View Full Version : DSLR cameras

09-08-2009, 08:45 PM
So for my 16th birthday, I want a dslr camera. Right now I have a nikon coolpix L11 and I want to get a new camera so I can improve my photography. I've had this camera since the end of 8th grade and Im getting bored of it now. I want a camera that has good features, good megapixels, and video mode (i noticed some don't have video). And a camera that will take all around good quality pictures. I was looking at some canon's in the rebel series like the xsi but I don't know what camera to get since there is so many. My price range is like say $800 max. What does everyone have on here? What would you recommend for me?

09-08-2009, 09:35 PM
Very, very few DSLR's do video and it's apparently not great on any of them. In the Nikon line, it's only on the D90 and the D300s. The D90, body only, runs about a grand. The D300s is just under 2100 in Canada. Then you have to buy a lens to go with it.

I would suggest you look at a prosumer fixed lens camera like the Nikon P90...all the features you listed, big zoom, lots of manual controls that you can customize, around 500 bucks. Looks like a small SLR, but no changeable lenses.

edited to add...I'm sure Canon makes a similar camera, but I don't know their line. I'm a Nikon girl!