View Full Version : Need URGENT help with work!!

08-31-2009, 03:13 PM
We just uploaded a new firmware for one of our products & for an unknown reason 2 of us (1 customer + me) are unable to unzip the folders.

If anyone is willing to test the unzipingness & tell me what OS you are running I'd GREATLY appreciate it. I'm trying to narrow this issue down before I get hundreds of support emails. I'm only 1 human being & can't handle more! :eek:

There is NO .exe, spyware, virus, auto run anything in the folder. It's 2 files, a .bin (totally useless unless you have our product that can use it) & a .txt read me file (its a terrible read, spare yourself! LOL).

Here is the download URL

When it's been downloaded all you need to do it right click on the folder & select Extract All, & tell me if it does or doesn't work + what OS your using.

So far it works on
1x Win7 (my home PC)
2x XP (here at the office)
1x Vista Ultimate (my buddy up north)

Fails on
1x (type unknown.. I totally forgot to ask)
1x Vista Business (me)

*screaming in panic* :( :( :(

08-31-2009, 03:28 PM
Don't know if it will help, but Google for 7zip and download that. It's freeware!

ETA - I just tried it. Contact the supplier right away - it is very possible someone zipped the wrong stuff! I got a .bin and text doc also.

08-31-2009, 03:48 PM
Don't know if it will help, but Google for 7zip and download that. It's freeware!

ETA - I just tried it. Contact the supplier right away - it is very possible someone zipped the wrong stuff! I got a .bin and text doc also.

Supplier = my Company
It's suppose to have those 2 files in it. So you can get it to unzip. Thats a good thing!

I can unzip folders just fine, except this one *kicks it*...
Do you think it was zipped with a more advanced zip program?
I'll mention that to the guy who uploaded it. I hope he didn't use some fancy smancy program, as most of my customers don't use programs outside of what comes with their PC.