View Full Version : Kids and zoo classes

08-31-2009, 09:13 PM
Have any of you guys done classes like this or taken your kids to them?
I'm curious about taking my boys. My oldest is 4 and I would drop him off and then attend class with my youngest who is 2.

08-31-2009, 09:23 PM
That sounds like such fun!! It is something I would have taken you kids to had I seen this offered. We have done similar things through the years offered by parks department, etc. Hope you give it a try!! You visit the zoo so often anyway and the classes come with admission for the rest of the day:D

09-01-2009, 05:13 AM
I had thought of doing this for nearly 2 years now. My very good friend has done it and her boys liked it okay.

I was at the zoo this summer and saw the 2 young adults (maybe 19ish) with probably 14 kids. WAY too much chaos for me, I just didn't feel like it was supervised enough, for ME. Sadly, there are some real weirdos in this world (I am not referring to the young adults watching the children). I would probably spend the time worrying myself into a tizzy. So, I won't be doing it.