View Full Version : I need all your help.. Queeqīs missing..:ī(

09-01-2009, 10:05 PM
I never thought I would ever write this up... Iīm beyond tears.. so bear with me if I have many typos...

as you know i moved.. well due to excess baggage queeq stayed with my mom to look after her... and I just had THE CALL...

she was supposed to fly her to me this weekend.. along with other stuff..

why oh why did she had to say that.... I just can believe it...

she said she asked a few kids and they said they saw her running down the street.. then askled a guy and he said he saw her by the park... what irks me the most is that I donīt think she even looked enough for her...I just donīt...

I shouldīve brought her with me when i could even if it meant paying a whole lot.. she was well worth it..

I just hope and ask for your prayers that she makes her way back.. right here Iīm useless.. I canīt go right out the door and look for her... as I would do and as I so feel the urge to ...

but I also ask that if she doesnīt at least she finds someone who takes care of her and that sheīs safe from the streets, this doesnīt meant I have given up on her.. but sheīs a pretty dog and a very social creature she would go to anyone... sheīd bark at strangers and all but once on her own who knows...Oh God... why...

food has been left in hopes of her return.. I have no one to turn to to ask if theyīd go check and look for her.. no one.. so all I can do is ask for prayers... if she returns sheīll be on her way ASAP.. I wonīt wait any other day...

sorry but I have to go sob and weep...

09-01-2009, 10:12 PM
iīll post here some of the last pics Iīve took of her....

09-01-2009, 10:24 PM
Oh no Isabel! This is horrible. I don't know what you have in Mexico, but call all the local vets and animal shelters in that area. You do not have to feel useless being so far away. There are things you can do. Call the local animal control EVERY day.

I will be hoping Queeq is found and returned home to you soon.

09-01-2009, 10:26 PM
Oh no, I'm so sorry! I will pray that Queeq is found. Would many living around your mother know Queeq? Maybe they will find her and return her to your mom???

Cinder & Smoke
09-01-2009, 10:30 PM
DON'T give up on her!!

Is your Mom able to create and post "Missing Dog" posters around the neighborhood?

If she can't; can YOU make up Posters and get them to your Mom?

Can you contact some of the more responsible Kids in the neighborhood
to organize a search mission and/or distribute posters?

Is there an Animal Control or Police agency you can alert to be on the lookout?
Be sure to send them a good Photo.

PRAYERS Offered for Queeg's rapid return!!

09-01-2009, 10:31 PM
Oh, another thought. How far does your mother live from where you moved from? Maybe she is going back to the old house. Of course she is so small and cute I'm sure someone would pick her up, if she'd let them. That's why calling shelters and vets is good.
I'm going to be stressing about this until I read she is safe.

09-01-2009, 10:38 PM
I just succesfully called the two people that may be able to help... both live near and may be around looking for her...

near the place there are no vets.. well not quite close..

Queeq was at our house.. my mom went there daily... maybe it was not enough.. thatīs the hope i still have that sheīs somewhere familiar... one good thing is there isnīt many traffic.. and is quiet.. I just hope she doesnīt gets scared...

Iīm actually making posters right now... the two persons I called are neighbors.. and the only two phones I have of any neighbor..Iīll try get more..

I wonīt give up on her.. I too want to find her.. Iīll do my best but itīs gonna be hard being so far away...thanks for the prayers... I sure need them and of course her

09-01-2009, 10:54 PM
PRAYERS that you get good news on Queeg, even if she has adopted someone else, as long as it's a great home!


09-02-2009, 08:20 AM
I really hope you find her.Having missing puppies is no fun. I'm sure she will be found... we know you aren't giving up hope. Good luck, and keep trying.

09-02-2009, 08:43 AM
Prayers sent up for Queeq!!

09-02-2009, 09:12 AM
Isabel ~ My recommendation, if it is at all possible, would be for you to go back and look for her yourself.

When Kuhio was missing in 2002, I did not fly home to look for her myself. I will always wonder if I could have made a difference.

09-02-2009, 09:56 AM
Oh no! I am in tears too, just reading this. I always loved seeing pics and video of little Queeg, especially since I have such a soft spot for Poms. :love:
I can only offer prayers (and many of them), that this sweet girl will be found safe and sound, and you can be reunited as soon as possible.
Don't give up!!!

09-02-2009, 10:22 AM
Isabel, hugs! I am so sorry. Dear Queeg, get yourself home and safe, mommy needs / wants you, really!

I agree, make the trip back and search yourself, if at all possible.

Daisy and Delilah
09-02-2009, 10:59 AM
I am so sorry!!!! I wish I could be there to give you a hug. My thoughts and prayers are going out. PT prayers work miracles!!! {{{{{HUGS}}}}}:( :( :( :( :(

Come Back Little Queeq !!!!!!

09-02-2009, 11:41 AM
Prayers on the way!

09-02-2009, 11:48 AM
Oh Isabel, I can't imagine how heartbroken you are right now:(

I'll be saying a prayer that she'll be found asap. (((HUGS)))

09-02-2009, 01:22 PM
still no news... some very nice kids have been advised and are on the lookout.. as well as the persons I called last night... today theyīll be hanging posters and letting the people from the 7-11 type store know too.. they are open 24/7 so they must know or hear if someone has a clue...

thank you...

I havenīt told my kid.. I really hope to find her before I do that so I donīt have to...

barely slept last night.. bawling non-stop... my eyes almost fall out.. had to wear sunglasses and it was dark this morning when i took my kid to school...

also sent a few emails.. not as many as Iīd like but couldnīt find every one I was looking for...

I too considered flying over... but I have two problems... i do not have $ and hubby is out of town...credit card? donīt have one... i mainly used his but heīs not here... Iīm so torn as i really really want to be there... if I could Iīve wouldīve flown last night as soon as i was told... man, Iīm so frustrated...

:( :ī(

09-03-2009, 10:08 AM
Oh no! I am so sorry! I hope Queeq is found asap. This is horrible.

09-03-2009, 12:16 PM
Prayers for you that you find Queeg - safe and sound.:love:

09-03-2009, 01:24 PM
i'm so sorry to hear about queeg! I hope you find her safe and sound. :(

09-03-2009, 02:49 PM
Any news? I can't believe how upset I feel about this, and I've never even "met" Queeg. Everytime I look at my Myndi - I think of your little Queeg - and how distraught you must be. Years ago Myndi went missing overnight, and I was devastated, but all ended well when she was on the back porch the next morning waiting to get in.
She was terrified of a friend of my son's (unknown reason), and he was at the house. She snuck outside and hid in the shed and wouldn't come to anyone calling for her. We searched for hours till dark and then had to quit. I wanted to die!!! I never had such a scare in my life.
So please know that we've been sending prayers and have lit a candle for Queeg's safe return.
Have faith!!!

09-03-2009, 02:53 PM
I'm so sorry to hear about Queeq :( I'm praying hard that she gets found safe and sound, and gets returned ASAP.

09-03-2009, 03:43 PM
Checking for news. Will continue prayers that Queeq is found soon.

09-03-2009, 03:49 PM
still no news yet... :(

but boy do I feel awful.. my kid just said to me.."I miss Queeq... when is she getting shipped again?"... I almost wanted to die...my heart sank and I got my throat in a knot... I just managed said I donīt know... :ī(..

09-03-2009, 03:55 PM
Have you offered a reward? Money talks - and it might encourage people to look a little harder if they stand to gain something from it.
Sad but true.....:(
Does she have i.d. tags on?

09-03-2009, 09:30 PM
Oh Isabelle, I just read this - how sad! We'll send sibe vibes & keep all paws crossed that she's reunited with you very soon. (((hugs)))

Daisy and Delilah
09-04-2009, 11:31 AM
Hi Isabel. Just checking to see if there's any news. Please tell me that Queeq has been found.:( :( :( Please??

09-04-2009, 04:19 PM
Oh Isabel I'm so sorry to hear this. :( I really hope little Queeq will be found safe soon. Come home Queeq!

09-04-2009, 06:20 PM
Hi Isabel. Just checking to see if there's any news. Please tell me that Queeq has been found.:( :( :( Please??

Oh Isabel I'm so sorry to hear this. :( I really hope little Queeq will be found safe soon. Come home Queeq!

Same here. Come home please, Queeq!

09-04-2009, 09:12 PM
sadly but no news yet... posters have been placed.. even a few people took my parents numbers just in case.. the kids will be searching around...

I contacted another person who seems to know more people than I do over there...

the place where we live is an enclosed thing.. about 500-600 houses.. so I just hope she stayed within premises.. 600 knocks donīt seem too many.. but the thing is Iīm not there to do it myself.. and you know if you want something done right you better do it yourself...

Iīm pressuring as much as I can so they go look everyday.. food is still there...

reward has been told to be offered... and dumbass me.. she did not have tags.. not even a collar.. a dog show was coming up and I didnīt want to mess up her hair.. I will regret that ALWAYS...

09-04-2009, 09:38 PM
Oh, Isabel, I am so terrible sorry.:(

Prayers for Queeg's quick and safe return home.:love:

09-07-2009, 08:39 AM
Iīm finding coming here and saying "still no news" incredibly sad... I get LES and start to choke every time...

I wish I could turn this 180°... I need to keep my mind busy on something else or Iīm a walking sprinkler... my heart aches .....

Iīm sorry... miss you baby... :ī(

09-07-2009, 08:44 AM
:( I am so sorry Queeg still isn't home. I'll keep you in my thoughts. I wish I could help.

09-07-2009, 09:13 AM
I wish there was some way I could help too, other than prayers and keeping a candle lit in the PT group, to light her way back.

Never give up.

{{{Hugs}}} to you Isabel.

09-07-2009, 10:31 AM
I am so so sad for you. I just hope that if she doesn't find her way home, she is with someone who cares enough to put up FOUND flyers. I am so sorry. I would be sick to my stomach. :(

09-07-2009, 10:34 AM
Don't give up hope Isabel. Queeq is still in my prayers.

Daisy and Delilah
09-07-2009, 01:45 PM
I agree with everybody else, Isabel. I can only imagine the hurt you feel every day. I am keeping all of you in my prayers too. Please don't give up hope.:( She might be right around the corner from your Mom.

09-07-2009, 04:24 PM
I know all too well how awful "missing" is...don't give up hope! Sending many prayers for your baby's safe return.

09-09-2009, 09:14 AM
thank you for the good vibes.. we sooo need them...

unfortunately still no news.. no spotting of her or anything.. a newspaper ad offering reward has been solicited...I also managed to get ahold of a very nice person that has sent an email to their vets, groomers, shops, rescues..etc

I just hope that if someone sees the ad... returns her.. I donīt care if they just do it for the money.. all I care is that sheīs returned...at this point i donīt care how much i give out as long as I can have her back...

09-09-2009, 09:41 AM
Just want you to know I am still hoping for Queeq's return. PT power has done amazing things for others before. Let's work together for Isabel and Queeq!! :)

09-09-2009, 11:06 AM
I'm just now seeing this. I'm so sorry! Prayers are coming your way! I couldn't imagine not knowing where my dog was. I really hope she comes home soon and out of harms way.

09-09-2009, 02:01 PM
Hey Isabel, I just wanted to let you know that I'm still thinking about you and your precious Queeg....:love:

Daisy and Delilah
09-09-2009, 08:57 PM
Just want you to know I am still hoping for Queeq's return. PT power has done amazing things for others before. Let's work together for Isabel and Queeq!! :)

I agree, Cindy!!! I'm sending out as many positive thoughts and prayers as I can!! Please come home. little angel!!

09-10-2009, 11:01 AM
Everyday - and several times each day - I check here for an update - hoping to read good news. One of these days, I feel that I will see it.

In the meantime, I will keep lighting those candles to light her way for a safe return.

You're not alone Isabel, please remember that. :love:

Pinot's Mom
09-10-2009, 12:54 PM
Oh, Isabel, I just saw this thread and my heart aches for you! I'm a kitty mom, but I sure know how you must feel. I'm so sorry. :(

You must keep trying, though, as Ellie says. Positive thoughts and prayers can do wonders!! We're doing the best we can! :love:

Come on home, dear Queeg! :love:

09-10-2009, 01:01 PM
I too, keep checking this thread hoping for good news. Please don't give up. I know that this is hurting you so much. Pet Talk prayers are at work - take heart!

09-10-2009, 03:08 PM
I check every day too hoping hoping hoping that I will finally see the good news that we all want to hear. I am thinking of you and praying for Queeq. :love:

09-10-2009, 09:23 PM
Maybe try putting something with your scent on it around the area where the dog was lost along with some dog food and a reward sign? I dunno, I think that was done in the movie Wendy and Lucy. I wish you the best of luck.

09-10-2009, 11:50 PM
I'm also just now seeing this.:o Please come home Queeq. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent her way. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

09-11-2009, 04:56 AM
Still hoping and praying. Come home Queeq.

09-14-2009, 08:39 AM
no news yet.. no calls claiming the reward either.. :(...

Iīll keep posting ads in the paper...I did contacted another girl.. a teen that lives-by.. and she and her friends will keep an eye out...I told her that if perhaps if someone from there got her they should start walking her so maybe she can spot her not wandering alone...

Iīm so torn... thanks you for the good wishes... I just wish they come true soon...

09-14-2009, 09:44 AM
Can anyone check backyards?

09-14-2009, 02:24 PM
Still thinking about you. Go home Queeq!

Pinot's Mom
09-14-2009, 07:04 PM
I was just checking in for good news on Queeg....come home, sweetie.

09-14-2009, 07:34 PM
Still hoping and praying. Come home Queeq.

same here :love:

09-14-2009, 07:57 PM
I'm sorry no news.:( Continued prayers...

09-14-2009, 09:20 PM
I know I haven't been on PT much but I've been checking this thread for updates. I'm sorry to hear she hasn't been found yet. :( Don't lose hope, we're all pulling for you and Queeq. {{HUGS}}

09-15-2009, 08:52 AM
Can anyone check backyards?

not really... our houses are built differently than in the states.. if you want to check a backyard youīd need to trespass.. or be the nextdoor neighbor and take a peek through a 2nd floor window

I really appreciate your good vibes and prayers for us... sometimes I feel like Iīm losing it.. several times a day I cry non-stop... Iīve come to the conclusion that with the time that has passed, someone has her.. but either havenīt noticed sheīs a loved dog that went missing and have not seen the missing signs... or they just donīt care and wanna keep her.. who could blame them with such a sweet girl...

it has come to the point that whenever I see a dog I start to cry.. I canīt even walk by any petstore without weeping..

last night I was beyond myself... even hubby whoīs not a dog person was there to comfort me... and he got mad at the thought someone has her... how bad had I been for him to get mad at my dog taker... I think he liked her too...

ads will continue.. and it just crossed my mind to call the radio station and ask them to give some community service and ask for my dog on the air...

thank you all for the candles and support... ((hugs))

Daisy and Delilah
09-15-2009, 02:43 PM
Isabel, I think we all can imagine how you feel. I would be sobbing regularly. Queeq is such an adorable little girl. I feel like she is being pampered by someone and they will return her soon. More thoughts and prayers going out. {{{{{GIANT HUGS}}}}}


09-17-2009, 08:31 PM
Just checking for news ... COME HOME PLEASE, QUEEQ!

09-17-2009, 09:09 PM
Many prayers that Queeg is found. :love: Come home Queeg!

09-17-2009, 09:12 PM
Still not giving up hope. More prayers for Queeq to come home.

09-18-2009, 07:35 AM
I try to light a candle for her everyday, but at least every other day if I miss one.

If determination, candles, and well wishes will bring her back home, then she must be on her way. We can only hope..........:love:

We all keep fingers and paws crossed here, but especially Myndi, who wants her "sister" across the miles to come home.

09-18-2009, 08:22 AM
thank you for your support on this rough time.. I really donīt wish this to anyone else... I have found it to be more that one can take...

losing a dog due to old age or illness or car accidents or even poisoning (been there all unfortunately) is super sad and takes a while to recover... but just not knowing anything adds frustration to the sadness...

I still have hopes but they seem slimmer as every day passed by.. I just donīt wanna give up... but itīs just so weakening on my soul.... my heart has ached as it has never did... I just wish I knew where she is or what happened to her...

thanks for the thoughts, prayers, candles and good wishes... they are keeping me sane in the middle of this insanity

09-18-2009, 05:01 PM
Oh, Isabel:( (((((((HUGS))))))) and prayers on the way.:(

09-21-2009, 08:50 PM
I have been dreading updating this thread... as I still have no news...

I feel like she just slipped through my hands and I have nothing else to do... I do still have hopes but itīs just so hard... really hard...

i just donīt know what else to do but keep doing what Iīm doing... I just donīt know how long I can bear the pain and the not knowing ...

Iīm sorry.....

09-22-2009, 09:16 AM
I don't know what else you can do, that you haven't already done.

And if she doesn't come back to you, just keep the thought that some caring person found her, and is taking good care of her and loves her as much as you do.

But never give up - miracles do happen. :love:

09-28-2009, 09:22 AM
this weekend had / has a little light for us...

a guy called... he said he had picked her up a few days ago.. heīs a construction worker and he was doing some jobs in the area.. so he said...(the ad in the paper said where she was lost, breed and color, but he mentioned she had no tags, could be a wild shot but she didnīt had) and also said he was from a nearby town, so that meant he took her down there... we talked.. he asked how much was for the reward...:rolleyes: I wasnīt surprised but I really didnīt cared what his motivations were, but I also didnīt want to give a ramdom number only for him to say "nah, thank you and bye".. so I asked him what he wanted.. he said whatever I wanted... but that he would have his friend bring her over to me but that he had no air time on his cellphone... that if I could send him a few bucks...

by now it sounded a little scammy but I was preocupied thinking what if itīs true.. so I sent him literally a few bucks.. enough for him to call his friend but thatīs it... so in case he was just looking for money Iīd just lost 2-3 dlls aprox... his friend was driving to my moms and supposed to be there by 5pm..

I called him almost at 6 as he hadnīt got there.. he said his friends car broke in the highway... they spoke and got mad at each other.. the friend claimed that he had spent a lot in gas n stuff for this "favor" to him and supposedly went back...I was beyond belief..I thought i lost my chance... but i made it clear Iīd cover all the expenses to drive her over..

we talked later on and he kinda apologized.. but said tomorrow (aka today) he personally would have a trip down there and heīd take her over.. I should call him around 2pm to set up a meeting somewhere to do the "exchange"..

I really want to think he has her... but thereīs the skeptical part of me that keeps wondering.. what if itīs not her, what if he just wanted me to send him minutes for his phone... what if... but the other part the hearty part wants to believe...I really donīt wanna blow up this chance... I really want it to be true...

keep us in your thougths please.. iīve been with butterflies since I got the first call.. i just want this to end and know.. just know whatever it is .. but know...

09-28-2009, 09:44 AM
good luck! I really hope it is her and all goes well, please let us know how everything goes

09-28-2009, 09:45 AM
OMG - we are sooo hoping that this is the real thing.

Prayers all day coming from us, for you and Queeg. :love:

Fingers and paws crossed too. Myndi can hardly wait to hear if her "sister" is finally going to go home where she belongs.

09-28-2009, 09:45 AM
Oh... I hope it's not a scam either.
Just be on the safe side and make sure you have a man or at least a few people with you just in case this guy is a freak.

09-28-2009, 10:22 AM
I sure hope that he does have Queeg...............and it is a good idea for you to have other people with you when you meet him.

Gosh, I would love to have this story have a happy ending for you:love:

09-28-2009, 11:02 AM
Oh Isabel, I really do hope it's her. And please, please do not go alone. Please take, preferrably, a male adult with you.
I will be checking this thread for a wonderful update!! :D

09-28-2009, 11:08 AM
actually itīll be my parents meeting the guy... heīs an older guy but still... if they donīt meet at my parents house theyīll set up somewhere in the middle.. only that Iīm the one calling back and forth with him

I too Iīm hoping itīs her.. but at the same time donīt wanna get my hopes too high... such mixed emotions... Iīm a total wreck... I want time to go faster...

Cinder & Smoke
09-28-2009, 12:26 PM
Hi God ~

We hope You're involved in this ...
Could You hop onna Silver Klowd and *ride along* to the meet-up?

Please let it be Queeq - safe & happy.

We'll send sum Prayers right away.


/s/ the Prayer Pups

09-28-2009, 01:13 PM

You and Queeg are in my thoughts and prayers. Not knowing is the worst feeling ever. I'm glad you're meeting up at your parents house. It's a safer place than waiting for someone you don't know very well in an alley.

I hope and pray it is Queeg and she'll be returned home safe and sound.



09-28-2009, 01:37 PM
Oh my god! I am just reading this as I have been off of PT for a while. I am praying so hart that it is Queeq.

I lit a candle....in hopes of her safe return. http://www.gratefulness.org/candles/candles.cfm?l=eng&gi=pet%20t

09-28-2009, 01:50 PM

I hope with all my heart that he actually has her and she will be returned to you. I want you to be prepared though for the possibility that he is a scam-artist and will keep finding reasons to put this off and will ask you for more money. A year ago, my friends' mom lost her wedding ring. They put an ad in the paper and some guy called and said "I have it". He said he was a trucker and was travelling through the area and some guy in a mall parking lot sold it to him for $75. So...while he'd be more than happy to send it to her, he needed the $75 wired to him first. I was skeptical so I googled the cell phone number he gave her and I found a posting on craigslist where the same number was used and the same story but this was for a lost laptop. Can you google his phone #? Ask him to describe the tattoo on the inside of Queeq's right ear. You will know instantly if he truly has her. I hope and pray he does but I want you to be prepared that he doesn't. I'm so sorry....I hope he does!!!

09-28-2009, 02:29 PM
thank you all..

I know there is a great chance itīs just as scam... but Iīm willing to give the benefit of the doubt... what do i have to loose.. other than getting my heart broken still... I wonīt be handing any money.. unless he has her and hands her over... you give i give...

Iīm aware that he might just wanted to squeeze moeny out of me.. but the 2-3 dlls for th ephone wasnīt thta much of a loss considering the pros...

my stomach is a knot right now.. i feel nauseous (sp?) and all over the place...
just half hour to wait.. or so... canīt wait for this to be over and know.. for better or worse.. but know...

I want to believe.....

09-28-2009, 02:54 PM
I am hopeing it is and that your baby is back with u and ur family

09-28-2009, 05:11 PM
Any news yet, Isabel?

Daisy and Delilah
09-28-2009, 05:19 PM
OMG!! It's got to be Queeq. Isabel, I'm praying for you guys all the time. Please come home, Little Girl!!

09-28-2009, 05:44 PM
Oh man.. I wanna cry.. just got off the phone with him.. we talked a couple hours ago and he said he was on his way.. that he was struggling to get gas on his car.. but heīd probably take the bus... now he said he wasnīt able to get here as he missed the bus.. ()where he lives is a kinda rural area with not much activity so I buyed it).. I offered to go there and picke her up.. itīs a couple hours away though.. he gave me his address butwasnīt sure how to explain me how to get there.. (many of this kinda people know how to get someplace but not give directions so i buyed it again)...

finally he said heīd get the earlier bus tomorrow... at 1pm... I will search his address as cellphones are unlisted but not addreses or so i hope...

if he doesnīt delivers... it probably was a scam all the way from the beginning.. but now i have someplace to go...

and i heard dogs barking in the background.. but sounded mostly as big dogs...

I hope to have better news tomorrow.. this whole weekend and days have turned into hell just waiting...

09-28-2009, 05:50 PM
We're praying that it's not just a scam. That would be such an incredibly cruel thing to do.

Still praying for that PT Miracle and that she'll be back to you soon. :love:

09-28-2009, 05:54 PM
Oh Isabel, I hope this is real. Please be careful. Many prayers for Queeq.

09-28-2009, 06:31 PM
Isabel, you now have supposedly, his cell phone number, his name and address. (supposedly meaning he has given you correct information).

Are you at all familiar with the area that he claims to live in? Could you call that local police station and tell them your story and see if there is anything at all that they could tell you. It seems to me that there is a long delay here in between when he called and said he had your Queeg
and now. He missed the bus? No gas for his car? I am having trouble here with this information and I just don't want to see you harmed or hurt even more than you already have been.

Keep us posted - all of us are praying for you and Queeg.:love::love:

09-28-2009, 07:14 PM
I know where the place is.. but itīs been a looooong while since iīve been there.. itīs an outside of civilizatin kinda town... thatīs why Iīve buyed his excuses.. but yes, i too consider itīs been way too long.. especially if heīs getting payed for everything.. reward plus gas plus toll plus whatever expenses he has...

Iīm not keeping my hopes that high but I donīt wanna blow this light too soon either...

police stations are not really that helpful here.. and regarding pets even less.. Iīll just hope whatever it is it ends tomorrow scam or not.. just end... so i can move forward and not be daydreaming in vane.. but hoping he does has her

Daisy and Delilah
09-28-2009, 08:25 PM
With all the trouble he seems to be having, I hope he has money to feed the dogs. Still praying here in Florida.

Isabel:::I want to tell you that I feel like flying to Mexico to help you kick this guy's butt if it is a scam. Please come home Queeq!!!

09-29-2009, 12:26 PM
Still praying Queeq is returned to you, but in all honesty, this is sounding more & more like a scam. You are smart not to give him any money till you have your dog in hand. Is there any way you can drive to his location instead? I know its a long shot and he probably isn't where he says he is, but you might be able to look around the area and put up more signs? If he really does have her stashed away, maybe a local person will call you and let you know if she has been seen in the area.

09-29-2009, 01:00 PM
If he has her it doesn't sound like a goood situation at all. People with no gas and cars breaking down on the highway, when she's with them? Does the bus even take dogs? I'd find out exactly who he is and where he lives and hunt his house down if it were me.

09-29-2009, 01:17 PM
I feel the same way.. but still wanted to give benefit of the doubt... at least until today...

itīs hard when you are half the country away and esp if where he claims to live is a rural area with practically no communication... really hard.. many poor people live there or not poor but very very scarce resources and little to no technology.. hence I bought the lacking stuff and wrecked cars (very old)...

my hopes are certainly lowering as each day has passed... I just had this dim light ahead and wanted to give every chance for it to be real...

it would be awful to be tricked like this and most like I was... but I am holding the little hope Iīve got on this to pull me through for whatever outcome...it is getting tiring and frustrating...

09-29-2009, 01:45 PM
Oh my dear, I hope, hope, hope and pray that this turns out to be your dog. I am praying for you. What a nightmare. I so hope it is not a scam.

09-29-2009, 03:29 PM
I never thought there was one persona capable of making me this frustrated and beyond POīd as this guy... Iīve never been this PO...:mad:

I called him he said he had this friend (again) that could do the favor but he had no gas either for such trip.. that if i could send him a deposit to cover gas expense.. yeah right.. and i still suck my thumb... I said for him to wait up that Iīll send someone over.. he said ok.. but be quick as Iīll be leaving in the afternoon for a job in another town (he was getting picked up by someone) and Iīll be gone for a few days...

I said ok.. itīs better if I go then so you donīt have to spend a dime on anything yet youīll still get the reward donīt worry... we hanged.. he called back a minute later saying in such mad voice (almost yelling) that how can they trust me if i didnīt sent him or his buddy cell minutes I probably wouldnīt pay if they gave me the dog... i said how can i not.. you ARE giving me the dog.. i canīt give you money like you want because what guarantee do i have that youīll even bring her over and you DO have.. the dog itself... he got madder and madder that if i didnpt trust him he couldnīt trust me either and that I had just today as he was leaving..

I asked and when will you be back.. he said it didnīt mattered as his wife was sick and tired of the dog and that I had until today to get her otherwise he was gonna kick her out to the street... (fumes going out of my head, still not my mouth)..

I went in rush mode and despite the fact it ALL says scam all over thereīs still apart saying what if... maybe itīs the part that believes in fairy tales but i had to do something... I managed to contact a friend of my hubby who lives a little closer and said heīd go over..

I called this freak again and told him to expect someone.. he said they better hurry as he would not wait.. I said why not they ARE on their way and you are getting payed (into my mind.. more than you do in a whole week you piece of sh!t).. and he hung up on me...

needless to say i called the guy doing me the favor and told him to not give him money until certain it was my dog (heīll be calling to be sure) and after i said what they guy told me he said.. donīt worry, weīll get the dog issue fixed first.. then weīll fix him... (meaning asskicking... thank you).. he so deserves it... if he has her, for being such an a$s and if doesnīt, for being such an as$

just thought to let you know...Iīll update as soon as I get a call from whoever..

09-29-2009, 03:38 PM
Oh Isabel, steam is coming out of my ears as I type this:mad:

So do you have any idea if he even has Queeg? Keep us updated....
(((((((((HUGS)))))))))))) and prayers:love:

09-29-2009, 03:53 PM
I only go by what he has said.. I asked if he really has her that I didnīt want to go over only for him to tell me he really didnīt and he said he did had her ... it all kinda points that he doesnīt with his actions but what if he does... (if someone doesnt comes to you to get payed not sure what else will motivate them enough:rolleyes::mad:) and even if itīs not Queeq.. Iīm sorry for whomever dog he has and is treated like that... either way the guy helping me is taking it from him.. one way or the other...

this people have no heart....

I hope to know in about an hour from now...

09-29-2009, 05:12 PM
Wow, this guy is ridiculous!! I really hope it is Queeq and you get her back. But its sounding not very hopeful, to be honest. :(
Either way, I hope this guy gets what's coming to him. And that's NOT money!!!

Please be Queeq so she can come home!!!

09-29-2009, 05:19 PM
I'm praying it IS Queeq. That jerk SOOOO deserves a good ass kicking, one for being such a stupid $%^& and the other for playing on your emotions. I'm glad to hear your friend will take the dog, regardless of whether it is Queeq or not. I'd fear for that dog's life.

Good luck. I'm praying for you!!

09-29-2009, 06:32 PM
no need to say I told you so...

the guy doing me the favor called me and said such address DID exist but it was a candy shop.. adn they didnīt knew the as$... I had given him the phone in case he got lost or didnīt knew how to get there so he called but got no answer... I asked him to knock on nearby houses around the block and ask if they knew him or knew naything about a dog... no luck..

I called the MF and got straight to voice mail... he turned the phone off... I even called the so called friend, the one whoīs car broke down and it was also off, (my guess is he was expecting me to send minutes to both phones as well as gas money) the #$%& was playing all the way... I know revenge is not nice, but this is NOT staying as is... Iīll do whatever I can to track him down.. whatever it takes...

cellphones are unlisted but I HAVE to find a way.. I just HAVE to... he wonīt get away for playing with my emotions that way, even if it sounded as scam... he could have backed off when he knew I was not sending him any money at all.. sorry dude.. you met a wall right there... and soon youīll get what you deserve...

09-29-2009, 06:34 PM
I am so sorry to read this update. I was hoping beyond hope that you would have your dear Queeq home with you. Hugs to you!

09-29-2009, 07:23 PM
Oh, Isabel.....I am so so sorry. I was praying so hard that he did have Queeq. People are so cruel.

I am still sending prayers out in hopes that Queeq comes home to you safely.

(((HUGS))) even though they are not enough right now. :'(

09-29-2009, 08:11 PM
That is just cruel. I'm so sorry about Queeq. He deserves whatever you give him. We're all behind you.

09-29-2009, 09:34 PM
I am so sorry to read this update. :( I'm glad you didn't fall for the scam and send him money. He probably figured you were missing your dog so much (which you ARE) and would do anything. He didn't realize he was messing with one smart lady.

Please do not give up hope that Queeq is out there somewhere. I know I'm not.

09-30-2009, 01:11 AM
that is horrible. That jerk! ugh! I hate people like that and that was just cruel to play someone like that. maybe you could call the police and let them know what he is up to? just a thought

09-30-2009, 01:33 AM
I'm so sorry to hear this:( but I'm glad that you didn't give those scammers any money. I hope you'll be able to track them down. More prayers and positive thoughts are being sent for Queeq's safe return.

09-30-2009, 04:55 AM
I'm sorry Isabel.:( I hope this guy rots in hell.:mad:

09-30-2009, 06:31 AM
Isabel - no one would ever say "I told you so". I don't think there's a person here that wouldn't have done exactly as you did. I know for sure that I would have done the same - even if I thought in the back of my mind - that it could be a scam. I would have had to try......

What a cruel and heartless thing that he has done to you. He is truly a dirt bag, scum of the earth, low life. One day, he'll have to answer for what he did.

In the meantime, keep your hopes alive that you will be reunited with Queeg soon. Never give up....

{{{Hugs}}} and doggie kisses to you from the crew here in Delaware. :love:

09-30-2009, 08:32 AM
thank you guys... I was and still am upset... but yesterday I called him back to give him a piece of my mind... the phone actually was on by then, he picked up and I told him why would he give me that phony address and he said who do you want to speak to?.. i said with you... he said who is this? and i said the person you supposedly have a dog of... and he said I donīt know you i just found this phone on the street... and i said.. come on really? and you think I wouldnīt recognize your voice mr.... and he said I have no clue what you are talking about, stop bothering me... needless to say the rest that came out of my mouth was not PG-13... Iīm pretty sure he didnīt saw that coming... his ears mustīve melted somehow..

but Iīll still figure a way and get back to him... if itīs not me it could have been someone else adn he might keep on doing it.. so I wonīt give up till i track him down...

and I will continue my search for my baby... just praying someone decent has her and returns her...

Cinder & Smoke
09-30-2009, 09:55 AM
but Iīll still figure a way and get back to him...
if itīs not me it could have been someone else adn he might keep on doing it..
so I wonīt give up till i track him down...

Isabel ~

SAVE your energy, money, and sanity ~~ just forget about that scum and
focus you efforts on finding Queeq.

The effort you'll expend on chasing the scum-bag can be much more
productive if spent on the Queeq Hunt.

We're all still WITH you on finding Queeq.

{{{Hugs}}} ;)

09-30-2009, 10:21 AM
I was so angry when it happened to my friend and that was just a ring. I can't imagine what you are feeling with Queeq but I can promise you he never had your dog. He is just a classic scammer. How did he hear of Queeq anyway? The newspaper? From the way he described himself, it's hard to imagine him buying a newspaper. He would have milked every dollar he could have out of you and then disappeared. The "meet up" never would have happened.

These scammers just go through classified ads in the paper and online and call the desperate people and claim to have whatever it is they have lost. It must be their only source of income and they just spend their days calling their victims and trying to arrange for money to be sent to them. In my friends case, he sounded like the nicest guy in the world until she said "just so I don't get my hopes up only to find out that it's not my mothers ring, can you read me the inscription on the inside of the ring"...That's when he said "I just put it in the mail to you"...cursed and hung up. Of course, the ring never came but atleast she knew it wasn't coming.

They prey on the fact that most people will think "what if he DOES have it?" How can I let that go? That's why it's so good to ask them to identify one single part of the item, (whether it exists or not)...my friends ring didn't even have an inscription but the guy had no way to know that. IF he had said "I don't see one, maybe I have the wrong ring" then she would have known he actually had it but he panicked and hung up.

I will continue to pray that Queeq finds her way home to you.

09-30-2009, 10:28 AM
I am so, so sorry that you have had to endure even more pain. Phred is right - this dirtbag doesn't deserve any more of your time or thoughts.

He WILL get his - don't you worry - Karma is strong!

Concentrate on a continued search for Queeg - we are all right here for you saying some prayers

09-30-2009, 12:39 PM
Isabel ~

SAVE your energy, money, and sanity ~~ just forget about that scum and
focus you efforts on finding Queeq.

The effort you'll expend on chasing the scum-bag can be much more
productive if spent on the Queeq Hunt.

We're all still WITH you on finding Queeq.

{{{Hugs}}} ;)

Well said and I agree. I know you are angry Isabel....but you need to be the bigger person and let carma take care of him...cause it will.

Prayers still going out for you and Queeq. Come on girl....get home!!

10-01-2009, 11:11 AM
Well said and I agree. I know you are angry Isabel....but you need to be the bigger person and let carma take care of him...cause it will.

Prayers still going out for you and Queeq. Come on girl....get home!!

I really do hope you find her.

and I agree, Karma WILL take care of him

10-01-2009, 03:14 PM
Still praying for Queeg's safe return, and thinking of you daily, Isabel.:love:

MoonandBeam posted some EXCELLENT advice on scammers, and what to say/do if you come across one. I even learned a lot!:)

Daisy and Delilah
10-01-2009, 08:19 PM
I would love to be there right now and get my hands on that guy. :mad: :mad: :mad:

Isabel, I'm so sorry. I agree with others in saying you did exactly what we all would have done. Any small ray of hope is better than none at all. Phred is right. Forget him. He is a worthless piece of trash. Frankly, he sounds like he's not all there and he could be dangerous.

I am keeping you and Queeq in my thoughts and prayers.

Come home Queeq!!!!!!!

10-06-2009, 01:34 PM
I changed my Pet Talk calendar over the weekend. And there was little Queeq's picture. :D
That gave me hope that she should be home this month!!!

I still think about her every day, and you too Isabel.

10-06-2009, 03:00 PM
I changed my Pet Talk calendar over the weekend. And there was little Queeq's picture. :D
That gave me hope that she should be home this month!!!

I still think about her every day, and you too Isabel.

What a great thought Cindy. Let's pray that it comes true! I too think of Queeg and Isabel every day, and pray for little Queeg's return.

10-06-2009, 03:42 PM
thank you for your continued support.. and yes, I recalled her being featured this month..(mine is packed back home, darn it)...

not a day goes by that I donīt wish that was the day we meet again.. but as things have been moving.. Iīm starting to think that day will never be... Iīm sad beyond sadness, but being realistic itīs been over a month.. if someone has her either they are waaaay incommunicated or just donīt live in the area to notice sheīs a loved missing dog... or they just are determined to keep her...

I really donīt wanna give up.. but it seems everything is against us... I try to stay positive and keep my mind busy.. but everytime I get serious I burst in tears...

10-09-2009, 12:12 AM
I am so sorry......we will keep saying prayers that Queeq returns. I wish there was more we can do to help you.....I am very sorry for the pain you are going through. (((HUGS)))

Pawsitive Thinking
05-05-2010, 09:11 AM
Just checking to see if you got the reading I sent you. Please don't lose hope - she is out there somewhere

05-05-2010, 09:22 AM
Just checking to see if you got the reading I sent you. Please don't lose hope - she is out there somewhere

Iīve been having connection problems and have a hard time accessing my mail.. either in yahoo or hotmail.. not sure why.. I really still have hope.. I dream a lot of finding her very close to home (where she vanished)...

Pawsitive Thinking
05-05-2010, 09:29 AM
Iīve been having connection problems and have a hard time accessing my mail.. either in yahoo or hotmail.. not sure why.. I really still have hope.. I dream a lot of finding her very close to home (where she vanished)...

will pm it to you