View Full Version : I am so torn

09-10-2009, 08:59 PM
So my hubby and I are both thinking that its time to get another kitty to fill the "Chloe" spot....Its really tough to think of cause no one will replace her but I contacted our local shelter and they have a Seal Point Siamese believe it or not!!:eek::eek:
Well being we didn't have a conclusive positive on Chloes cause of illness but that is always in the back of my mind... FIP is a deadly disease and I would forsake my happiness if it means putting anymore cats at risk...So that being said I am not sure what I should do? I LOVED that little girl (kitty at the shelter) she was a very sick little kitty (She had a really bad upper respritory infection) She wouldn't be able to come and live with us till that is cleared up. I think half of the kitties in the humane society were sick.. But I just don't know where I stand on the debate this disease can recirculate for up to six months in our home?? With the cats passing it back and forth for that long after the cat that has the disease passes on...So I am so torn? She is wonderful and soooo needs to get out of that place. I think we could get her to be a wonderful kitty once she feels better! Any advice would be great! You guys always make things more clear.

Pinot's Mom
09-10-2009, 09:22 PM
This may not make things more clear, but it's a voice of experience. Pinot was very sick (as most have read, I think) at the shelter when we got her. She had some unnamed respiratory virus that almost killed her. We knew she needed us, BUT we have no other kitties at home! We have a situation where we've been told NOT to get any more due to her status as a probable carrier of the disease. You are in a different situation; there are others to consider.

Speak with your vet, have the kitty checked out, and get clearance first. That's my best advice. Thank you for taking the chance, as those kitties need all the help they can get - good luck!!

09-11-2009, 05:28 AM
FIP does not have to be as scary as it sounds. While the threat of transmission is possible, the threat of symptoms arrising is low. MANY (MANY) cats have been exposed (possibnly including the Siamese you are concidering), but unless the virus mutates AND comes in contact with a feline with a compromised imune system, they can remain healthy.

I have had foster kitties, who after being adopted into their new homes, died from FIP. That means that they were in contact with the other cats in this house while carrying the virus, but no one has ever become sick because of it.

The decision is ultimately yours, but do not allow fear of FIP to prevent you from enjoying the company of another needy feline. (AND, most importantly, IF by any stroke of fate your next kitty becomes ill, remember that s/he could have been sick prior to adoption and it will NOT be your fault!!)

09-11-2009, 09:05 AM
I'm afraid I don't have much advice to offer because anytime I bring a new one into the house we always keep it away from our other cats until we have it tested but I understand your situation is a little different.

I was just checking in to see if you have made a decision at all?


09-11-2009, 05:52 PM
Thanks Jen for the advice...I am always so worried... I have read in so many places that its pretty rare that they actually become infected with it?? Its usually an immune system that is compromised that creates the illness.

I think I have made up my mind...I think we need to save her!! Keeping her away from the others till I know she is healthy again. My hubby is a bit torn...He doesn't really know how he feels about it. We have spent so much in vet bills recently due to the countless visits with Chloe and now our little doggie Maddy so I think it freaks him out he just wants to be able to give her a safe secure and benificial life with us. Don't get me wrong tho! Chloe was his little girl she meant the whole world to him. He just wants to know that we can handle another situation of $1,000 dollar vet bills...(I know we can he is scared of losing another one of his little girls....) We love siamese more than life itself but with our experience they don't live long?? I have a 14yr old domestic calico cat that has had very little issues only vet visits were for check ups and dentals but yet all our siamese have left us within 3-6 yrs of adoption...He get a little worried about that...Can't blame him really...They are so special that I don't want to lose out on the love and affection of a really great kitty because I am being guarded due to past experience...I just have to make him realize this too! I think he wants her too though!;)

09-12-2009, 03:54 PM
I know it's a hard decision to make after just losing another cat. It sounds like you have already made up your mind about adopting this sweet little meezer. I hope that everything will go well. Good luck.:)

09-12-2009, 04:38 PM
I went through that dilemma all the time when I take in a Porch Cat, as I had Ebony Beau Tubster:love: in, and he had both FIP and FELV so badly that he had to be PTS:(
And I once had Gem:love: in, and he passed on as well from the same things, so thats FIP iin my neighborhood :(
I am praying that that Little Siamese can be adopted and can become a Great Cat Companion.
She will have Chloe:love::love: as a Guardian Angel for certain , and the Siamese Six Pack as well:love::love:

09-12-2009, 06:50 PM
I think you should get the Siamese cat that is at your shelter.
It sounds like you both need each other.
Do you have a photo of the kitty at the shelter?
Will you have to wait a while to bring her home or can you bring her home right away?
Good luck and I think that once you get her home you will know that it was the right decision to adopt her.:)

09-13-2009, 09:32 AM
I don't have a photo of her yet? I love her crossed eyes??? She was really sick when we went to see her tho! I will see if I can snap a shot of her when we go back to visit. She looks just like your two little girls tho....Her points are seal and they are really dark and her eyes are the bluest I have ever seen on a siamese. I am drawn to her I really want to get her out of there. But they said I have to wait till she is done with her antibiotics first.

09-14-2009, 09:22 PM
I can't wait to see pictures of the new meezer.:)
When do you go back to see her again?
Milly is a sealpoint and Izzy is actually a chocolate point so it sounds like she looks more like Milly in her coloring.
Does she have a name yet?