View Full Version : Pinot's Present!

Pinot's Mom
09-02-2009, 09:07 PM
Well, my Pinot-girl is growing up and becoming the hunter-gatherer for the household! As some know, she is "escorted" on her yard romps, as she was after work today, so she is not left to wander. We live at the edge of a forest and there is a terraced garden hill that leads to it where she loves to play. Today she went bounding down the hill VERY quickly; I started down to find out what the fascination was and she had something small and alive. I was hoping it wasn't a bird. She came running up to me with....

What in her mouth as a present for Mom? Everyone guess (it's still alive, by the way, so this isn't morbid)!!

09-02-2009, 09:24 PM
I will stick with the classics and say 'a mouse'. Missy brought me a mouse the other day, so it's fresh in my memory (the mouse got away safely, I'm happy to say!)

09-02-2009, 11:23 PM
I'll guess a lizard. We have tons of them out at my parents house.

09-02-2009, 11:51 PM
A leprechaun?

Killearn Kitties
09-03-2009, 05:02 AM
A bat as an emblem for the catmobile?

09-03-2009, 06:51 AM
Plush toys as she wants to impress Ruby and Vinnie?

Pinot's Mom
09-03-2009, 07:23 AM
All wonderful guesses, very creative, but it was...


I got Pinot to drop it, took her inside and came back to look after the chipmunk. The poor thing, when I went in, was in one spot, hopping in a circle like a little whirling dervish. By the time I got back, it was hiding in the grass. I had a little chat with it, telling it the creature was coming back out, and it took off like a shot to get under cover, so I think it's OK.

Later, I related the story to my husband, and when I got to the part where it was hopping around, and I didn't know what to think, he said, "The poor thing was in shock! How would you feel if you just got picked up by Godzilla?!":eek:

09-03-2009, 07:59 AM
It rather reminded me of a chipmunk that Eddie (Edwina's little brother) invited home to meet his purrents. Poor thing had a heart attack- at least that's the official reading.
I am so glad Chippie survived. And Pinot: you better are more careful with what you bring home. We know you are a great hunter but we also love you if you never bring home food;)

Edwina's Secretary
09-03-2009, 01:16 PM
It rather reminded me of a chipmunk that Eddie (Edwina's little brother) invited home to meet his purrents. Poor thing had a heart attack- at least that's the official reading.
I am so glad Chippie survived. And Pinot: you better are more careful with what you bring home. We know you are a great hunter but we also love you if you never bring home food;)

Ah yes...the late Chippie. Poor Eddie was so excited to meet him and then...well it was too much for Chippie's heart.

There was also Chippie II - who somehow got in the house. Poor thing...was hiding behind a bookcase with Eddie on one side and Edwina on the other.

We removed the E's and helped Chippie II out the door to freedom! I bet he felt the same way as Pinot's new friend!

09-03-2009, 04:14 PM
To a Mouse Our Cats are like a Lion!!!:eek:
We are glad that Little Rocky the Squirrel is all right!!!

09-03-2009, 07:34 PM
Pinot, I did not know you are a huntress! Wow! and the official Catmobile co-pilot to boot!

Your fan,

Pinot's Mom
05-23-2010, 09:25 PM

We now have Chipmunks 2 & 3. Yesterday Pinot went tearing off down the hill and brought Mom a present (which Mom made her drop), and today she brought one to Dad on the deck. All have thankfully survived, but this chipmunk fascination needs to stop!:rolleyes:

05-23-2010, 10:37 PM
Your stories reminded me of when my Bubby(aka Lyle) brought me a bird:rolleyes: Apparently, he had seen how upset I was when the other cats brought dead birds up. Soooo, he decided to bring Meowmie a live one:eek: He came to the door with something in his mouth, and as soon as I opened the door, he dashed in and promptly let it loose:eek: Of course, we shut all the wrong doors to herd it out. I was finding bird poop for a week:p

05-24-2010, 12:21 AM
She sure is a little huntress.:) I can only imagine what Pearl or Ziggy would bring me if they were allowed to go outside. They'd probably bring me birds since they go crazy when they see them outside. My boys most likely wouldn't even bother.

When my parents had a cat and I took care of her while they were away, she'd bring in baby rats and birds. No, they weren't alive but she'd behead the rats and gut them.:eek: I'd have to clean up the mess. When she would bring in a bird, you'd only find a few feathers because she'd eat the rest of it.:eek: Once she brought in a live mouse and she dropped it inside and my parents couldn't catch it right away so it lived in their kitchen for a few days before they could trap it.

05-24-2010, 09:15 AM
Ebony Beau Tubster :love:used to bring home the odd mouse or mole to thank me for feeding him , and taking him in in bad weather.:love:
I hope that now that they are all Angels that hes taking them to the fruit and salad bar at King's Buffet.:cool: