View Full Version : Butchart Gardens and castles in Victoria, BC

08-31-2009, 03:55 PM
Before I get to the gardens and castles there are a couple of pictures I'd like to share of Victoria.
The Empress Hotel (we did not go inside)

Parliment building during the day.

And at night. They are blurring. I was far away from it.

I always tried to get pictures of any animals I could, so I could not walk past these horses again without getting a picture.

These statues were all around the town. We had something similar in Tahoe but they were bears all dressed up differently. This was my favorite statue in Victoria.

Now we're off to the castles!
The first one is Craigdarroch. It was built in 1857 and was owned by Robert Dunsmuir.




Continued in next post.............

08-31-2009, 04:06 PM

This seemed very out of place for the castle.

I just loved this dress. Sometimes I wish I lived back then because the way they dressed. But then again, I'm glad I didn't...because of the way they dressed.

This is the tower floor.

And a window in the tower.

And the chandelier hanging in the tower.

The next four pictures are of Hatley Castle. Which was owned by the son of Robert Dunsmuir, I believe his name was James.
We did not get to tour the inside of this castle because the Prime Minister was there. In fact we were asked to leave the garden for an hour too. So we left the grounds completely.




Butchart Gardens coming up............

08-31-2009, 04:21 PM
Now on to Butchart Gardens. Bruce was not thrilled with the idea of going. But since so many people had suggested that we go he gave in and went. After he was surprised at how much he enjoyed it.
On the way in there is a sign with poop bags for dogs. I just loved the sign and had to take a picture to share here.

So the rest I'll just post without too many comments.









More to come....

08-31-2009, 04:26 PM




This is my favorite!!






Well, that's it! We took about 400 more pictures than this.
Thanks for looking, if you made it this far. hee hee

08-31-2009, 07:34 PM
What beautiful pictures, and what a beautiful city! Thank you.

08-31-2009, 07:37 PM
:eek:When were you in Victoria?? I'm only a ferry ride away! Would love to have met you in furrson.

08-31-2009, 07:41 PM
Those are gorgeous pictures. Victoria is such a beautiful city. Pretty handy with a camera, I noticed you even captured the bee on the flower.

08-31-2009, 08:27 PM
Your flower pictures remind me of the pictures I took at Monet's house in France. I'll have to tell my sister about those castles. She and her husband love castles.

08-31-2009, 08:28 PM
Great pictures!! Thanks for sharing!

08-31-2009, 08:40 PM
:eek:When were you in Victoria?? I'm only a ferry ride away! Would love to have met you in furrson.

We were in Victoria August 3rd and left August 6th. I mentioned it to you when we spoke on the phone but you had to work. You probably don't remember because you were pretty stressed out with Max. I would have loved to meet you too. Maybe someday we will get to meet. We really need to have a West Coast meeting somewhere.

08-31-2009, 08:43 PM
Those are gorgeous pictures. Victoria is such a beautiful city. Pretty handy with a camera, I noticed you even captured the bee on the flower.

Ahh, someone noticed. I was going to point it out. The bee is blurry though. :( And I am not handy with the camera. It's called luck! I only have a cheapo point and shoot camera. I really thought most of these pictures would be blurry because I was holding the camera out with one hand and when I pressed the button I thought the camera moved. But many of them came out perfect. I especially like the ones where you can see the water drops on the petals. Oh, I just looked back and the only one you can see water drops on is the pink/white one. Oh well, there were many more. LOL

09-01-2009, 12:25 AM
We were in Victoria August 3rd and left August 6th. I mentioned it to you when we spoke on the phone but you had to work. You probably don't remember because you were pretty stressed out with Max. I would have loved to meet you too. Maybe someday we will get to meet. We really need to have a West Coast meeting somewhere.:(:( So sorry, yes I was kind of stressed out and I did have to work - but my short term memory is not what it should be. One fine day.

09-01-2009, 01:06 AM
We were in Victoria August 3rd and left August 6th. I mentioned it to you when we spoke on the phone but you had to work. You probably don't remember because you were pretty stressed out with Max. I would have loved to meet you too. Maybe someday we will get to meet. We really need to have a West Coast meeting somewhere.

I agree!! I am not far from Victoria either, and LOVE the city. I go there often for a mini staycation since I have accomodations there! It is also my birth town, as well as my dad's and my grandmother's! It holds a special place in my heart :)

09-01-2009, 03:06 AM
Oh this wakes wonderful memories of when I was in Victoria about 10 years ago. I loved Butchart gardens- but I have been there earlier in the year so there is a wonderful note of autumn in the air now in your pictures.
And I remember Craigdarroch castle- more medieval than the middle ages ever were ;)
I never saw the parliament building with all the lights- I wonder whether they did that ten years ago- it looks fantastic.
What I remember very well is the Royal BC museum which I loved. :) Victoria is a wonderful place.

09-01-2009, 05:04 AM
It is lovely! Beautiful pictures! :)

09-01-2009, 06:21 AM
Oh boy Cindy, that is definitely the era I would love to have lived! I love the architecture, the clothes, the manner, everything! And castles yet! You did a wonderful job at taking pix, too, better than any I could've taken. It looks like you had a wonderful vacation and on a motorcycle yet. How lucky can a gal get?! :)

09-01-2009, 10:51 AM
:eek: WoW all is so Breathtaken with Beauty.. Looks to have been a very enjoyable time.. great pics thanks

Daisy and Delilah
09-01-2009, 10:51 AM
I am so impressed with this trip, I don't know what to say!! Awesome pictures. How romantic was this adventure? So cool. You are a very lucky girl. Your husband must be a wonderful guy. I think it's really good that you took so many pictures. You'll never forget it.:)

09-01-2009, 02:12 PM
How beautiful! I'm so glad your sharing your pictures, now I can take a trip and never have to leave the house;)