View Full Version : cat spray issues...

09-10-2009, 03:03 PM
Now i know we have had many threads before on this, but please re-fresh my memory if you will thanks.

One of my cats, i think Lexie has sprayed in our bedroom, the pong is so so....bad and I really cannot tell where it is exactly , the whole room just reeks of it, i have cleaned and cleaned around her litter box, thinking it was there, and i think maybe one of the other cats came up and re-sprayed as it was really bad yesterday, my computer is in here, and i can tell you i almost feel sick with the smell, the windows are wide open even though it is a rather coolish day down under, we are only in spring and it is not that spring like yet.

Lexie has become very naughty in the mornings, she uses her dirt box but if she wants downstairs, she claws all under the bed, knocks things down, you name it she does it, to wake my up, and this is usually about 5 in the morning, i rise at 6 to 6.30 every day anyhow, so i think she may have done it for attention,not sure, she has no health issues at the moment, and although this was her domain only, the bedroom that is, Ellie has been sharing it for quite some time, now and then sleeping on the other bed in the room,and Lexie has been ok with it for some time now.

Anyhow i have heard about getting a black light to show up where it is, but have no idea where i could get one here, no-one i rang seems to know, i rang pet shops, no help there, also if you have any good home remedies for getting rid, please post, much appreciated, my very sensitive nose is not liking the abuse it is getting right now lol.

09-10-2009, 07:21 PM
To find a black light, just google:
urine black light

No quotes, no caps. Loads of hits.

Here is one:

Funny, the articles seem to all be for CAT urine, even though I did not put in feline, lol. :rolleyes: Guess what that tells you?

- Have you changed all the bedding on YOUR bed? All you mentioend was cleaning the litter box.
- Does the room have throw rugs? Wash them.
- Wall to wall carpet will be a big problem.
- Any other flat fabric, like chairs, those will need to be removed as well. (Believe me, there is NO way to clean and save chairs. :( )

Do you have a laundry hamper with open sides? Do all that wash, and clean the hamper too, she may have sprayed the sides of it to reach the fabric.

09-10-2009, 09:30 PM
Thanks Freedom for the suggestions and help, i have not had a real good clean yet, just a surface one hoping I would be lucky, the weather is not the best at the moment,for hanging out bedding, and i have wall to wall carpet i am afraid, and it is not on the beds for sure but could be on the valance i guess, but it does not appear to be there at all, seems particularly in the corner where the litter tray is, although it is hard to tell at times, because the whole room has the odour, but mostly in that corner.

Anyhow i will endeavour to find out where it is, and clean it up, as i cannot bear the smell,geez cats pee stinks doesn't it? i just had a big sniff now and boy oh boy it is bad alright, once you are in the room for a while you nose does not smell it quite as bad, but on entering the room or sniffing you sure can smell it yuck,nawtee kitties.

09-11-2009, 05:06 AM
Here in the U.S. you can buy Urine Gone and a black light is included in the package, Carole. Hopefully, it's available where you are, too. :)

09-11-2009, 06:30 AM
I bought Urine Gone for the black light. WASTE OF MONEY!!! Every single speck of anything on my rugs showed up. I returned it. I borrowed a black light from my vet. Much better, higher powered, worked like a charm. I sprayed every single spot I could find (I knew it was BAB, aka bad ass Buddy) with Nature's Miracle. After the Nature's Miracle dried, I sprayed it again. It worked!!! Make sure, though if you do get Nature's Miracle, you check the label for dogs or cats. I didn't know till someone pointed it out that there is a special for EITHER cats or dogs.

Good luck, Carole. BAB was peeing to mark his territory, as he was really confused about where he belonged. Once he knew he was staying with me, he stopped. Poor confused BAB. He's now happy and content.

Once you find out WHO was peeing, may I suggest a trip to the vet to rule out a URI?? But you already knew that, silly girl that I am!!!;)

09-11-2009, 11:44 AM
True, Donna, I had no luck with the "free included" black light bulb, either. :rolleyes: I never thought to "borrow" one from my vet! Good tip, that.

09-11-2009, 04:31 PM
i have been reading those black lights are not really any good anyhow, so i guess i will just have to buy carpet spray, clean and clean, yes i am keeping an eye on Lexie especially as i think it was her that sprayed and she is my kitty with Urinary problems, i have not noticed anything at this stage, and she is indoors most of the time, i am hoping it was just because she felt her territory was threatened by Ellie, as we know kitties can be strange at times, seem to have accepted her for ages now up here and then all of a sudden spraying.

Actually Donna until i joined PT i was not aware of UTI in kitties and what to look for , so i have learn't a heck of a lot here, and becoming quite educated on kitties now thanks to you guys.

Thanks for all the suggestions, the smell is still as glorious as ever NOT, ho hum.