View Full Version : Deaf dog learns sign language!

09-08-2009, 07:28 PM
Deaf puppy learns sign language

A tiny eight week old puppy is learning sign language in Australia after it was discovered that she is profoundly deaf.

Pixie the border collie is currently being taught to recognise hand commands by trainer Liz Grewal in Coffs Harbour.

Liz has been an owner of deaf dogs for six years and so far she has taught the clever youngster to sit, drop and come forth.

"Dogs understand your body language, your hand gestures, they read all of that. They know," Liz comments.

"Consistency is the key to training any dog but you have to emphasise it more with a deaf dog. You've to train them in a different way, they train quicker than a hearing dog as there are no noise distractions."

In order to get the attention of her four deaf dogs, one of the techniques that Liz uses is to squirt them with a little water bottle.

She adds: "I want these dogs to have a fantastic life, and I know they can do it."


LOL, The old squirt bottle trick!

I had a ShiTzu Terrier mix that didn't know sign language, per se-but he did know the 'come here' sign, I have no more treats sign -I'd make like I was wiping my hands - I want you by my side signal........and other little signals.

Dogs are infinitely smart and can be trained that way!

Great story!

09-08-2009, 07:32 PM
VERY great story, how cool that is!! Thank you, Richard!

09-08-2009, 07:38 PM
VERY great story, how cool that is!! Thank you, Richard!

I didn't do anything!:eek:

09-08-2009, 10:40 PM
I think this is fairly common? I've seen it a few times. Dogs that are helpers for the deaf also are taught sign language even though they can hear. Doesn't make it any less amazing though!:cool:

09-08-2009, 10:52 PM
We actually have a PTer (who is not currently active) that has a deaf Australian Shepherd, Miko. I met up with her at the park a couple years ago and you'd never realize he was deaf unless you paid attention to the fact that Di never called out to him. He'd run off to play as we walked around the park, but he always looked back to her for a signal.
Also, my niece has taught her dog, Lucy, several hand signals she learned from a deaf person a couple years ago. I guess you could say Lucy is tri-lingual. She knows English, Spanish and Sign Language. :)

I think it is a great thing. We have a dog at the shelter right now that is "hearing impaired" (that's what they listed her as) and my niece wanted her. LOL

09-08-2009, 11:28 PM
That's so cool.

09-08-2009, 11:55 PM

it is rather 'common' but the connection between the trainer and dog is way more personal?

I can't remember the technical name of the sport?

It's a handler and a dog on a large field and the handler guides the dogs with a whistle and hand signals to get them to go to certain areas on the playing field to grab decoys?

The dogs are tuned into the sound of the whistle, they stop, look back at the handler and are given hand/body signals to get them to go in the desired direction.