View Full Version : Nikkita off to whitecoats.... UPDATE

08-31-2009, 08:58 PM
Please keep my little girl in your thoughts, my youngest cat Nikki has been a bit off colour for a week now, and i know something is not right, i observe my cats constantly and she is not eating that much, she loves her food normally and she just does not look her usual happy self, i decided to check her mouth and it was stinky, so i am expecting some tooth problems.

I hope there is nothing too major wrong with her, and it can be easily fixed,i have had a little break from vets with the cats, but it seems full on again, and at a very expensive time too with lots of other expenses coming up, still i must get her looked at.

We are taking her tomorrow at 6pm, so wish us luck and that Nikki will be better soon.

Her mother Ellie-Mae still has her ongoing chronic gingivitis, poor wee girl always has horrible red gums,despite her treatment, but she seems to be adapting and eating reasonably well, it is a cruel disease though, must be awful having constant pain in your mouth.

So at the moment i have three cats not eating too well, and my lexie well i cannot stop her eating , she is always sneaking food that she is not allowed.

I never knew just how stressful it is having cats not eating,but i sure do now.

Please send prayers ,positive vibes for my baby girl,thanking you all.

Well i was indeed correct, Nikki has mouth issues, red gums, and one in particular which i saw for myself at home that may require pulling, not sure until they do the dental,she was given an injection of antibiotics and pain relief, i hope to book her in wed next week,she is not eating at all well today, so i guess she might be reacting to the medication.

The biggest concern here is that the chronic gingivitis that her mother Ellie has could well be genetic, we have to hope and pray NOT, please please pray that Nikki is not going to inherit this awful painful.cruel condition.

Will keep you all posted how the dental goes when i get it done, of course i hate my girl going for it, but it has to be done, so stressful for her, she wet the cage last night with stress, as she had just been minutes before we left, poor wee girl.

Dental is around 235 all up with a 40 dollar discount as it is dental month at the practice, thank goodness, but i do see they are now charging a 25 dollar theatre fee, i wonder if that is because the whole place has been upgraded, usually the cost gets passed on to the clients doesn't it?

Still i am not complaining, all the better for the animals to have everything top notch,this was the last thing i needed another bill this month, but that is life.

08-31-2009, 09:48 PM
I hope it is just a tooth and that is an easy (although not cheap) fix. I know how stressful it is when kitties do not want to eat. I went through it with Taz and am experiencing it a little with our visitor kitty, G, right now.

I will be thinking of Nikkita.

08-31-2009, 09:48 PM
Big prayers for Nikkita!

09-01-2009, 05:11 AM
Prayers for Nikkita.

09-01-2009, 06:24 AM
Prayers for Nikkie for sure that it's nothing serious and can be easily remedied. :love:

Pinot's Mom
09-01-2009, 10:33 AM
Prayers from MD for Nikki!

09-01-2009, 11:39 AM
Prayers for little Nikkita, I hope it's nothing serious...

09-01-2009, 01:42 PM
Prayers and love and good wishes to Nikkita. :love::love::love::love::love::love::love:

09-01-2009, 02:18 PM
Sending best thoughts to little Nikkita. This sounds like tooth problems. It sure has a genetic component.

09-01-2009, 03:57 PM
Thinking good thought and sending them Nikkita's way.:love:

09-01-2009, 04:23 PM
The Found Cats , Porch Cats , Saved Cats and Our Animal Angels are all sending prayers for Little Nikkita, that your white coat can make her feel better and Nikkita can get her appetite back!!!!
Theres nothing worse for when Our Cats wont eat, and the food goes untouched.:eek::eek:

09-01-2009, 05:31 PM
Thank you my friends, Nikki looked much better today, seemed her bright self and ate rather well, typical soon as you book an appointment they pick up, she is still going though as i know it is only temporary and something is not right with my girl, i sure hope it is not going to be anything too serious or requiring big bucks, as we are struggling so much right now, i am hoping it is not a genetic thing like Ellie with the chronic gingivitis either, that i could not take.

My stress levels are very high right now with the worry,so i will be relieved just to get her looked at and hopefully we can sort the problem out promptly.

I have looked more at her mouth although i cannot see right at the back where the real problem might be, there is one little tooth which has very bright red gum, so looks like a dental is going to be in order, i really cannot keep up with all the cats and their dentals, have not been able to go see a dentist in a while myself ,too busy getting my babies seen too,still i cannot bear them to be in pain.

Will let you all know how tonight goes.,keep those prayers and good thoughts a coming, we need it, thanks.