well it is a bit hard with the restrictions bit, Melissa sure does not see that way, as she bought her own car and pays for all its running expenses, if we owned it we would be able to have more say i think., we can but advise i think.

09-14-2009, 07:12 PM
Sounds very familiar. I still rmember when my children got their licences and drove off on their own for the first time. Yes i was worried but I lived through it and none ever had so much as a speeding ticket so after a while I learned to relax. The joys of being a parent, and a daughter seems so much more vulnerable that a son.

09-14-2009, 08:22 PM
You know it is not Melissa i worry about, for 17 she is a pretty responsible sensible girl, and a good driver, it is the others loons on the road that scare me to death, the drink drivers, etc etc.

09-15-2009, 06:09 PM
The same stuff I was worried about. I knew my kids were careful drivers but it was the other drivers that worried me.