View Full Version : Going to be gone for the weekend..

10-03-2002, 03:42 PM
This weekend my husand,daughter,mother-in-law,and I will be heading to Maryland. We'll be leaving tomorrow moring. Rob's grandma is sick. So we thought we better go see her. Before something bad happens. She has pancreitis cancer (sp?) which they can not do anything for. I'm know my hubby was really close to his grandma. He went to Maryland and lived with her right after he got out of school for about 6 years. I just hope he will be alright while we're there. I know he is scared and upset. Even though he hasn't said so. I can tell.

On a better note. All of my animals will be taken care of my brother will be taking care of them. I hope I don't miss to much while I'm gone. And hope nobody will miss me to much j/k. We should be back Monday. Well talk to everyone Monday.

10-03-2002, 04:06 PM
Oh, Tina, I am so sorry to hear about your husband's grandmother. Pancreatic cancer is definitely a bad one....I have known several people that went through the trauma of that one.

Please know that she will be in our prayers. Travel safely.


10-03-2002, 04:24 PM
Oh Tina, what a sad journey to be going on. It is such an awful time when someone close is so ill I know. Most of the people I have been close to have gone now, My Aunt May, my favourite Aunt Rose with cancer, my Mum with cancer, my husband with renal failure, and also my Grandad but at the ripe old age of 92!
I am certain you are right about your Rob being scared and upset, it is a hard thing to have to deal with.
I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs and love.