View Full Version : What a difference a day makes!

09-13-2009, 01:55 PM
Lily, enjoying the warmth of the sunlight yesterday:


And today, when it was cold, dark and rainy:



09-13-2009, 02:12 PM
Oh Lily!! You look so gorgeous no matter how the weather outside is!!! :love:

When the day is cold or rainy we always make cavernitas (little caves) with blankets or comforters for Sophie so she can be warm too:D
aren't kitties adorable?? :love:


09-13-2009, 02:27 PM
When the day is over cast like that, My Cats all look at me and MEEEOOOW Dad Please Turn On The Sun!!!
I just wish that I could!!!
Lily has to be one of the Most Beautiful Ladies on Pet Talk.:love::love:

09-13-2009, 07:21 PM
Have I ever told you who remarkable your photos are? They are so clear and we can see every hair on that beautiful body. I know you have purrfect subjects but it must be your camera and how you use it too. I wish I could take clear pictures like that. I guess I'll just have to read my owner's manual.:rolleyes:

That being said you have gorgeous baby girls!!! :love:

09-13-2009, 07:48 PM

Dear Lily, you are very beautiful and your meowmie takes such amazing photos of you! Happy Sunday!

09-13-2009, 08:40 PM
lily is so beautiful wherever she is.
and yes...i agree w/slick,you take excellent pictures kirsten:)

09-13-2009, 09:32 PM
Gotta agree with slick, also. You take gorgeous pictures! How do you do it? I know you have beautiful subjects, but still...

09-14-2009, 09:13 AM
Gotta agree with slick, also. You take gorgeous pictures! How do you do it? I know you have beautiful subjects, but still...

I agree as well!

09-14-2009, 03:01 PM
Thanks! :)

Well, unfortunetaly, the weather here is still so bad that it makes you want to join Lily in the second picture! :D

Astrid, your Sophie is looking so sweet and comfy under "her" blanket! :)
