View Full Version : Stray cat? Or Has a home.

09-01-2009, 07:25 PM
There is a cat that comes to visit me. I give it food andhe doesn't eat it but he is an awesome hunter catches birds and mice. How do I know if he is a stray? I think he might just visit-but he visits alot. He is very sweet and I don't want to keep him if i don't know he is a stray. How do you tell if a cat is a stray?

09-01-2009, 07:49 PM
Sounds like he may just be visiting if he doesn't eat, or maybe he just hunts so well he's not hungry for cat food. Does he look clean, good weight, taken care of?

09-01-2009, 07:55 PM
No collar? See if you can grab him for a quick visit to your vet to scan him for a microchip. Or you could post flyers with a photo asking, Is This Your Cat?

Now THAT would be an awesome iPod app - Microchip Reader!

Love, Columbine

09-02-2009, 07:44 PM
No collar? See if you can grab him for a quick visit to your vet to scan him for a microchip. Or you could post flyers with a photo asking, Is This Your Cat?

Now THAT would be an awesome iPod app - Microchip Reader!

Love, Columbine

I have to agree with Columbine. Maybe he's lost. Another thing you might consider is call your local shelters, animal control and maybe local vets to see if kitty has been reported missing or lost. Maybe even a small ad in your newspaper under "Found Cat".

Please let us know what happens?

09-02-2009, 08:54 PM
It really can be a bit hard to tell sometimes, when i adopted my Ash over ten years ago, he was in good condition and was neutered, i did put up notes in the neighourhood and no-one came forward , so here we are ten years later.

Ask around the neighbourhood, put out fliers if you can take a pic of him, do some ringing around the shelters etc, anyhow good luck and I hope he does have a good home or is about to get one, with you.:)

09-04-2009, 03:32 PM
I ahve read that if a Cat eats in front of you, then hes someones Cat, as eating in front of people doesnt bother him.
If he waits until you go, then hes a Stray.
But thereare Cats who were once Someones Cats too, and they are the ones that you just cant tell one way or another.
I just keep filling the dishes and they keep on coming.
And we wouldnt have it any other way!!