View Full Version : LOLing too hard!

09-08-2009, 11:51 AM
Trevor (my boyfriend) was over for the first time since Cam joined my family. He just LOVES Cam and loved to watch those 2 playing together. However we were in for one heck of a treat when Digi & Cam really got into their playful game.

They typically play fight on Digi's giant round doggy bed as it's soft & gives them the best traction (wood flooring). WELL, my goodness did they ever get into it! Digi was laying down the whole time but she was flopping & rolling all over the place! She was putting her head under her pillow for a covert attack on Cam :D Digi would then dart her head out from under the pillow for a good nose poke or an open bite (she doesn't chomp down or anything, she's VERY gentle with Cam when it comes to mouth play, not so much when she pokes Cam with her nose LOL). Digi would then put her head back under the pillow thinking that Cam can't see her.. Ummm the pillow is only big enough to cover most of her head :rolleyes: :p

Soooo Cam being smart would sneak up on Digi to attack her rear paw or tail. Digi would then fail at trying to defend herself by flopping & rolling all over the place while still trying to be covert under the pillow LOL

Digi would then plan her attacks on Cam & many times Cam would be flopped onto her back with Digi poking her in the belly or face with that big Doggie nose of hers :D

Cam would either let Digi win that battle or she would gently cling onto Digi's head nipping her muzzle & then the flopping & rolling would continue :D

Trevor & I were laughing our butts off the whole time!! sadly I didn't have the camera handy :(

09-08-2009, 02:22 PM
those two sound just so funny!!! I'm pretty sure there'll be more, so keep the camera ready for the next time ;):D

09-08-2009, 04:25 PM
What a Great Mixed Dynamic Duo:cool::cool:, and those Two are going to be better entertainment over the coming years than Cable TV!!!:D:D
You and Trevor are in for 110% FUN!!!:love::love:

09-09-2009, 11:02 AM
What a Great Mixed Dynamic Duo:cool::cool:, and those Two are going to be better entertainment over the coming years than Cable TV!!!:D:D
You and Trevor are in for 110% FUN!!!

I hope so, cause neither Trevor or I have cable tv :eek: