View Full Version : That darned ductwork!!! LOL!!!

10-03-2002, 01:47 PM
Lil is barking at the inside air conditioning vents...........she can hear the people under the house, but can't see them!!! She's so confused!!! She's just staring at the vents like someone is going to come out of them!!! Hehehe!!!! And Honey is just as bad, only her barking is going on from outside. She has her nose pressed to the crawlspace vents, and she's barking up a "blue breeze" (good ole Southern expression)!!!

My ductwork is being completely replaced today, which means, barking dogs and no airconditioning!!! And it is HOT and HUMID!!!!! How much work do you think I'm getting done today between barks??? None on the telephone, that's for sure!!!!

I will be ready for fall to hurry up and arrive in SC.........or at least for my Air Conditioning to be turned on again!! The guy promised me that he would work hard so that I could have air tonight. The nights aren't really the problem, it's the days!!

Hope it is cooler wherever you all are!!!

Logan, who is sweltering in the heat and going nuts with the barking dogs!! LOL

10-03-2002, 01:50 PM
I know how it feels. Last year, my ducts were replaced and I didn't have air for over a week! In August!!! Hope the repairmen get it done by tonight. And hopefully the dogs will stop barking soon :)

10-03-2002, 01:52 PM
It's hot here too. My air broke last weeke-nd and it was on a Saturday so I had to wait until Monday to get it fixed. I can totally sympathize with you. I hope they get it fixed soon. But hye look on the brighter side, atleast you still have internet and Pet Talk. :)

10-03-2002, 01:54 PM
Oh yes Logan, It is much cooler here. Was 30 above this am so only slight frost. Got the furnace cranked up!

10-03-2002, 01:55 PM
If Lilly and Honey weren't so funny about the whole thing, I'd be more upset!! But watching Lilly barking at the vent has been a hoot all morning.

Right now, they have both given up. Lilly is asleep on the couch and Honey is somewhere in the backyard. At least she is quiet!!! :D

10-03-2002, 02:36 PM
Come on up to New England!! I'm wearing long sleeves & a jacket today...it's quite chilly...around 50 I think.

That's a hoot about the dogs barking at the vents! I can just picture it...them cocking their heads to listen and then barking...:D

10-03-2002, 03:18 PM
I was welcomed with a cold drizzle this morning. In the upper 30s. brrrrrr.... It's creeped up to 55 degrees now. It's overcast and dreary looking.

LOL @ Honey and Lilly. Silly pups. I hope the repairmen didn't mind them.

10-03-2002, 03:54 PM
On the other side...

Yesterday people came by to look at the house I am renting because it's going back on the market. The contractor guy was asking a bunch of questions and asked if the heating system worked well. I said I had never used it and he looked at me like I was crazy.

I was like, "HELLO! We live in San Diego!! It doesn't get THAT cold."
There's a fireplace and lots of blankets... Why do I need to pay up the arse to use the heater in this mild climate? Can you say ENERGY CRISIS??!


10-03-2002, 07:49 PM
If it makes you feel better, I wore a sweatshirt and jeans cuz it was suppose to be turning cool and rainy. It was 90 all day! I roasted! Hope your air is fixed soon.

10-04-2002, 07:28 AM
Yep, I know it was HOT there yesterday, I talked to my mom in Rock Hill, S.C. & she said it was in the 90's & very humid! I feel for you all. Is everything done now, so you can turn it back on? I sure hope so!

Honey & Lilly, you are both silly little girls, I bet you were so cute!

10-04-2002, 07:55 AM
my brother lives in San Diego...when it gets below 70 it's too cold for him and he goes to Mexico for awhile:rolleyes: I would rather be too hot than too cold, Sammi - I don't know how you do it:D