View Full Version : This dog, she's incredible.

09-07-2009, 04:19 PM
Many of you here know Sadie, my insane border collie mix.

Usually she's a crazy, hyper dog who occasionally acts so stupid I wonder how she manages to breath and walk at the same time.

And then other times, she amazes me.

For instance, yesterday. We went over to my grandparents to celebrate labor day since they don't really leave the house anymore. My grandpa is old, getting close to 90 years. He can't walk anymore and is slowly losing the ability to talk. Most of the time he just sits and stares into the distance, occasionally mumbling a word or two. It's really sad to see.

Sadie always manages to bring the old grandpa back, though. She runs into their house straight to his wheelchair and just sits there with her head on his lap, letting him poke and prod her face as he tries to stroke her. He gets this huge smile on his face and usually says something to the effect of "Hello sadie!" (this usually takes him a few tries and comes out as 'ello aid...ee') Then when we eat lunch or dinner, Sadie sets herself up right next to the wheelchair (something she's usually afraid of!) and lets my grandpa feed her scraps The look on his face when he thinks he's snuck something to her is adorable. She also will lick up all the crumbs spilled onto his lap once he's done eating.

When he's in his sitting chair, she'll just lean up next to him and just keep him company (since the rest of us are usually in and out of the room). This is the same dog that usually can't sit still for longer then a minute!

It's just the little things that she does when she's around him that make me wonder whether her idiocy is all a mask...

Perhaps Sadie has a future as a therapy dog?!


09-07-2009, 04:27 PM
That is so amazing! And perhaps she could be a therapy dog. Unless she just has that special bond with your grandfather.
She is so pretty!! :D

09-07-2009, 09:45 PM
Sadie is so beautiful and smart! Isn't it marvellous and incredible how they sense things?

When my mom and I left the house, I'd say to my RB Cody "Now, sweet boy, take care of daddy while we're gone", and I swear, he'd lay next to my dad's recliner and STARE at him. I don't know what he did while we were gone, but he sure was in the same
position and spot when we came back. That's why I said "Take Care of Daddy" under his picture.

I know you're so proud of Sadie!

Daisy and Delilah
09-08-2009, 06:51 AM
Yes, Sadie, we think therapy dog is in your future. You're already doing such a great job with Grandpa. You Border Collies are so smart. You are exceptionally beautiful by the way, sweet girl.:)

09-08-2009, 03:00 PM
thanks, everyone!

i'm seriously wondering what it would take to make sadie like, a legit therapy dog.

we'll see.

09-08-2009, 11:18 PM
You know, IMO, maybe becoming a therapy dog will release some of Sadie's energy and give her a real job! And I'm absolutely sure she'd be perfect and love it and that she'll add total joy to people in need.

When my folks were either in the hospital or nursing homes,
therapy dogs abounded, and they just made my folks (and others) perk right up! Nothing like a fuzzy head, soft ears and wet nose to make even the meanest, sickest person smile. IMO.
Even nervous nellie Logan (yikes! something new..what's that?) loved the hugs and pets and showed no fear when I snuck her in to see my mom.

09-09-2009, 02:50 PM
You know, IMO, maybe becoming a therapy dog will release some of Sadie's energy and give her a real job! And I'm absolutely sure she'd be perfect and love it and that she'll add total joy to people in need.

that's what I was thinking! I'm hoping that if I can find her a job that she has to focus on, it'll help out with her energy level. I'm already trying to find a back pack thing to put on her so she can a)carry water bottles for us and b) have a job XD